The Cage

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Raine POV

She woke up in a cold sweat, heart pounding a million miles per second, her nightmares were coming back to haunt her, and she had gotten so good at hiding them, that she even knew how to suppress her sobs and screams. Even after rehab, there were monsters in her head that would not let her go, it was only the thought of looking forward to her new life, and with warmth, she remembered Ville, that allowed her to drift back to a peaceful sleep. It was the sound of Nova the early bird getting ready and Aurora chatting with Starr in the living room that awoke her as she saw her phone vibrated with a message from The Dark Prince, himself.

VV: Good morning, sweetheart! Are you feeling calmer now? I'm deeply sorry to have kept you up so late last night, I just had so much fun talking to you, have a lovely day darling :)

Her heart swelled as she texted him back under the covers not wanting to face the day without replying to him, and feeling like the luckiest fangirl in the world. The fact that he was worried made her heart swell even more.

RD: Good morning Ville, I'm ok thanks for worrying, it was just my anxiety getting the best of me don't worry it was not you... *she paused to breathe* but I really did enjoy meeting you and talking to you last night, I will contact you as soon as I let them know, please take care of yourself and have a wonderful and inspirational day!!! J

VV: Thank you! You as well sweetheart

She smiled not believing how lucky she was to have met her biggest idol and that his messages were staring at her back from her phone. He had such a gentle and kind soul, she trembled hoping that she would not mess up things as usual, as she shook her head shaking her waking nightmares. Determined not to try and let her past define her again, she shook it off and went to brush her teeth and get in the shower.

As they all set out to begin their day wanting to go do something together, with a very determined look Raine summoned all of her friends to the living room. "Guys I have something to tell you, about last night" everyone looked at her worry on their faces, "Who do we have to kill!" Nova stated cracking her knuckles "No one! " Raine stated feeling warmth at her friend's protectiveness and smiling as she resumed "I met someone last night he's well Willow will probably recognize him, and he is super nice and really charming and..."

Nova cut her off with a stern look "Raine now I know it's your life're telling me you let a stranger, a man, into our apartment, you, alone... something could have happened to you!" she stated her voice rising in worry "I do not think anything bad, happened" Aurora stated cutting in looking at Raine's demeanor. In fact, she and Willow had noticed how perky and happy Raine had looked all early morning "Go on Raine dear, tell us" she concluded and so Raine explained...

"YOU MET WHO! VILLE FUCKING VALO THE FINNISH SEX SYMBOL!" Willow bellowed her face shocked as the others looked oddly at her startled at her forwardness when Raine begged her to be quiet. If Ville heard this he would freak out and probably never come back again. 

"Yes I met Ville, but I don't think he likes that title" she added giggling and Willows's astounded expression "and he wants to meet us all, and well he wants to hang out with me more...and" she sensed the ice-cold hesitation rising in her voice, could she do this, was this all nonsense. Sensing her apprehension Starr approached her "I don't care who he is, but I can tell you this, I have never seen you happier, so if this will make you happy, I'm down with it!" Raine smiled with glee at her kindness.

" As long as he doesn't hurt you" Nova stated cracking her knuckles further if possible, "and as long as it does not disturb your studies" Aurora added in a motherly tone "thanks, thanks so much but to be honest", and she started "I don't know the first thing about hanging out with a guy even if he's just an acquaintance, being a hermit and all, I mean, I never got the chance, I don't know what to we-" Raine ranted in desperation as she felt Starr hug her.

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