Trapped In Autumn

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The drive to the unknown destination long but it was blissful as Raine and Ville chatted about the more serious aspects of the music industry and what was the best way to handle certain affairs like interviews "Never make the mistake of revealing too much of your personal life to the media" he stated as she nodded smartly "sometimes that mysticism is necessary and it helps you to keep your private affairs from being used for unprofessional tabloids" he stated as she looked at him worried that she might be causing some trouble in that area.

She was sure people had seen them together and she was bound to come out in the news "Oh no worries love, if they ever try to spread rumors about you or expose you in regards to us, I'll handle it myself" he stated assertively, she felt so safe with him and she smiled thanking him. As they continued their chat the place where they were to arrive was ahead it was a small cabin set in the heart of a forested area with a beautiful lake surrounding it, individuals were out fishing on boats that roamed by, and it was a haven for hermits and lovers alike.

She gasped at how beautiful it was and was glad that she had accepted after much insistence from Ville to allow him to get her some winter clothes, as she had left all of them at the apartment, it was pretty cold out here. Ville paid the cab driver and led Raine to what he stated was their cabin "home sweet home, though I still have to take you to my tower one day, so we can have more privacy" he whispered making her blush more if possible, "It's gorgeous Oh my god Ville thanks, but you did not have to do-" he cut her off with a gentle kiss on her forehead, as they approached the cabin.

It was all she imagined it to be warm and cozy with the basic amenities and a gorgeous view of the lake, "We can try and ride in the boats a bit later" he stated "for now let's enjoy some food, I had them send some stuff for us" Raine practically melted at his thoughtfulness, she had not had a bite afraid of throwing up during the recital and she was now starving aware of the fact.

The food was, of course, delicious and she was amazed at seeing Ville eat some reindeer meat after all he was a vegetarian, "Well it's a special occasion and I did cook some Thai for us" he stated "Oh well, next time let me cook, I'm not as great but I'll try" she stated making him sigh as they looked at each other, very aware that they were alone and unwatched. They sat on the couch looking over the window at the scenery, as they kept talking about Finland's lore mythology and Ville's favorite memories from touring, but what he wanted was for her to open up a bit, he was worried about having seen her so frail and those tears.

 At the same time, he did not want to ruin the moment, and hopefully, she would open up a bit more on her own. She felt as if he was waiting for her to say something as they strolled along the porch and bedside of the lake, somehow she wanted to open up to him, but she was afraid terrified of what his reaction would be, and she did not want to ruin this moment.

They had finally rented a boat and for a moment they merely enjoyed the silence, the stillness of the water, and the colors of the afternoon sky paled in comparison to him, and for a second she wanted to open up, but her fears kept halting her. They walked towards the cabin, both of them lost in their world

As they sat on a lovers' swing, they continued to talk about their common likes such as those of horror movies and literature, "The Count of Monte Cristo is a magnificent book" she stated "Indeed, though I am partial to Dracula, and Stephen King has written some interesting pieces, but I am pretty much open to anything, you can learn much by reading" She nodded vehemently "I know and there is nothing like the smell of old books, ah, so relaxing" she stated smiling. It was then that they began discussing his tattoos as the night sky began to become clouded with stars when he asked if she had any Raine blushed stating that she only had two and smiled gushing when he asked what they were and if he could see. 

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