Chapter 6

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He was sitting on the hardwood floors , watching Hoseok dance.
It was fascinating and empowering to watch. His body was drenched in sweat and so was his face but his expressions didn't seem the least bit worn out. He was in his game. His limbs moved like water and his body was the beat. Jung Hoseok was truly a dance prodigy.

They had been preparing relentlessly for their several performances in the upcoming award shows.
Their MAMA performance would definitely be the biggest, in which Jimin and Hoseok would be dancing together to a remix of Boy Meets Evil and Lie.
Hoseok also had another solo stage in January for the SMA's.
On top of that Jimin had attended practice sessions every week for the collab stage at the SBS Gayo Dejun.

Right then he and Hoseok were finishing off their duet practice for the day, so they could join the others for the MMA practice session.

The months since their album release had been absolutely exhausting. They had to practice for one performance after the other, none of which were the same. They spent a good 12 to 14 hours in practice rooms, which left them hardly any time to do anything else.

However it felt more rewarding than it ever had. People were finally starting to take them seriously and they could feel their fanbase grow day by day. The fandom was almost like an invisible spirit, a powerful energy that put them back on their feet whenever they fell down. And so they kept going, they did it for their fans. For the people who were comforted by them.

Hoseok had finished when a familiar voice came bursting into the room.


It was Jungkook. He immediately broke into a smile. He absolutely adored Jungkook. Not being able to see his siblings more than once or twice an year, his members had become his brothers and Jungkook was the one he coddled the most. Jimin was always cuddling and clinging onto him to the point where it looked rather gay.

The rest of the members walked in behind him, all geared up for their next practice session. However seeing Hoseok and Jimin their faces immediately took on looks of concern.

"We should wait half an hour so Jimin and Hobi can rest" suggested Namjoon.
The rest of the members also agreed and so their dance instructor declared a 30 minute break.

Jimin made his way to the corner of the room and sunk into a foldable chair.
Jungkook's hand appeared in front of his face with his phone in it.
"You left it in the other room and Seulgi messaged like 50 times" smirked Jungkook handing over the phone.

Jungkook and Taehyung were specially on quite close terms with Red Velvet. Taehyung being the social butterfly he was and Jungkook having sprouted a cute friendship with Yeri, the youngest and friendliest member of the girl group. Even though no one really brought it up, the other members had a feeling that Jungkook and Yeri would be more than friends in the future.

Since the day they had exchanged numbers, Jimin had been texting Seulgi quite regularly. However these days even the smallest conversations were stretched out because he was too busy to maintain a continuous flow.

Sure enough when he checked his phone there were 11 notifications from Seulgi alone. He chuckled. Several of them were the continuation of a conversation they had started in the morning, about pole dancing...he wasn't quite sure how they had gotten there.

The rest were good-luck wishes for his practice sessions. He was still content with casual friendly conversations such as these and the occasional flirting. He didn't want to freak her out by being too bold.

He was so immersed in his conversation with Seulgi that he didn't notice the chaos in the room till a rubber ball came and knocked on his knee.
He looked up to see Jungkook and Seokjin wrestling on the floor, a bunch of rubber balls squished beneath them. It seemed like Yoongi had lost some sort of bet or accepted a dare from Taehyung because he was full on twerking, with Taehyung and Namjoon laughing their heads off and cheering. Hoseok was sitting in the opposite corner to Jimin, watching the members with a smile on his face.
Random staff members stood here and there, some watching in amusement, others carrying on with their work as this was nothing new.

Jimin was laughing watching them when he got a text from the dance director of the collab stage for SBS.
She was asking him to come the next day for practice. He didn't really mind, even though it was tiring. Dancing was his passion and it was a nice change to dance with people other than his bandmates.

The other participants were quite friendly, most of them coming from junior groups. He only wished that Seulgi had joined them too, he didn't understand why she wasn't there given the fact that she was an excellent dancer.
He assumed it was perhaps because her official schedule clashed with the practise sessions.

Sometimes other members also showed up to support, like Namjoon and Taehyung had once gone with him and cheered in the audience.

Among the crowd, other members of Twice were noticeably frequent visitors and Jimin had noticed that they were a very closely knit group. He had counted all the members of Twice to show up with the exception of one member.

He had wondered why. For some reason beyond his comprehension, he felt annoyed at the fact that Jeongyeon had never visited the SBS practice sessions.

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