Chapter 33

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It was a silent ride back home. We didn't talk much and let the music of the radio fill the air to avoid any awkwardness or tension between us. We arrived at my house and I got off the car, Brandon doing the same to drop me off at my doorstep. I faced him with a nervous smile after unlocking the door for me to go inside.

"So I'm gonna go inside." I said nervously, not knowing if it was the right thing to say.

Gosh it is so awkward now!!

"Why are you getting all nervous?" Brandon chuckled as he tucked his hands into his pockets.

"I-I'm not nervous! See? I-I'm perfectly f-fine!"

Then why the hell are you stuttering idiot?!

"Look, it's just some new feelings. We are just the same as before." He stated calmly, seeing right through me and knowing I was nervous.

"So nothing's changed? Like, I mean... you know..." I couldn't think of a way to explain what I meant so I trailed off.

"Well yeah nothing will change." He shrugged. "Except," he began, bending inwards a little to level his eyes with mine, "some things. Not much, just a few."

Some things?

What are those?

"Like what?" I asked curiously, thinking what those 'some things' could be.

"You'll get to know. Later. When I feel like letting you know." Brandon backed off with a smirk and shrugged again.

I hate when he acts all superior!!

"Ugh whatever. I'm going inside. Now shoo!" I motioned for him to go and went inside, shutting the door in his face. Looking through the peephole silently, I saw him standing there on the porch looking bewildered. He must've expected me to be all soft when he confessed.

Hah! In your dreams!

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"I'm gonna go to the washroom really quick. Take my stuff to the class." I shoved my stuff to Brandon who didn't even have time to process what I said and ran off to the girls' washroom.

There wasn't anyone inside as it was almost the time for the first afternoon class. Doing my business quickly I came out of the cubicle, fixing my top. The bell had rung so I had to hurry.

"You bitch!"

Someone growled before the somewhat familiar stinging pain took over my left cheek. But it wasn't harsh as that one.

My palm went to my cheek as I looked at the person with widened eyes which were filled with both surprise and anger.

Correction : I looked at the people.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" I shouted at the plastic piles in front of me.

"What did you do to Tina?! What lie did you tell that she had to go to jail?! You're even more garbage than I thought!!" Kacie spit out.

"Wow you have really thick skulls don't you? She went to jail for a reason and she deserved it. I know you don't have brains but at least have the decency not to go around slapping people when you don't even know anything."

"Admit you lied! You were jealous of her that much that you had the gut to sent her to jail?!" Lyla butted in, scoffing.

"You don't believe me? Well sure go ahead and live in the lie." I pushed myself past them and went to the sink to wash my hands. "Good for you 'cause I'm not like your friend who paid random men to harass someone or else I would've done the same thing to you two to feel what it's like."

"We're wasting our time Kace. She's too much of a wimp come out clean and admit her jealousy. Let's go." Lyla squeaked to Kacie before eyeing me from head to toe.

"I was thinking the same thing. It's a pity both Brandon and Zayn are stupid enough to fall into her traps. What a slut!" Kacie agreed.

"Another single word against my best friend and I'm gonna punch you in the face without any hesitation." I turned around and balled my fists in anger.

I'm the type of person who could tolerate a thousand words against myself but not a single one against my best friend. That was how much Brandon meant to me.

"Pffft!! You think I'll fall for that bluff?" Kacie laughed mockingly, pointing her finger at me.

"Why? You can curse and slap an innocent and I can't punch someone who deserves it? Well, try me if you want. I'm sure my mom would be proud of me even though I'd get two week suspension." I flexed my hands for emphasis. Lyla was taken aback and so was Kacie but she shrug it off.

"Was it that little Branny who taught you to go bluffing around? You sure do listen to him like a dog." Kacie cocked an eyebrow at me, testing my limits.

I gave you a chance and you ruined it. You wanted my punch so that's exactly what you will get.

I took two steps forward as the two girls backed away and I pushed away Lyla who was being used as a human shield by Kacie and (*KAPOW*) punched the girl I warned earlier.

Damn it feels so good!

I shook my hand that was a bit stingy but I didn't regret my actions. She deserved it.

"Did it hurt? Oh wait, I don't care."

I smirked at the girl on the floor who was backing away from me more with fright and went to the door before turning back. "You can insult me girls but you can't insult my best friend. You know the result if that happens."

I entered the hallway and covered my cheek, which I assumed to be a little red after that slap, with my hair and shook my hands.

"What took to so long?!" Brandon's voice just beside my ear made me scream a little and he covered my mouth with his hand.

"I told you to make some noise when you walk you idiot!!" Slapping his arm I pushed away his hand that was over my mouth.

"How can you beat up your boyfriend like that?" He whispered while shaking the hand that got hit a few moments ago and looking around the hallway to see if there are any teachers.

"Don't try to be cheesy with me Brandon. Besides, you told me nothing will change." I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, I told you some things will change." He kissed me really fast and put his arms behind his back, grinning innocently. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Your cheek looks red. Did something happen?" Brandon pointed at my cheek which he got a good look at after tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Nothing happened. Let's go or the teacher will kill us." I hit his hand again and fixed my hair.

"Okay then." He said reluctantly before joining me to go to the class. He tried to hold my hand but I shook it away and shot a glare, making him draw his hand back immediately.

"You're such an ice queen."

I don't curse so it took a lot of courage for me to write that curse words guys😂 I'm really innocent and pure you know😌👀

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