Chapter 22

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"Oh wow I can't believe it's 2018!!" she thought.

She was at yet another award show.
The months of November, December and January were always busy for a kpop idol due all the award shows primarily falling during those months.

This time had been no different.
Even the last day of 2017 she had spent at such an award show.
However afterwards her and the members had skipped the after party and gone back to their dorm to have a more private celebration just among themselves.

She had called her parents through Skype and spent the whole night talking with them.
One of the hardest parts of the idol life was definitely having to be away from your family for the majority of the year.
She missed her parents and sisters so much and she had promised to meet them as soon as she was free.
She was getting more and more attached to her two pet dogs whom she occasionally kept at the dorm, just because they reminded her of home and gave her comfort.

She walked along hand in hand with Mina as they wondered along the stage,waving at the fans. Silver strands fell from the ceiling in celebration of the event, and she gathered some up excitedly.
In the distance she spotted Jimin talking with Sungwoon.
Jimin looked absolutely adorable.


From his outfit to his hair to his big round eyes...everything made her want to squish his face.
She looked away from him and fixed the silver strands on her face.
Somehow they stuck.
Now it looked like she was crying silver.

Nayeon joined them and all three of them walked along, occasionally moving closer to the crowd to talk with fans.
Jeongyeon felt her face stretch into a smile everytime she made eye contact with a fan. They were like a source of energy and happiness.

"Oh my god!" squealed Nayeon, "He looks so cute!."

Jeongyeon trailed the path of her eyes and realized she was talking about Jimin.
She made no comment and continued to play with the silver strands.

"I need to squish his cheeks and put him in my pocket" announced Nayeon, her hands on her hips.

Mina laughed.

Then she saw Nayeon throw her a glance sideways.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking "

She felt her face grow warm.

"Why would I be worried?"

Nayeon shrugged.

"You tell me"

She felt the irritation build up in her.

"Will you stop...he literally has a girlfriend. You're being weird " she hissed in Nayeon's ear.

Nayeon looked at her and bit her lip. She seemed to be contemplating something. This made her even more irritated.

"What?" she questioned.

Mina seemed to have grown tired with their bickering. She had joined Tzuyu in walking around the stage.

"Well..." started Nayeon dragging the syllable.

"You're being annoying!" she informed her impatiently.

"What the hell was she getting at."

"Ok it's not a big secret. I just didn't know if I should tell you or not" started Nayeon.


"Well...Seulgi and Jimin aren't together anymore."

Her mind went blank.

"Oh" was all she could manage.

"How do you know?" she asked regaining her sense of speech.

"Seulgi mentioned it"

"Oh...well...whatever" she said nonchalantly although she knew Nayeon probably wasn't fooled.
Her mind was taking time processing this new information.

"Okay.." shrugged Nayeon with a smirk.
They followed the rest of their members around the stage.

After the ceremony they all walked backstage as usual.
Halfway along the corridor a familiar voice called her. It was Ha Sungwoon.
And with him was Jimin.

She felt her heartbeat accelerate automatically at the sight of him.

"Not again..."

As they walked closer, she tightened her hand around Nayeon's arm and pushed her in front.
Nayeon threw her a dirty look.

"Why are you crying silver?" asked Sungwoon with a chuckle as they stood right in front of her.
She hadn't realized she still had the strands sticking on her face.
She hurriedly took them off, blushing.

She noticed Jimin's lips curl up in a cute little smile.

"Are you guys staying afterwards or...?" asked Sungwoon, mostly addressing her.
She felt Jimin's eyes on her.
She shifted behind Nayeon nervously.

"Um....", she glanced at Nayeon, "probably not?"

"Oh that's too bad. Neither of you guys are coming." He slapped Jimin's back.

"BTS hasn't been to an after party since 2015" he informed Nayeon and her with a smirk.

"We throw our own party" answered Jimin with a smile.
Then for some reason his gaze landed directly on her.
She felt like her face was in flames.

"Why does he still have this effect on me??"

She looked away, breaking the sudden eye contact.
He noticed Sungwoon study her quizzically. Then his eyes travelled to Jimin and back to her.
She was beginning to feel more and more uneasy , even though Sungwoon was a good friend she was usually perfectly comfortable with.

She squeezed Nayeon's arm and to her relief, Nayeon took the hint.

"Ok guys, we need to go. Busy day tomorrow." Nayeon said with a smile, being the social butterfly she was.

"Oh what do you have tomorrow?" asked Jimin taking her by surprise.


Somehow they managed to get rid of the two boys and they made their way back to their common dressing room.
She felt herself calming down.
Nayeon was rubbing her arm.

"You cut off my blood supply "

Jeongyeon smiled sheepishly.


"That was super awkward sis" said Nayeon raising an eyebrow, "is that how it always is when you two are in the same room?"

She felt herself blush.

"It wasn't that's just because I don't know him well."

"Please", Nayeon laughed, "you could've cut the sexual tension with a knife!"

She was pretty sure her face was as red as a tomato now.

"Shut up! It wasn't sexual tension!"

Just then Sana came peeping in, a derpy smile on her face.

"Did someone say sexual tension?!"

For the next 30 minutes Sana and Nayeon took turns teasing her till their manager came and asked them to join the rest of the members.


Thanks for reading 😊

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