Chapter 8

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They had won!

He was still trying to process it as they all made their way backstage with their first Daesang ever. Three years...after three years of hard work they had finally done it.
They had spent so much energy on this album.
They had tried so many new genres and styles and it had paid off.

Jimin knew both themselves and the awarding body would receive backlash for this but at that moment he was too overwhelmed with happiness, as he clung on to his bandmates.

The industry was run by a selective few and it was run according to their rules. BTS had just disrupted that flow and it was both exhilarating and terrifying.

All seven of them entered their small dressing room with tear stained faces and were immediately engulfed in hugs by an equally emotional staff.
It was the best night of their career and Jimin knew he would cherish that moment forever.

Jimin and Taehyung both stared into the big bathroom mirror as they tried to get rid of the tear stains without damaging too much of their makeup.
They weren't having much luck.

"Wait so..." Taehyung said turning to Jimin "that actually happened..we actually won? I'm not dreaming right?"

Jimin laughed and tackled Taehyung in a hug. It felt unbelievable being able to share that moment with his soulmate.

They both made their way outside the bathroom together, giggling like idiots.

A dark haired girl stood in front as if she had been waiting for them.
"Hey" she smiled widely.
"Hey!" Taehyung and Jimin answered in unison.


"Thanks" said Taehyung grinning, "we weren't really expecting it"

"No kidding" laughed Seulgi, "You should've seen your faces when they announced the winner".
They made small talk for a few minutes before Taehyung cleared his throat.

"So er..." he said, quickly glancing at Jimin, "I promised I would meet Baekhyun guys keep talking "
He walked away but not before throwing Jimin an exaggerated wink behind Seulgi's back.

Jimin shifted his legs nervously. This was the first time he was meeting Seulgi in person after close to a month. He definitely felt like they were much closer but he was still hesitant to make a move.

He suddenly looked around, realising that he was in a very public area where any random person could walk in any minute. BTS were very careful not to get themselves involved in dating rumours. It was the last thing they needed.

But his head went a little blank as he turned back to Seulgi and found her beautiful brown eyes pouring into his.
He didn't realise he was staring until Seulgi blushed and asked whether she had something on her face.

He felt his cheeks grow warm.
" just look really pretty "
Seulgi blushed even more.
Eventually they succeeded in starting a normal conversation which lasted about ten minutes, as they both had to get back to their seats.

"'ll see you later" said Seulgi and before he could react she stood on her toes and planted a light kiss on his cheek.

Then she quickly ran down the corridor as if her life depended on it. Jimin stared after her with his mouth wide open.


All nine members of Twice were wrapped in a group hug in their dressing room as they celebrated their victory.

They had won Song of the Year for 'Cheer up' and it was very exciting as they had only just completed an year as a group.

Nayeon and Sana had tears streaming down their faces and their leader Jihyo took her time to hug each member individually.

Jeongyeon stood in the middle of the room, staring in awe at the award in her hands. "We worked really hard. We deserve this" she thought happily.

Jeongyeon was walking back to her dressing room from the bathroom after relieving herself.
She was passing the common area near the gents' bathroom when she heard a familiar voice.


Normally she would've just passed by without looking but hearing his voice, her curiosity got the better of her.
She peeped into to see Jimin talking with Seulgi of Red Velvet.

It looked rather intimate and she felt awkward watching them, as if she was trespassing on something very private.
At that moment she understood something as she noticed their flirty smiles and warm cheeks. She internally cursed at herself.

"He was always hanging out with her, during every comeback show. Why didn't I realise"

She turned away from them and hurried back to their dressing room.

Her mind was whirling in a mixture of emotions. Hurt, a little sadness and disappointment, even though she wasn't sure if it was directed at him or herself.

She met Nayeon just as she entered the room, trying to compose herself.

"What's wrong?" asked Nayeon immediately.
She forced a smile. "Nothing ", she shrugged, "I'm happy"

Maybe Nayeon sensed her vulnerable mood because even though she slightly narrowed her eyes, she didn't inquire any further.


Thanks for reading 😁
My updates are quite irregular, don't mind me😅

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