Chapter 9

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I was woken up by a cold bucket of water thrown all over my face. I shrieked and jumped out of the bed, being unable to understand what was happening.

"What the hell was that?!" I shouted at my best friend who was holding an empty bowl which I figured that contained the water that I was now drenched in.

"I knew you'd still be sleeping so I came early. Get dressed it's 7 already."

Mom peeped through the half open door and I went to her whining. "Mom! This jerk here threw ice cold water on my face!!"

"I did that to get your sleepy head out of the bed." Brandon stated calmly tucking his hand into the pocket of his jeans and shifting his weight onto one leg.

"Oh my god really?" Mom seemed surprised and I nodded like a lost puppy trying to get some sympathy so mom would shoo off Brandon. "Wow Brandon you've done a great job my son! Thank you so much!"

"What?! Mom!!" I screamed and saw Brandon smirking at me. Mom started laughing and I hurried myself into the bathroom not forgetting to slam the door shut.

I got dressed really quickly and went downstairs to meet my so-called best friend before walking to the kitchen and taking an apple to chew on. Placing a goodbye kiss on mom's cheeks as usual, I joined Brandon at the front door.

"So what's up with the sudden kindness?" I asked casually while we were strolling down the pavement.

"What do you mean 'sudden kindness'? I walk with you to school almost everyday." He shrugged.

"Oh yeah I remember that time, it was really sweet back then."

I clapped my hands together and pretended to daydream while Brandon just scoffed. I stopped acting and got serious once again.

"No seriously, what's up?"

"Well I'm gonna ask Tina to the movies this weekend." He twisted around, getting a bit shy.

"Oh... Good luck with that." I said monotonously.

I was simply low key a bit bitter that he's gonna take Tina to the movies but then again, the whole point of me being his experimental girlfriend was to get him together with Tina.

"I know you're salty about me always hanging out with Tina but help me out here buddy. You're the only one I can trust. I promise I'll make it up to you." Brandon playfully nudged my shoulder and I rolled my eyes muttering a faint 'fine'.

After having some random talks along the way, we finally arrived at school and went to the locker hall as usual to put our bags inside.

"Hey Brandon- Oh!"

The high pitched voice trailed off seeing me laughing with Brandon as he narrated a funny story about a worker at his father's company. Him and I turned to the girl whom I had recognized to be Tina, just by smelling the rose perfume she always wore. She tucked some hair strands behind her ear.

As usual.

"Hi Tina!" Nevertheless, I waved my hand at her to be nice. "Brandon was just telling me a hilarious story about one-"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

She cut me off by a mumble and walked past me to Brandon. I could tell even he found it a bit odd since he was giving me confused looks and I just rolled my eyes.

I spotted Zayn among the crowd talking to some of his friends. Knowing that Brandon would be spending rest of his time with Tina, I marched to the place where Zayn was and greeted him a good morning.

"Hi Kara! What's up?" He beamed at me.

"Nothing I just saw you here and thought I'd say hi."

"Oh what a great timing! These are my team members." Zayn pointed towards the group of guys he was talking to and I smiled at waved at each of them as Zayn introduced the boys one by one.

"The tall guy here is Mark and the blond is Sean. This is Jackson or just Jack, the dimple dude." The guy with a dimple on his right cheek smiled and waved at me.

"Heya!" I greeted back and Zayn went on with his introduction.

"These guys are twins as you can see, Noah and Liam. The last but not least, Oliver." He finished pointing to the last one who slightly resembled the Oliver Wood of Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm not that Oliver Wood from Harry Potter. I just happen to be the son of Mr. Wood, as you may call him." Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes while uttering monotonously like he was used to being in the situation a thousand times.

So he is the son of Mr. Wood?

"So you are Oliver Wood?"

I gasped in light surprise and the team started laughing at Oliver playfully as he face-palmed himself and walked away with others trailing behind him still giggling.

"So you're actually coming tomorrow right?" Zayn asked from beside me during our walk to the classrooms.

"Yep." I answered shortly since we were already at my class. He walked away after making me promise to sit at the basketball table at lunch. I went inside and noticed Tina whirled backwards to face Brandon.

"So you're coming to pick me up right?" I heard Tina say to Brandon when I was sitting down in my seat next to him.

So he already popped the question huh...

"Umm sure?" His answer was more like a question.

Thinking that their conversation was over, I turned to Brandon to ask if he had an extra pen because I had forgotten my pencil case. "Hey Brandon you have an extra pen? I forgot my pencil case at home."

"Excuse you," Tina began furrowing her eyebrows before Brandon could say anything, "we were in the middle of a conversation."

"Well I thought it was over. Sorry." I apologized without any actual feeling and waited for my best friend to give me a pen. He dug through his bag and handed one to me.

"Hope you learn some manners from someone."

She remarked loudly not looking at me but clearly wanting me to hear that. She was testing me and I was not sure how long I could keep my cool for. I jerked my head at her and glared.

"Tina stop! She didn't even do anything." Brandon spoke up for me in a sort of annoyed tone.

"It's okay Brandon. There's a limit to how much a pea-brain can understand." I shot back, intensifying my glare and thankfully Mr. Wood came to the class giving Tina no space to talk again.

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Also, thank you for 100+ reads in this short amount of time❤

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