Chapter 10

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It was finally Saturday and I was getting ready to go to the basketball match with Zayn. It was 1pm meaning I had thirty minutes to look presentable. I searched through the closet and found a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and white striped top, which I matched with white converse.

 I searched through the closet and found a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and white striped top, which I matched with white converse

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I didn't put make up on not because I was confident in my looks but because I was too lazy to be troubled. I was fixing my hair when the door bell rang. Swiftly fetching my phone, I rushed downstairs after getting one last look at myself in the mirror. Zayn was having a conversation with my mom when I placed a kiss on her cheek and left with him.

"You look so cute." Zayn said, smiling pleasantly while he opened the car door for me on the passenger side. He closed it after making sure I was in and got onto the driver's seat.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"The guys are head over heels for you. They were blowing my phone up asking when you'd come." He said making me giggle as we stopped at a red light.

The basketball team was really friendly. I had lunch with them the previous day and I felt like I was welcomed into another family. We became closer and they were practically screaming with joy when I said I was coming to watch the match. I was so looking forward to meeting them again.

Zayn parked the car in the parking lot and we went into a room where I assumed was the team's changing room. Male voices echoed through the hallways loudly signalling that the other team members were already here. Zayn pushed through the doors and we were welcomed by a warm group hug and screams.

"Hey yo! We were wondering if captain kidnapped you!!" Sean exclaimed, making me remember that they all called Zayn as 'captain'.

"Glad you could make it." Jack said softly displaying his signature dimpled smile. He was the only one who understood that there was no need to shout when the listener was only a few feet away.

"Give her some space guys." Zayn ordered pushing the guys a bit away from me. The team members' faces fell for a moment until Mark said, "Chill your jealousy dude we aren't gonna steal her away from you." and the guys started laughing as their captain went all pink. Me, I was wondering what the heck was happening.

Jealous? Why would he be jealous? He's just a friend of mine.

Zayn showed me a seat and I sat there a bit awkwardly after what happened. I looked around the room, noticing that each team member had a locker to himself and a mini basketball net fixed upon each of their lockers with a ball. It was so cute and eye catching.

"So are you guys nervous?" I asked from the team who were now seated across from me on some chairs and Oliver on the floor while Zayn was leaning his back onto a locker.

"Nah we're used to it. Plus we've beaten the other team several times before so it's cool." Noah spoke up.

"Not to mention we have captain and Oliver with us. I don't think any other school has such great players." Noah's twin brother Liam added, getting a little pensive as the sentence proceeded to the end.

"You all are superb. That's why you've won so many matches, as a team." I uttered importantly. A few nodded and I could see a little satisfied smile on Zayn's face.

He looks like a proud father watching his daughter making new friends at school. Cute!

I smiled to myself at the thought and heard an alarm go off somewhere. The team stood up altogether and opened their lockers. I was confused as to what was going on suddenly till Mark shouted from the other end of the room.

"I'm sure you'd love to see us all shirtless but maybe next time okay? We have a game to play."

They were gonna change their clothes. I abruptly stood up from the chair and ran to the door hoping no one would notice my tomato cheeks but I guess I failed as I heard them laugh when I was escaping into the hallways.

How was I supposed to know that alarm was for them to remind to get changed?! Perverts.

I found my way to the gym where the game was to be held and scrolled through social media to kill time after I found myself a seat. Nearly after 10 minutes later the room filled with deafening cheers and I looked up from my phone to see both the teams entering the gym.

Zayn's eyes wandered around the audience and came to a halt as he spotted me. I waved at him and he signaled his other members to where I was. They also started jumping on the spot like little kids seeing me and some of the girls in front gave me sour looks. I ignored them and continued to wave at the team until the game started a few minutes later.

Strictly speaking, the game was really intense. I was holding my breath most of the time not knowing what will happen next. My throat was sore from all the cheering I did whenever our team managed to score but I didn't regret it one bit. I heard some people say the opposing team had improved since last time but I didn't see any kind of worry or anxiety on the faces of Zayn or other members. They seemed relaxed and enjoying the whole thing. Finally we manged to win by 3 points and needless to say, the gym almost exploded with cheers.

I ran to the changing room to congratulate the boys once the game was over. I was gonna push through the door but remembering that they might be changing, I knocked first. The room fell silent and I heard footsteps coming to the door. It opened, revealing Zayn and his serious expression immediately softened as he saw me.

"It's just Kara." He announced, stepping away from the door so I could enter.

I was showered with various questions about the team's strategy and skills not even after a split second I went inside the changing room. I answered one by one carefully not forgetting to add tiny details until they were satisfied with the feedback.

"Stay here I'll get changed so we can grab some dinner." Zayn said softly and I nodded.

While he went to a separate part of the room to change I was once again cornered by the team members asking about the match. After sometime the captain was back and we bid goodbye to the team as we headed out.

I couldn't shut up throughout the drive to the diner and Zayn patiently listened to everything I said with a boyish grin decorating his face. He parked the car and we entered a peaceful diner, choosing a booth at the far back where it was not very noticeable but had a view of every corner of the diner.

"Order anything you want. It's on me." He said and we placed the orders.

While we were waiting for our food to arrive, I noticed someone who seemed really familiar from the back. I looked more closely and saw another person sitting in front making any doubts I had, fade away into thin air.

I don't know much about basketball so I didn't get into the details of the match. Sorry 'bout that❤

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