Chapter 15

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She was waiting backstage with her bandmates till it was time for their introductory interview at Music Bank.
They were going to perform their latest lead track "Knock Knock " from their special album 'Twicecoaster: Lane 2'.

She was listening to music on her phone before it had to be handed over to their manager.

A sudden 'Ding Dong' interrupted her song midway and she looked at her screen to see who had texted her.


She was hesitant but ended opening the message anyway.


"I know it's only been like one day
but I just wanted to know if you thought about what I said?
I hope I'm not freaking you out.😅"

She resumed listening to her song.

She didn't know how to reply to that just yet but somehow it lifted her mood.

There came a sense of empowerment and self worth knowing someone was genuinely interested in her and was willing enough to chase her for it.

She suddenly felt confident.

She would be encountering Jimin in a few minutes, which would've normally made her nervous but this time she put her food down.

"Screw him" she thought, "I'm gonna be myself today."
She smiled to herself.

Both groups stood side by side till the camera crew made the final checks.

Jeongyeon stood in the front row with Nayeon and Dahyun on either side of her.

She glanced to her left to see Jimin, Namjoon and Seokjin occupying the front row for BTS.

"Why are you so happy?" Nayeon whispered in her ear, taking in her unusually cheerful demeanor.

"This is how I always am" she shrugged.

"Yeah...okay" said Nayeon throwing her a weird look.

The cameramen signalled the start of recording.
The two MC's positioned themselves in front of the two groups.
Her vision was obscured by the two brown-haired women.

"Hello I'm Hong Jinyoung!" said the short haired women in a tight fitting dress, introducing herself to the audience.
"And I'm Yae-Eun from CLC!" said the long haired girl next to her.

Jeongyeon watched as they first interviewed BTS, specifically Seokjin and Namjoon who introduced their new track 'Spring Day' as a song written about longing for a friend.

She personally loved the song and thought it was a masterpiece.
She had listened to the song so many times already and it was turning into one of her favourites.

The MC then asked BTS to sing a snippet of it.

Out of nowhere she suddenly felt like singing along with them.

"Oh ho ho...I even have a mic with me!" she thought suddenly realising the presence of the object in her hand.

And so with no second thoughts she started hyping Jimin, Namjoon and Jungkook who held the mics and had started singing Spring Day.

She later realized that she may have been a tad bit delirious during this moment.

She could sense Dahyun and Nayeon eyeing her weirdly.

She had MC'd a few times before and she was always very energetic and bubbly during them but this was a different situation.

"Bogo shipdaaaa.." sang the boys, ending their short snippet.

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