Fortress of Tears

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I stormed out of the room, anger clouding my mind like a violent hurricane, I should not be going to see her alone, but I refused to get anyone else involved in, our shit. It was then that I spotted her Raine stepping out of her apartment with her friends, on their way to go visit the school, she had mentioned that though it was some weeks away they wanted to get familiar with it. I did not want her to see me like this, I'm sure my eyes were black with anger and I would hate to scare her, but as if the gods had decided to laugh at me, she turned around and smiled waving at me as she ran up to greet me.


I spotted him and my heart leaped, though last night I had been scared and not allowed our kiss to continue he had made me feel so comfortable, I wanted to wish him a good day before I left to see my new school for the first time, so I waved to the others to wait and ran up to meet my gothic king dressed in simple rolling stone, sleeveless shirt that showed off his tattoo and some jeans with chucks, he looked as always gorgeous. It was only his face that made me stop as I reached him, I had never seen him so upset, his eyes were clouded and almost black the green gone from them was it me? Was I just being clingy now? He sensed my nervousness like he always did and reached around me to hold me.

 "Please don't worry darling, I just had some shit come up with the label, but I'm sure Mige will scare them straight for me though he probably needs backup, so I'm gonna take off but I'll see you soon, please enjoy yourself! Oh, and good luck with your new students! " he stated kissing my lips lightly sending my heart into a confused flutter mixed with worry as the anger still danced in his Scandinavian orbs but somehow he was trying to keep it together for me, I felt like prying but did not want to set him off and decided to return the hug and wish him a wonderful day and good luck with this problem as we both departed our separate ways, I somehow knew he was hiding something, but my heart told me to not follow as I returned to my friends.

"Is he ok? He seemed a bit angry" Willow stated noticing him as he stormed off in the other direction waving kindly at them before he did. "I don't know I have never seen him like this" Raine stated worried, "He said it had something to do with his label, but I don't know.." she added worried, wanting to run after him. 

"Well he's big enough to take care of himself, and I'm sure if it was serious he'd tell you" Nova stated noncommittedly "I'm sure it's just that" Starr added looking concerned about Raine's sudden change in mood, she had been so happy as she told them all about how wonderful last night had been. Aurora stepped in to hold Raine's hands "If it was anything to do with you sweetie I'm sure he'd be a gentleman and talk to you privately about it, don't fret we have a big day ahead of us" with her heart still unsure Raine smiled meekly and she followed her friends to the limo Aurora had rented and they took off.


Trying to keep her mind off Ville, she focused all of her attention on her day, the university was, of course, magnificent, and the gods smiled at them as their teachers were kind and welcoming, though they did warn them that once classes started they would expect high-quality work from them. Raine and the others agreed that they should hold study sessions even if their subjects were completely alien from each other. 

The day passed and soon enough Raine was standing in front of her first official classroom, she had gotten enough practice in the other school and this one thankfully consisted of a few students who seemed nice and eager to learn. Her Finnish was still not great so the instructor enthusiastic about what Pakku had told him about her recital, decided to partner with her to act as translator.

Though her anxiety was threatening to make her croak she managed to get through teaching them the basics and even play a piece from Beethoven for them. They were all amazed by her performance and claimed that they were excited to come to class from now on. She felt so happy and had Ville and her friends to thank for it, and yet dark clouds yet loomed, she was worried, what had happened to Ville, was it really just a label thing...she had to see see what was was wrong to pry...but she had worried seeing him so angry...she thought as she stepped into work...

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