"Pssst sweetie?"
A faint voice and a slight nudge woke me up from my sleep. I squinted my eyes at the sunlight pouring through the open curtains and looked around the room.
"Mom? What's up?" I asked rubbing my eyes with the palm of my right hand.
"One of your dad's close friend is in the hospital for a major surgery so we're going to visit him. We'll be late. Are you gonna be okay?" She explained in a voice not louder than a whisper.
"Yeah yeah I'll be fine. And why are you whispering?" I whispered back, not knowing why I was doing so. Mom just pointed her face onto my left side and I turned my head to see the reason.
Brandon was still sleeping soundly with his head on my left arm and his hands wrapped around my favorite plushie.
"You two are so sweet!!" Mom cooed, lightly clapping her hands in delight and gave me a sheepish smile before walking away.
I looked at Brandon again and slowly tried to free my arm without waking him up but that resulted in him hugging my arm instead of the plushie. I rolled my eyes in frustration and gave up trying as his grip on me was so hard yet soft at the same time. I stared at his sleeping face for sometime.
He looks so peaceful and cute. How can someone be so handsome and cute when sleeping?
"Honey we're leaving."
Mom peeped inside the room and said. I nodded my head as there was no chance for me to get up with my best friend sleeping on my arm. She gave me one last smile and went downstairs. I heard the sound of the front door locking a few seconds later.
I stayed in that sleeping position for another 40 minutes before Brandon finally woke up. My hand was numb when he removed his head and he just muttered a sleepy 'sorry' which barely contained any feelings. I got up from the bed and went downstairs with my left arm dangling on the side to see if mom had made breakfast. She sure had.
I love you so much mom.
"What's for breakfast?" Brandon's morning voice startled me from behind.
"Waffles and chocolate muffins."
"Oooo I love muffins!" He snatched two muffins from the tray and started eating both simultaneously.
"You're a pig!"
"Thanks." He smiled making me roll my eyes. I grabbed a plate and piled up waffles before going to the dining table where my best friend was seated.
"You're a pig!!" Brandon mimicked my voice as he pointed at my waffle tower.
"Shut up."
"Yes ma'am."
There was a peaceful silence for sometime only broken by the sound of birds chirping and occasional honks of the vehicles travelling down the road. Brandon finished his muffins and dusted the crumbs away.
"So any plans today?" He asked.
"Yeah I have to complete my project." I swallowed down the last bite of the second waffle.
Two down. One to go.
"What project?"
"The space thingy. That 10 page one Ms. Colin gave us."
"Kara that was given a week ago and the due date is tomorrow." He exclaimed in disbelief.
"What do you mean 'so'?! What were you doing all this time??" Brandon crossed his arms against his torso. That's when you gotta know that he's either really annoyed or angry. In this case, it's the latter one.

Experimental Girlfriend
Romance"Kara, you're my best friend right?" "Umm yeah?" "You'd do anything for me, right?" "As long as it doesn't involve 10 years in prison, yeah." "Be my experimental girlfriend." ~~~ Kara and Brandon have been friends ever since they could remember. Bra...