Love's Requiem in the Cipher of His Vampire Heart

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We are almost there next chapter Ville should appear if you're still here thank you ^_^

Meanwhile, in the wealthier district of West Palm Beach, the sunlight peered through the glass windows of a beautiful Victorian-style mansion, it was a residence that screamed opulence and a good life. In the lavish tea room sat a beautiful young lady clad in a velvet cocktail dress and black stilettos. Her long waist-length silver hair shone through the windows of the mansion, as it illuminated her crystal blue eyes. 

Aurora was a single child, who came from a wealthy family stock of doctors and politicians. Her mother was a well-known doctor, and her father was a renowned historian, and English professor, they were uncommonly kind and charitable individuals, whom Aurora was proud to call her parents.

It was Sebastian the family's butler that interrupted her reading of the text that she had just received, which had made her scream for joy in a very unladylike manner. She cleared her throat trying to remain demure as Sebastian the butler walked into the room, bowing as he held the phone toward her "Miss Laurent, it is for you" he stated bowing gracefully, as she thanked him.

"I told you, Sebastian you do not have to be that polite with me", she added smiling as the old butler smiled, the old man was dear to her and had been to her a second father. In those times that her parents had been away on meetings and, having no brothers or sisters she was left alone in her playroom, or at ballet practice, she had relied on Sebastian, who had not only taught her language, mathematics, and other subjects but had also played and been her friend through thick and thin.

To the Laurent's he was more than a butler he was family. His father had done the same for Leiliana and since then Sebastian's family had been intertwined in bonds of love and trust with the Laurents. "And I tell you that you have to be a more, stern, dove, I would hate it, if someone was to hurt you, you have been through so much" he stated sorrowfully approaching to pat her on the head. 

She sighed recalling Edward, her beloved who had died of liver cancer two years ago. They had been smitten with each other since childhood and upon learning of his disease they had with the help of their loved ones battled the demon, but alas Edward had proven frail and had passed, leaving her tormented.

She had vowed to be loyal and not take any other in his place, though he had made her promise in his deathbed, that she would find happiness, even if it was not with him. She wiped a tear from her face as she took the phone into her ear, ready to share the news with whom she was sure were her parents on the phone, they had left early for a breakfast with the governor, and as such were not present.

Her dream of becoming an archeologist seemed to be on the horizon as she heard her mother crying with joy on the phone, after all, it had been her and Edward's dream and she had not abandoned it even if it brought her painful memories she, had decided to do what Edward could not do.

"Oh, that is marvelous news! Oh, my goodness!!! Darling, I am elated we must make this known to our friends!!!!!!" Leiliana her mother exclaimed sweetly over the phone, after Aurora gave her the news Raine had passed, "I agree though I must say, I was losing hope" "she stated frowning, thinking how long ago they had all applied. "Good things come to those who wait, dear, oh but I'm all aflutter!!! Your father is going to be speechless we must celebrate! then make arrangements!!!"

Aurora smiled through the phone, knowing her mother would want to celebrate with a flashy party. She sighed and shook her head smiling as she softly stated "Mother, I appreciate it, but you promised, I don't want the extra stress, I'm ok with something intimate with my friends and family" she added.

After a brief moment of silence, her mother agreed but insisted on getting her some acceptance gifts for her and her friends. Knowing that she would not cease and would pester her dad to convince Aurora, she acquiesced to her request. Her mother was giving by nature and would not accept "no" for an answer. She smiled as she got up to take a walk, remembering Edward and hoping to honor him with this chance that life had given her, as she stared at the crystal rose pin that he had given her so many years ago stuck to the breast of her dress. She smiled thinking of the future and that of her blood sisters, Nova, Raine, Willow, and Starr...

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