Chapter 25

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We were halfway through another Friday and were waiting till the day was over so we could go home. Me and Brandon filled up our lunch trays and went to an empty table as always. I glanced at the basketball table and saw Zayn playing with his food, not joining his friends who were joking around.

He has been like that since we went on our last date. I wonder if he'll talk to me normally anytime soon. I'll give him more time...

"Gosh I was holding back my hunger all this time! I'm gonna eat like a pig so don't judge me!!" Brandon exclaimed and started stuffing his face immediately. I scoffed.

As if you ate like a prince before.

"Oh right! Talking about 'holding back', what did you say to Tina that day at the locker hall?" I asked, picking up the spoon to eat my lunch.

"What day? Also, I told you not to talk about her." Brandon let out a groan which I completely ignored.

"I'm just curious! If it's not what I'm thinking, what is it?" I placed my chin on my palm and blinked innocently.

"It's just..... I warned her if she dared to talk to you like that again, I'm gonna put an end to it." He mumbled awkwardly, not looking at my eyes.

He was ready to let go of his crush because of me?



"So what about the you trapping her between the lockers and leaning in scene?" I asked again, recalling how I got startled seeing that.

"That... Well, then too Tina kept on trashing you so I just scared her a bit. You know, use my bad boy methods. I never kissed her. I'm still so pure as an-"

"You don't have bad boy methods though?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Oh yeah? It's a pity my best friend doesn't know me well. Don't worry Kara, I'll enlighten you sometime." He smirked while running a hand through his hair and winked at me.

He freaking smirked.

And swiped his hair back seductively.

And winked at me.

How am I supposed to handle all of that once?!

I do NOT wanna see his bad boy methods! I prefer cute Brandon rather than this!! This is too much!!!

"Oh and another thing." I quickly said, thankful that I could think of something to get off the topic 'bad boy'. "I'm not your experimental girlfriend anymore right? No more dates?"

"Oh..." Brandon's face fell and he stopped eating. His smirk was wiped off and the features went grim and dark in just seconds. "I... I guess so..."

So this is it?

I partly wished for him to say it isn't over but there's no reason to continue these experiments now...

It's not like he has feelings for me or something...

"Just once more." Brandon suddenly spoke up, making me slightly jump. "Let's go on a date once more."

One more date?

"Will it be our last one?" I asked, partly sad that it will be our last one but also partly happy that there will be at least one more date with him.

"Yeah we'll put an end to these experiments with it." He said.


It's just an experiment...

I shouldn't expect more. One last date and I just have to focus on suppressing my feelings for him. It will be back to normal in no time.

"Okay. Let me know the date and time and I'll be ready."

"Alright. I'll tell you once I plan it out." Brandon smiled and we both went back to eating.

Getting our books for the afternoon lessons after lunch, me and Brandon were on our way to the class when I remembered that I had forgotten to take out a project from my locker. Informing my best friend I quickly ran back to my locker to get it when someone yanked me backwards onto the floor by my hair. A yelp escaped from my mouth at the sudden occurrence.


I shouted at the person without seeing who it was while rubbing my head to reduce the pain. Looking up my eyes landed on not one but two people, one with glittery purple hair and the other with straightened dirty blonde hair.

Lyla and Kacie...

"What do you want?!" I screamed at them standing up and fixing my outfit subconsciously.

"We want you to stay away from Brandon and Zayn." Kacie eyed me from head to toe disgustingly like that day.

What is this, a soap opera?!

"Why would I stay away from my best friends? Come at me when you learn to be more realistic. At least my time won't be wasted on talking to idiots." I shot back and tried to get to my locker only to be blocked by the two girls again.

"Okay now I don't care who you've bullied before but if you step in my way one more time, I'm gonna punch that pretty plastic face of yours without hesitating. Now move!"

That seemed to scare them. I held out a fist to show I wasn't kidding and they walked away, muttering that they'll get me somehow or something like that.

Cowards. Just that plastic face on display. How great it would've been if they used up that money for a brain transplant...

Shrugging off the incident off my mind I went back to the class with my project in hand. After excusing the teacher and listening to brief lecture on on being punctual and forgetfulness,I was allowed to go inside.

"What took you so long?" Brandon whispered to me as I sat down on my seat after excusing the teacher.

"Nah it's nothing there were some trash on the way so I had to clean it up a bit." I replied. Brandon seemed confused but didn't ask anything further.

I'm sure Tina's the one to tell them to come at me. She's the only friend they both have.

Let's see Tina. Garbage is meant to go out someday.

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