Chapter 32

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Brandon led me into a little high ground of the forest where there was an open space so we could see the night sky clearly. We sat down on the grass and I tucked my knees close to my chest. Taking off the coat I was wearing, I wrapped it around my legs because my skirt was a short one.

"The sky is really beautiful isn't it?" Brandon said dreamily staring at the sky.

I smiled and nodded, my eyes darting over the thousands of little white twinkling starts. A comfortable silence took over as we both continued to focus on the mesmerizing view above us.

"I wish I could see stars like this with my future boyfriend." I mumbled to myself lightly, thinking how great it would've been if Brandon felt the same for me as I did for him. But I knew it was just a false hope.

<Brandon's POV>

It's a false hope...

She would never like me back...

Kara always tells me how I should keep some distance as I'm her 'best friend' every time I try to get close to her.

She hadn't even had a crush on me after all this time so how do I expect her to love me...

I should've never started this experimental girlfriend thing. It's all because of this. My feelings would've stayed the same if it weren't for these experiments.

I thought I'd be able to suppress my feelings after today but seeing her gazing at the night sky in the starlight is just not helping. I was too greedy to let go of today by spending it at the park only so I suggested stargazing and I feel more greedy now that we're here.

Just this once...

If I act from my heart just this once...

Will it be disastrous and ruin everything?


Will the light at the end of the tunnel really be there?

I averted my gaze from the sky to the girl beside me.

She was smiling widely to herself, swinging side to side slightly while her eyes were still fixed on the stars. I stared at her for a while like she was a piece of exhibit that was meant only for me.

How can someone be so simple and beautiful?

How did I not notice her for all these years?

The questions in my head had no answers so I ignored them all. The urge I was suppressing all this time was coming out and my adrenaline kicked in, making me nervous.

I want to act from my heart for once in my life...

<Kara's POV>

I was searching for a shooting star when I felt a hand put some hair strands behind my ear. Blushing, I slowly looked at my side to see Brandon staring at me with that fond expression I could never figure out. But this time it was really intense. The situation was making my tummy tingly. I stared back at him as I couldn't look away for some unknown reason. It was as if I was being hypnotized.

After some seconds passed like that his gaze fell down, specifically onto my lips. I was still looking deep into his eyes and he started leaning in, making the distance between us slowly disappear, consider that there was not much space to begin with. He didn't stop until his face was just centimeters away from mine and I suddenly felt self-conscious.

"Brandon this is wrong."

I put my hand on his chest and applied some light pressure to get him away from me a bit. He stopped approaching me and looked into my eyes, but he didn't move away.

"Don't you remember Kara, I always love to do wrong things."

With that he came more closer and I stared at him again with my hand on his chest.

"Let me do what my heart wants for one time..." Brandon muttered.

With that he placed his lips on mine and I felt the tingly feeling in my stomach explode in an instant. I closed my eyes and clutched onto his shirt tightly as his soft lips moved against mine slowly like two little cushions. The kiss wasn't deep and he didn't try to do anything else. I felt like he respected me more than anything in the world. Slowly I started reacting to the kiss and it surprised him a bit but I could feel his smile against my lips indicating that he was happy.

After a while he pulled away, staring right into my soul. I did the same, not knowing what to say but I did know that no words were needed at that moment.

"Kara..." He called out to me and I kept my quiet as a signal for him to continue.

"Do you think we could start something different?" He asked softly, his hand caressing my cheek gently and lovingly.

"Like what?"

I knew what he was talking about. I knew what he meant by 'something different'. But I wanted to be sure about it. I wanted to hear it from his own words in his own voice, so I could be sure that I wasn't the only one feeling this way.

"I've been your best guy friend for all these years so... I want to see if I can be the best boy friend to you."

Best boy friend?

Is he asking me out now?

Is he saying he likes me now?

"I know this is all sudden. Just take your time. It's not an easy decision after all. But tell me one thing Kara." Brandon's face expression got serious. "Did you feel something when we kissed just now? Something? Anything."

I definitely did.

It felt as if I was gonna burst of happiness...

It felt as if I was the most luckiest girl in the world...

It felt as if I was the most safest person with you...

It felt as if I was the most respected person...

It felt as if you...


Love me...

He looked at me expectantly and I smiled as I nodded my head yes. His happiness was evident in his eyes as they turned into little slits when the sweet smile grew wider and wider making me smile as well.

"Should we go? It's getting late."

Brandon got up from the ground and wiped off the dirt from his pants. I held his hand with mine and looked into his eyes.

"Let's try it. That something different."

I dunno why but I like leaving author's notes in every chapter😅

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