"Should we grab some dinner on the way? It's been quite a while since we ate out last time." I asked from Brandon during our way back home.
"Um... uh... Let's eat out tomorrow? I'm uh... I really need to uh... get some sleep at home." He answered with a really suspicious stutter that he never had.
"Really? But you're driving ridiculously slow for someone who can't wait to go home and sleep." Crossing my arms across my chest I cocked an eyebrow at my boyfriend who was being way odd than he normally was.
"That's because uh... I want to get us home safely." Flashing a mischievous grin he explained shortly.
"Seriously? How come you drive like a pack of cheetahs are chasing us on other days then?"
"What? Pfft! I don't drive like that, it's ridiculous! I always drive slow!!" Brandon laughed again but it was clearly fake.
"You're hiding something from me aren't you?"
"What? No!! Of course not! Why would I hide anything! As if!!" He exclaimed and laughed again nervously looking at me while I just shot a deathly glare. "It's really nothing. Trust me."
"Whatever." I shrugged and turn to stare at the passing buildings knowing Brandon wouldn't do something bad for me.
His phone rang after a couple of minutes and he answered the call while driving with one hand because his earphones were not plugged in. I tried to plug them in for him but he hastily got the earphones from me and connected them to the phone himself before facing the phone face-side down so I couldn't see the caller ID.
Okay now something's definitely off about him!
"Hello Za--ara!!" He laughed nervously again, stealthily glancing at me while doing so. "You done with the project? Okay then uh... send it to me via email? I'm on my way home. Uh... yeah okay."
"Who's Zara? I've never heard of her." I questioned once Brandon hung up the phone.
"She's um... she's a worker in my department and I gave her a project to complete within today." He explained as his eyes didn't meet mine for even once.
"Why would you give her a project? You aren't the department head." I stated matter-of-factly. I didn't like where this was going and I didn't want to fight with him.
"It's just a little project. Nothing big so I gave it to hi-er. Her. I meant 'her'."
"You sure? I don't wanna fight with you." Sighing heavily I averted my gaze to my fidgeting fingers which drew attention of Brandon.
"Hey... I told you Kara, it's really nothing. You gotta trust me here. I'd never do something that would hurt you. You know that just like everything else about me." He took my hand and kissed its back lovingly while giving me a reassuring nod.
"I do trust you but you're odd today. Like, really really odd."
"Am I? Maybe I became too handsome?" He grinned.
"Ugh stop with the narcissism." I fake gagged and we both laughed.
I tried to force away the thoughts about the strange behaviour of Brandon but there was this feeling that wouldn't go away. I couldn't put a finger on what it was but it was just there.
After about a long drive which consumed two hours of our lives because Brandon was driving really very slow for some reason, we arrived at the apartment me and Brandon shared since a couple of months ago. I searched for the key to the front door in my bag while climbing the stairs with the guy beside me.
"Brandon I can't find my key. Do you have yours?" I asked from him when my search wasn't being successful.
"Sorry I didn't bring it with me. It's inside." He pointed at the door in front of us that lead to our shared space.
"Oh okay then. Let me check again." I started digging into my bag again to find my key.
"Need some help?"
"Yes plea- Found it!!" Brandon chuckled seeing me hold the key in front of his face like a kid showing her favorite doll to someone else.
"Well?" He pointed at the keyhole reminding me that we were still outside and I quickly inserted it inside to flick once to unlock the door. Twisting the doorknob I swung it open.
"What the heck?!"
Short chapter I'm sorry but I couldn't make it longer so that's why I double updated.

Experimental Girlfriend
Romance"Kara, you're my best friend right?" "Umm yeah?" "You'd do anything for me, right?" "As long as it doesn't involve 10 years in prison, yeah." "Be my experimental girlfriend." ~~~ Kara and Brandon have been friends ever since they could remember. Bra...