Chapter 37

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"You ready?" Brandon asked from the other side of the door of my bedroom, knocking softly. I opened it and faced him with a worried expression. I wasn't sure if I could handle it coolly.

"I am so gonna cry." I said.

"It's okay. Cry if you want. You aren't a robot without any feelings." Brandon took me to his embrace to comfort me.

"Let's go, we're running a bit late. We won't be able to arrive at the airport in time if we don't leave now." He said pulling away from the hug and I nodded.

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We arrived at our destination, the airport, a little over the time we estimated but there was enough time for us to say goodbye to Zayn.

I saw his mother hugging him in the waiting area like her life depended on it. They broke the hug when we went near them. I took a couple of seconds to see who was there for Zayn's departure. The group was complete with his parents, the basketball team and us.

Zayn gave bro hugs for each and every member of his team while they said words of encouragement for him which always consisted 'call us every day captain' or ' we're gonna miss you' at the end. The last one to say goodbye to him was me.

"So... um... thanks for coming." Zayn said kind of awkwardly.

"No problem..." I mumbled quietly as I didn't have the exact idea of what to say.

"See you soon I guess?" He said and that's when I lost it. The sob that I was trying so hard to keep inside broke out and the tears started to flow.

"You promised not to cry!" He hugged me immediately and stroked my hair while I stayed still. "Seriously Kara! I'm not gonna die. Where's your sass now?" Zayn joked and surprisingly, it did make me laugh a bit.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said as he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too. A lot." He said and smiled while wiping away my tears. He backed away a bit to take one last good look at all of us in general.

"I'll see you all soon guys. Call me!" He announced, trying to act as if he's all cool about leaving alone to a whole new country for a couple of years when I knew he's actually not. I guess the others also figured it out.

"Cut the shi--ow of 'no-emotion' captain." Sean immediately corrected his words when Zayn's mother glared at him. The others burst into a laugh including me, Brandon and Zayn.

"Yeah captain, try to be human for once in a while. It's not gonna kill you, you know." Liam joined.

"And have you guys tease me for the rest of my precious life, no thanks." Zayn made an X with his arms again and smiled.

"Attention ladies and gentleman, all passengers travelling by France Airlines Flight 404 New York to Paris are requested to board the flight through gate number four. Thank you."

"That's my call." Zayn sighed as he pointed to the speaker that broadcasted the announcement.

"One last hug?" Jackson spread his arms and looked at Zayn with puppy eyes.

Didn't know Jackson could do puppy eyes.

"Okay then last hug." The team captain smiled again and hugged all of the members for the last time.

"Be careful okay? Call if anything happens and your father and I will book a flight for you." Mrs. Collins said while taking her son's hand in both of his. Zayn nodded and smiled again before coming to me again.

He is smiling way too much for a guy who's leaving his family and friends for the first time for a few years to train in a foreign country.

"Call me okay? At least once a week, if you're busy." I said.

"Sure I will."

"I'm not the type to go lovey dovey so I'll just keep it short." Brandon joined me in saying goodbye after keeping his silence for all this time. "Train hard." He said awkwardly.

"Dude, I'm going there to meet a coach and I will probably staying a training center so do I look like I have another choice?" Zayn threw his hands in the air and scoffed.

"You're right, you don't. I just wanted to rub it in your face." Brandon smirked while placing a hand over my shoulder, partly giving me a side hug making Zayn roll his eyes.

"Take care of her and don't get married before I'm back or there'll be consequences." Zayn warned making my cheeks go red and waved at us for the last time.

The speakers broadcasted another announcement that caught our attention.

"May I have your attention please, this is the last and final departure call, I repeat, this is the last and final departure call for all passengers travelling by France Airlines Flight 404 New York to Paris are requested to board the flight immediately through gate four."

"Damn it woman! I'm coming already!!" Zayn shouted in the direction of the speaker, gladly not very loudly to attract people's attention.

We watched as his tall figure he disappeared among the crowd and a single tear fell down from my eyes seeing him wave at us at the boarding gate.

No more Zayn for at least two years...

Good bye Zayn...

I hope you come back soon...

Unless I want to add another ONE chapter, only 3 chapters left😊

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