Chapter 14

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It was already morning. My alarm was screaming again and the only reason I didn't throw it out of the window was because it's my phone.

I brushed my teeth and showered before going to closet to pick an outfit for the day. As always it consisted of a pair of jeans and a top. I fetched my backpack from the study table and went downstairs to get my breakfast which was an apple.

"Are you going with Brandon?" Mom asked me after greeting a good morning.

"I dunno he didn't say anything."

*Ding dong*

"I guess he's the type to just do it." Mom remarked with a smile as I opened the door to a widely grinning Brandon.

"Good morning! Ready?"

"Yeah give me a second."

I excused myself to run back to the kitchen and place mom's goodbye kiss on the cheek. Dad wasn't in the living room so he must've been sleeping after the long ride the previous day. 

Brandon and I started our walk to school as usual while talking about some new action movies. It was onto evolution of Spider-man when we reached our class with the books of the first four periods clutched in our hands as usual. I was surprised but became internally happy when Brandon didn't wait for Tina to walk to the class.

"Why didn't you wait for Tina today? Did you two end up fighting somehow?" I popped the question when the curiosity got the best of me as I sat on my seat.

"Nah I just wanted to spend some time with you. It's been kind of long since we hung out without those experiments and I'm sorry for that."

"Wow so you do have a brain!" I clasped a hand over my mouth dramatically making my best friend roll his eyes in annoyance. "Anyway thank god you noticed 'cause I w-"

"Hi Branny!!!"

The high pitched voice I've been dreading to hear cut me off. I rolled my eyes and straightened up on my seat, taking up a book hoping to focus on it other than having to listen to Tina's voice. 

Wait, Branny?! 

That name is just-

I burst out laughing suddenly making some of the class stop whatever they were doing and turn to me but I was too busy cracking up to notice their glares.

Among the many eyes I had on me, there were a couple I could literally feel and there's no need to say whose ones they were. I was almost rolling on the floor at the time and my stomach was hurting from excessive laughing.

"Looks like someone's in need of a mental doctor." The annoyance in Tina's voice was on a another level that I didn't even need to look up to see her roll eyes.

"That's the most hilarious and the most cringy nickname I've ever heard!!" I exclaimed through my laughs, wiping a tear off my eye. 

I noticed how Brandon had started to continuously bang his forehead lightly on the table probably hoping to get rid of the embarrassment and quickly got up from my seat, still laughing, to place my hand in between his head and the surface of the table so he wouldn't end up having a bruised forehead later. He glanced at me before continuing to bang it on my palm.

"Branny stop it!"

Tina walked to me and harshly pushed my hand away from Brandon's desk, resulting the guy to unexpectedly hit his head on the flat hard surface again.

"Ow!!" He rubbed his forehead with his hands and furrowed his eyebrows, eyes narrowing on Tina after giving me a confused look.

"Let's have a little talk."

That was all he said before grabbing Tina's wrist and dragging her out of the classroom, giving me no space to remind him that class will start soon. As if on cue, the bell rang making the scattered students quickly find the way to their respective seats and everyone except Brandon and Tina were seated when Mr. Wood entered the class.

"Kara, where's Brandon?" The teacher asked me since I was his best friend.

"He uh... h-he went to the nurse's office. He said his head hurt." I stumbled upon my words, praying that no one would stand up and blurt out what happened.

"Without you?" Mr. Wood seemed surprised as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Uh yeah? Tina offered to take him."

"Tina? But she's...." The male trailed off and sighed before answering after a couple of minutes of silence. "Go and check if Branson's okay and ask him to come to the class quickly if nothing's serious."

"Okay sir."

I politely nodded and made my way out of the class, a sigh of relief and some angry words escaping my mouth for having to lie to the teacher like that. I searched for the couple in the hallways, wishing I had telepathy to let Brandon know that I was looking for him. I heard some muffled voices coming from the locker hallway and strolled there.

It should be empty by now though...

I turned around the corner to see who was there but immediately hid behind the wall when I saw Brandon had Tina trapped between his arms on a random locker and leaning in to disclose the space between them.

What the hell Brandon?! It's school for God's sake!

"You've already used your second chance too Tina. Only one more and I won't be able to hold it in after that." Brandon's voice faintly echoed in the hallway, sending shivers down my spine when what he said processed in my mind.

Is he.... Are they....?

Is my mind working right? Did I just hear what I thought I heard?

"What are you doing here?"

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