Chapter 7

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"Well aren't you gonna pay?" I scoffed, seeing Brandon just stare at me with his coke in one hand.

"I only wanted the coke. You're the one who wanted the popcorn so you pay for that bestie." He swung an arm over my shoulder.

"Arhem mister, you're the one to suggest this date so you pay," I remarked in a low voice while emphasizing the word 'date'. "And especially because you basically dragged me into the movies."

Brandon got the hint and immediately removed his hand from my shoulder. He cleared his throat in an awkward manner and payed for the food while I smirked in victory. We went to the lobby to select the movie.

"What do you wanna watch?" Brandon asked, examining the movie list on display. "Romantic?" His voice clearly had a salty tone to it but tried not to show it too much.

"Nah it's too cringy. How about action? Something like Iron Man?" I suggested and I could see the guy's facial features turn from disgust to amazement and finally to a wide grin.

"Yeah sure. That'd be awesome." He beamed and rushed to get the tickets for The Avengers : End Game. I waited till he came and we took our seats in the hall. There were about five minutes till the film started so I took out my phone to scroll down social media.

"Don't girls hate action movies normally?" Brandon turned to me. I put away the phone and gave him an un-amused look for being so stereotypical.

"You've been my best friend for more than ten years yet you don't know I love action movies?"

"We were little when we last watched a movie together and it was cartoon! Plus, we don't usually watch movies on sleepovers and I thought your tastes might've changed since you're a teen now." Brandon reasoned. He was right though.

"Well I'm okay with romantic movies but what's the point of going on a date with your partner if you're gonna end up watching something the other doesn't like? It'd be torture for the significancant other. But since I like action movies, my partner won't have to suffer forcing himself to watch something cringy and we both can enjoy the movie together." I explained in a serious tone.

I really wish I'd find my one soon so I can do loads of fun things with him. I too wanna experience what it's like to love and to be loved. This experimental girlfriend thing would be a learning experience for me as well.

I took my phone out again resumed surfing through social media. I felt eyes on me for a moment and I turned to Brandon when I couldn't take it anymore. He was staring at me intently with an expression I had never seen before causing me to blush. The lights went out just then so he wasn't able to see my red cheeks but I could sense that he was still gazing at me.

I fake-coughed and he shook his head as he returned to Earth after daydreaming and focused on the movie. I did the same but couldn't quite concentrate as his expression kept playing in my mind.

What was he thinking? I had never seen him like that before, not even when he gawks at Tina. His eyes were full of softness and fondness as if he was staring at something so very precious to him.

Maybe he was thinking of his sister? Probably. Maybe he was thinking of visiting her.

My chain of thoughts were broken by sound of a blade cutting something or a sound similar to that. I looked up and saw the Avengers looking at a headless Thanos and I focused my mind into watching the movie without missing one bit.

They were my favorite superheroes after all.

Especially Iron Man.

The movie was superb as always and I enjoyed it a lot. We both did. The ending brought tears to my eyes but I quickly wiped them off before Brandon saw. We left the cinema when the movie ended and walked to the parking.

Just as we were about to get into the car my stomach growled. Like, really loudly. I mentally face-palmed myself but was relieved it was Brandon who was with me.

"Looks like we'd have to treat that first." Brandon gave me a boyish grin, putting on his seat belt and starting the engine.

"I ate well but I'm hungry again." I said.

"It's okay. Next thing on the site was to take the girl to dinner anyway. What do you wanna get?"

"How about Chinese?" I suggested. "Wait that's too expensive." I quickly added, remembering the last time I went to a Chinese restaurant with my parents and how it costed a fortune.

"It's okay Kara. If you want Chinese, we can get it." Brandon chuckled.

"Look at you tryna look like a sugar daddy when you're just using up your dad's money." I grinned making him roll his eyes. "Let's get burgers. I'll gobble up snacks at home if I get hungry again."

With that being finalized, Brandon and I drove off to the nearest burger shop and placed our order at the drive-thru. After a few minutes of waiting, the order was ready and we went to a peaceful road with only a few passing by vehicles, to eat and just talk for a while.

"So how's Tina's lessons going?" I asked when we were seated in a bench as I removed the plastic wrap around my burger.

"It's going smoothly. She's a quick learner. I explain just once and she gets it really well." He said. "I was actually surprised to see how well she listens an- Hey! Where are you going?!"

I got up from the bench and marched towards the figure that was looking at me from a distance. It was a lady who seemed like she was in her late forties and it was obvious that she was homeless. She kept on staring at my burger and my face repeatedly. I stretched out my hand giving her the food and the woman looked at me with disbelief.

"It's okay lady. Take it. I've already had my dinner." I lied but was happy when she took the burger showing me a grateful smile. I hadn't tasted the burger so it was not like I was giving away leftovers.

I smiled at her and went back to join Brandon. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes again. I couldn't figure out if it was admiration or something else but it was definitely something positive.

I looked back at the lady who was now enjoying the burger and smiled to myself.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat." Brandon said and my stomach growled as if on cue, making us both burst out laughing.

Hey YOU!

Yes you, stop being a ghost reader and leave some comments for me to read😜

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