¤ ~ First Snow ~ ¤

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This chapter is to thank all of you for reading and supporting Experimental Girlfriend. Thank you so much for 4K reads❤ Hope you enjoy!

"Yes sir, I understand. I'll send you the document as soon as possible."

Brandon said staring at his boss through the computer screen, having an online meeting with his colleagues as I laid down on the bed beside his desk. He glanced at me from sideways and signaled me with his hand to come closer and I rolled over on the bed towards him a bit as he wished. He stretched his hand under the table and I placed my own on it, making a smile creep up to his face. He started squeezing and playing with my fingers as he always did during online meetings.

Ever since the pandemic started, Brandon was asked to work from home so he always had online meetings with the company. As soon as a meeting was over he would always come to wherever I was in the house at the moment and whine about he wished he was the one to stay at home with Josh. I had quit my job after discussing with him in order to stay home so Josh wouldn't feel lonely or left out. Brandon worked hard at the broadcasting company and when he came home, he never missed a chance to play with our son as well. He was the best father and the best husband that Josh and I could ask for. I'm not saying we didn't have any arguments once in a while but still we managed to stay together and overcome any problems.

"Thank you sir, please stay safe."

Brandon's voice made me look up at him, coming back to the present from the string of thoughts that passed through my mind. He closed the laptop and heaved a deep sigh, letting go of my hand to rub his face in exhaustion as I could tell from his features. This was the third online meeting he had for the day, after having one with the department head and another one with his team.

"Lunch is ready. I made both quesadillas and sandwiches since Josh and you love both." I announced while Brandon took off the formal clothing that he had worn on top of his t-shirt. It made me laugh at the sight of how he wore a formal shirt and a tie while wearing a short for the bottom. It will never not be funny.

"You made quesadillas?" His face lit up at the mention of the food.

"Yup! Your favorite : chicken." I told making Brandon's eyes go wide and he came to me in the bed.

"This is why I love you." He started buttering me up trying to get close to me but I pushed him away playfully and tried to run from his grip to ultimately end up failing. He had his arms wrapped up tightly around me from behind and his face just beside mine on my right shoulder.

"Let go Brandon." I managed to let out through my smiles.

"I've had enough work for the day, just let me be like this for sometime." He muttered calmly and I knew he was actually very tired.

Although working from home seemed easy, the stress wasn't any better because as Brandon had told me, the superiors had given the workers a workload that was almost triple the normal one, saying they could do it since they are at home. Knowing Brandon, he wouldn't easily show he is tired so he wouldn't make us worry but I knew and was ready to make him feel better at any time.

"Do you want me to wake you up in an hour or so?" I asked while stroking his hair which I knew he loved, with the hand that I had managed to get free from his grip.

"Mommy! Daddy!! Look outside it's snowing!!!" Josh's voice echoed from the hallway indicating that he was climbing up the stairs to our bedroom.

"It's alright, I'll play with Josh for now and sleep early at night." Brandon placed  a kiss on my temple and looked at my worrisome face. I knew he had to get some rest but also knew that he wouldn't listen to me. He let go of me and watched as our son barged through the door.

"It's snowing!! The first snow, it's here!!!" The little boy kept screaming in ecstasy while pointing out the window, little white flakes of snow falling onto the ground gracefully. "Daddy I wanna go outside!!"

"Let's go!! You get your coat and I'll get mine okay?" Brandon picked up our son and kissed him on the cheek before putting him down to get his coat.

"Mommy is going to come too right?" The enthusiasm in the boy's voice was unmistakable. Before I could say anything, my husband answered for me.

"Of course she will come too."

As soon as he got his confirmation, the little boy ran to his bedroom to get his coat leaving me to give Brandon a concerned look yet again. He handed me my jacket and made me stand up, kissing my lips firmly in a sweet way. He pulled away and helped me put on the jacket, repeatedly saying he'll be fine and that I don't need to worry.

We were out in the backyard in a minute and Josh was already running around the grass, jumping occasionally to catch snowflakes. He was now six years old and so this wasn't his first time seeing snow but I supposed that he didn't remember the previous times playing in the snow because he was too little. Brandon joined the boy and started running after him, a playful smile decorating his face. They both were giggling and laughing, playing games that they had wordlessly built among themselves during the process.

Suddenly remembering something I ran back into the house and to our room to search for the item. I opened the drawer that I had kept it and took out the polaroid camera that Brandon got me for my birthday before running back to the garden to see the two boys still playing happily. I took a picture of the scene before me and smiled as it came out capturing Josh's and Brandon's natural happy smiles.

"What are you holding Kara?" Brandon stopped playing for a moment to see me holding my polaroid in one hand and the picture in the other. "Did you take an unauthorised picture of us?" He pretended to be angry and took slow steps towards me, a sly smile growing upon his lips.

"You two looked so playful, I had to take it!!"

I stepped back with an equal playful smile, trying to hide the objects in my hand. Brandon started chasing me then, causing me to run around the garden as well, holding the camera for my dear life. I knew he will take a picture of me as revenge if he gets his hands on it and not letting that happen was my top priority at that moment. The scene of his mom and dad playing around like little children must have been so fun to watch because Josh was almost rolling on the ground laughing.

I succeeded in dodging Brandon for a few times but he managed to grab me and pin me down on the ground, snatching the camera from me, clicking a photo of me as soon as he got the chance. I was sure I looked hilarious as I was on the ground giggling uncontrollably with my hair all over the place. Brandon looked accomplished looking at the picture he took and stuck his tongue out mocking me. I slapped his chest playfully and pushed his heavy body off of mine. He got up and helped me up as well, hugging me from the side lovingly and kissing my forehead.

"Say cheese!!" We heard Josh say just as he took the camera from Brandon and quickly taking a photo of Brandon kissing my forehead. Me and Brandon was so flustered at the action of our son that we looked at each other for a moment. Josh held the picture in his hands before showing us.

Although it was taken by a six year old, it was a really loving shot. There was me smiling widely while Brandon was kissing my forehead with his eyes closed and his left hand around my shoulder, the snow fall that got heavier by the minute looking like white confetti around us. This was undoubtedly one of the best pictures of me and Brandon.

"My baby takes the best pictures!!" Brandon picked up Josh and showered him with kisses all over the face.

"Let's take one with all of us!" I suggested and the boys nodded in agreement. Turning the camera the other way so we were in the frame, I counted one to three before taking the picture.

The photo came out and we all stared at it in awe.

Brandon in the middle holding Josh in one hand and his other on my shoulder, beaming happily and our son was hugging his father's neck with so much love, displaying his tiny teeth as he smiled for the camera. My hair was a bit messy and covered in snow than the boys but I didn't look bad.

Best family picture of us.


What do you guys do when it's snowing? Let me know!

Also, stay safe and healthy everyone❤

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