Chapter 28

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She had come out to get some coffee from a nearby shop.
It was very exclusive and discreet, hence many celebrities in the vicinity tended to go there.
The prices were quite high which kept away most of the general public and it was also rather unappealing from the outside.

Plain gray walls and a black roof with a single mediocre-looking display board carrying the name of the shop.
Not the kind of place people would be attracted to.

Anyone who entered the shop would be met with a counter where the menu and prices were available.

This is where most people changed their minds and left after seeing the ridiculous yet obstinate numbers.

However if anyone was rich or adventurous enough to venture ahead, they would be guided into a very classy looking area which seemed like the meeting point of past and present.

The walls were painted cappuccino and blended in with dark wood.
A chandelier was fixed at the very middle, beautifully illuminating the large room.
But the furniture, light fixtures and decor were of modern style, giving off a sleek and elegant appearance.
As a whole, it was quite the luxurious cafe.

They had finished most of their promotional work for their new album and today was a welcoming free day after weeks of rushing here and there.

She had come with Nayeon who was pretending to go through the menu even though she always ordered the same Grapefruit-Ade.
Jeongyeon was torn between hot chocolate and iced americano.

"What should I choose?" she thought out loud.

"I would say hot chocolate cause it's raining outside " answered Nayeon after looking at her two choices.

"You are getting a cold drink though.."

"What can I say, I'm addicted to it. But you don't have to suffer like me" said Nayeon dramatically, pushing strands of black hair off her shoulder.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I'm gonna go with hot chocolate then."

A waiter arrived at their table and they both placed their orders and returned the menu cards.

Then a new piece of art on the wall suddenly caught her attention.

"Oh my god look! That's so pretty!" she pointed at a wall behind Nayeon, who turned around to look.

"It is" she agreed looking impressed.

The both of them abandoned their table temporarily and headed over to the painting, Jeongyeon leading the way.
However before she could reach it she caught a glimpse of a familiar face which stopped her dead in her tracks.
She turned back around in a hurry and walked straight into Nayeon, their heads colliding painfully.

"Ouch! What the fuck. Watch where you're going doofus!" hissed Nayeon, rubbing her forehead.

Jeongyeon didn't even care about the pain coursing through her frontal lobe.
She wanted to get out of sight.

"Um...let's go back" she said hurriedly to Nayeon, grabbing her by the arm.

A few other customers who were sitting close by glanced at their strange behaviour but seemed to mind their own business.

"What, why??" questioned Nayeon as Jeongyeon forcefully sat her down at their table and took a seat herself.

Nayeon opened her mouth again looking annoyed but then she glanced at the entrance and realisation hit her face.

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