Beyond Redemption

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A young man with black hair and hazel eyes stood inside a small natural retreat treating a small parrot whose wing had been broken. Josh Summers looked into its small black beady eyes and comforted the small creature, as he stroked its feathers. 

The small bird looked back understanding, that this human meant no harm and he relaxed ready to be administered some medicine so that his wing might start to heal. It was no superpower, but Raine and the others had always been amazed at getting to know a true animal whisperer. Animals seemed to relax around Josh. 

It was then that Josh looked at his phone, which was rumbling silently as he finished binding the small parrot's injured wing and set him back in his cage to rest. It was Raine, and this could only mean one thing. He smiled as he texted her back congratulating her on their success and promising that as he had stated, he would care for Hope as if he was his child. 

He knew this was painful for Raine and reassured her that she would see him again, one day. At the same time, his thoughts darkened somewhat as he knew that this meant Starr would leave too, a small tear threatened to leave his face as he shook it off.

He felt the urge to text Starr, but he did not want to make things worse, the last time they talked they almost came to blows. If only Starr gave him a chance to show her how much he loved her, if only she had forgiven him. As he bathed and treated the small rabbit who had been beaten to near death and was slowly recovering, he remembered that day as if it was yesterday.

He stood outside the funeral home, he had done his best to be there as fast as possible when he had heard the news, but his flight had been delayed. He hoped that she would understand, all he wanted was to console her. 

Starr had just lost her parents in a horrible airplane accident. With guilt he had recalled that she had begged him to cancel this flight, as important as this was to his veterinarian career, she had been terrified and had only let him go when he reassured her everything would be alright and that he would be back soon, but now.

He walked into the funeral home searching for her with desperate eyes as he spotted her standing over her parent's coffins her face lifeless, and her sobs uncontrollable. He could feel her aunt and uncle staring daggers at him, yet somehow, they let him through. He approached her and touched her lightly on the shoulder ready to embrace her and let her know that this time he was back for real when he felt her shove him away, "What the hell do you want?" she stated bitterly he looked in shock.

Starr was not prone to cursing unless something was really upsetting her, he thought it might be due to the present situation, but no, it was something else, a look of pure revulsion looked back at him from those light brown eyes.

"Starr, baby I know you're in pain but I'm here" he stated nervously trying to comfort her as she shoved him so hard he fell hard on his back. She stood up regal and stated coldly," why don't you console her instead" she stated holding up her phone to show him something that made his face go pale, it was a picture from the conference, someone had taken a picture of him and Jessica, Starr's cousin whom he had run into at the event, her being a co-sponsor.

She had forcefully kissed him by surprise in front of the lobby, it had been a forced kiss. It had been in a desolate lobby so he had pushed her away, and had been sure that no one had seen them, he couldn't believe she would try to hurt Starr like this, even though Starr had helped her countless times. 

She has apologized profusely and stated that she would never do something like that again, for she loved Starr more than her own life, and so she was willing to give up on her feelings for him, her apparent grief, tears and the fact that they had become good friends had managed to convince him. It seemed now, a lie, she had sent someone to do her dirty job. At that moment though he knew that to Starr this meant he had been too preoccupied with other girls to answer her messages.

Starr had always disliked his friendship with Jessica, though she held no ill will it had made her uncomfortable. But she wanted Josh to be free and so she had allowed him to keep talking to her even during their pending engagement, and now. He tried to reason with her to make her see sense but since that day and feeling that he had not been with her in the hardest time of her life, she was livid and wanted him out of her life. That was the day he had lost her.

Josh shook his head and wiped his tears as the memories flooded him and pulling his wallet out he held on to the only memory of Starr he had kept, a picture of them dancing at prom, the day he had proposed, and now only a painful memory, but one he refused to let go of, hoping that Starr would rethink this decision and one day take him back, for he loved no one but her. He smiled as he caressed the picture and walked back to close the center and turn in for the day, his heart still attached to the picture.

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