Chapter 6

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*Ding dong*

"Who is it?" I called out from the living room before going to open the door.

"It's me, Brandon."

I opened the front door remembering that he said he'd come to my place at three. He was staring at his phone, scrolling down while his eyes read something on the screen really fast. He didn't seem to notice that the door was open. I tapped on his shoulder and gestured for him to come in. Brandon stepped inside and I closed the door before going to the living room with him trailing behind me.

"Did I say that you look gorgeous in that?" He smiled cheesily.

I looked down at my lion onesie and gave him a confused look. This was not the Brandon I knew. The Brandon I knew was more likely to laugh until he cried watching me walk around in that rather than compliment it.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?" I crossed my arms.

"No, I just gave you a compliment. Don't you have manners to say 'thank you'? That onesie is ridiculous by the way." His smile disappeared and that moment I knew the old Brandon is back. I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong with your mood swings?" I sat down beside him on the couch. Instead of giving me a reply he tossed his phone onto my lap. I unlocked it and saw what he was reading back at the door.

"What the hell is" I questioned.

"It's a website I found that has these tricks and tactics to lead a better couple life." Brandon said. "It said to compliment the girl's dress and it will make her heart skip a beat so I just gave it a go."

I burst out laughing hearing that. I couldn't believe the top student in my class was that stupid.

"That doesn't mean you can compliment every attire idiot. Like onesies for example. You could've at least said that I look cute not 'gorgeous'." I pointed out his mistake through my laughs.

"Oh that's a good tip." Brandon seemed to be in a deep thought about his fault. I gave his phone back.

"So when are you gonna tell me what my role is here?"

"Well it's basically like this, I'll be looking up on ways how to get Tina's attention and you just have to tell me if these tricks works or not. For example, this site said to compliment the attire and I did it to you before Tina and you pointed out a mistake I could've done. So that way you'll help me realize my mistakes and I'd be able to ask Tina out perfectly." He explained.

"So in the end, I'm becoming your test subject?"

"Well it seems so. But I promised you that I'd pay you back so it wouldn't be so bad."

I nodded my head meaningfully and an evil smile crept to my face as I thought of the chores I'd get done when this was finally over and Brandon becomes my minion for two and a half months. It'd be a dream come true to boss him around.

"So what do you wanna do now?" I asked.

"What do you think would be the best next move? A stroll down the park or movie?" He said, looking down at the two options that had listed in the site. I thought for a moment before answering.

"Ideas for dates are best when you come up with one yourself you know. It shows how much you care." I pointed out, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just help me out this one time."

"In that case I think you should go with a movie. Because if it was me, I'd love to have a walk with my significant other when we become somewhat closer. Strolls are usually a great time to discuss deep things so I would choose movie at this point." I stated my opinion and Brandon nodded in comprehension.

"Let's go then." The guy stood up abruptly, tucking his phone into his pocket. I gave him a puzzled look. "We are going to the movies of course. Get yourself changed." With that he pulled my arm to make me stand up and dragged me up the stairs to my bedroom.

I protested saying that I wanted to enjoy the evening watching TV but he ignored it all. I slammed the door in his face.

"I have your phone with me Kara so if you want it back you should help me out here or I'm throwing it out."

"Yeah right, you won't do that." I scoffed, not believing his threat.

"Oh my god what is this video, is this you having a little concert in your pajamas on the bed? I wonder how much likes will this get on Instagram."

Brandon was obviously going through my gallery where there were hundreds of embarrassing videos and pictures of my singing or dancing when home alone. If they get out, my reputation won't stand a chance for sure and as the best friend of him, I know for a fact that he isn't gonna hold back from posting them on Instagram as he said.

"Okay okay I'll get ready!!! Just get your ass out of my gallery."

"Don't be late!"

He screamed from outside the door and I could imagine the smirk on his face. I groaned and picked out some skirt and a blouse with a denim jacket and went out the door after putting some light make up on.

 I groaned and picked out some skirt and a blouse with a denim jacket and went out the door after putting some light make up on

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"Woah." Brandon stared at me wide eyed and mouth opened. "Now you look absolutely amazing." He commented still staring at me.

I don't know why but I blushed. This was Brandon's first time seeing me wear something like this because I've always wore jeans and a top to school.

"I never knew you could look cute like this. You're beautiful!" Brandon exclaimed again.

"I've always wanted to try this look when I've found 'the one' but I thought I'd just pick this today as a rehearsal or something. I was afraid I'd look ugly." I muttered getting slightly embarrassed, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Like I said Kara, you're gorgeous." Brandon said softly making me look at him in the eye and I knew he meant it. Somehow my heart skipped a beat and I smiled.

"You ready to go best friend?" He asked.

"Yep. Let's go teach you some lessons." I said making both of us chuckle and we went outside. Brandon waited until I locked the front door and we got onto his car to drive to the cinema.

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