Chapter 5

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I was dreaming of a tall and handsome guy going on a date with me. We did loads of fun things and as the date came to end, he dropped me off at my house and was slowly leaning in, closing the space between us. He leaned in closer and closer and finally he ki-

Something soft hit my face hard.

My eyes shot open to see who was cruel enough to disturb such a gorgeous dream and saw Brandon on my bed holding a pillow in his hands.

"What was that for?! I was having the perfect dream and you pea-head had to ruin it!" I glared at him.

"We're gonna be late for school idiot. Get up. I'm gonna make breakfast." He got down from the mattress and gave me one last threatening look before heading downstairs. I groaned and straightened up. There was no way I could go back to a peaceful sleep after that impact on my face.

I brushed my teeth and put on a shirt and a pair of jeans as I always did and went to the kitchen. I was looking forward to have a fancy breakfast consisting of pancakes or bacon and eggs like in the movies but all I could see was two bowls of milk and a box of cereal next to them.

"Breakfast is ready!" Brandon said enthusiastically.

"It sure is. You must be really tired after pouring milk into two bowls." I sat down at the table and set aside my backpack. The guy joined me shortly with a scowl on his face.

We hastily swallowed down the cereal and strolled to school as usual. Brandon and I put our bags in the lockers and I turned to go to the class but stopped midway when I realized Brandon wasn't walking with me. I turned to him with a quizzical look.

"I uh...I'm waiting for Tina. She said she'll walk with me to class. You go ahead." He muttered, cheeks turned pink. Sure I was a bit hurt that my best friend ditched me for some other girl but it's his crush and I didn't want to be the villain in their love story.

Someone grabbed my shoulders suddenly and whirled me around. It was Zayn. He spared a glance at Brandon and looked at me again. I think he understood what had happened.

"Let's go to the class together. I'm too bored to walk alone." He nudged me to go with him and I chuckled. He was not in my class but was only two rooms away from it so I agreed to the obvious excuse he used to help me out. 

He was whining about the dinner party the previous night making me laugh. Though we made it to the class just in time he had to hurriedly wave me goodbye and run to his own class at the sound of the bell. I took my seat and waited till Brandon came. It took another five minutes for him and Tina to enter class before they excused the teacher and took their seats.

"What took you so long?" I whispered to Brandon.

"We were talking and didn't feel time pass." He answered in a low voice. "Oh and our experiment begins today. I'll meet you at your house three in the evening. Got it?"

"What am I supposed to do then?"

"You'll see. Be prepared for anything."

"Brandon and Kara, I'd like for you to stop whispering in the class please. If you have something to tell, share it with the whole class." Mr. Wood frowned. "I won't repeat myself. Next will be detention, both of you." He warned pointing a finger at us.

"Yes sir. Sorry." I apologized and concentrated on the lesson.

The morning periods went by and it was finally lunch time. I put my books into the locker and waited for Brandon to come. After a few minutes I received a text message from him.

- I'm with Tina on the rooftop. Don't wait for me and get your lunch

I rolled my eyes and walked to the cafeteria lazily. I was actually mad at Tina for stealing Brandon away from me since the day she came here but it's his choice anyways. That made me wanted to hate him too but he was my best friend after all. 

I picked whatever from the lunch lady and went to an empty table. I didn't have much of an appetite without anyone to even talk to so I just stared at the food tray and played with the cherry tomatoes in the salad.

"Mind if I join?" Someone asked me and I didn't even look up before answering.

"Yeah sur- Zayn!!" I beamed.

Wait, he always eats with his team members. I've never seen him eat anywhere else other than the table that was reserved for the basketball team. What's he doing here?

I turned my head to the 'basketball table', as the students called it, and saw Zayn's team members chatting and playing games.

"Why aren't you there?" I asked, slightly pointing to his team members who were now throwing paper balls around the cafeteria as usual.

"I saw you eating alone here and thought you might need some company." He said.

"Yeah but it's okay Zayn. You can join your friends." I smiled.

"You are my friend so it's basically the same thing. If you're gonna say something like that again I'm gonna shove those greens down your throat in one go." Zayn signaled at my pile of greens which I had set aside. I hated greens more than anything so his threat shut me up instantly.

"Where's you best friend now?" He asked with a sort of annoyance in his tone.

"He's with Tina." I replied shortly not wanting to be angered or anything.

"I seriously can't understand Brandon. I mean sure he's got a girl but he shouldn't dump his best friend." Zayn exclaimed. I couldn't help but note the truth in his remark.

"But he's actually a really good friend despite some of his idiotic phases." I defended my best friend while the memories of how he got worried the previous day because I was home alone flooded in my mind.

"A good best friend should never treat you like that." Zayn said. "Don't worry Kara, I won't dump you for anything else." His expression softened as he looked at me fondly.

'I won't dump you for anything else'

Why does it feel like he meant something else? Why do I feel flustered hearing that?

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