Sleepwaking Past Hope

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So I tried my best to write a good action scene but please have mercy this is my first fanfic :D

Hours later


"FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT HER!" Ville bellowed at Linde almost clocking him one, before Mige stepped in to calm him down "we are not asking you to leave her, but Ville we are doing everything we can to find her" Mige stated trying to calm his friend down...

Everyone was there and they were all almost at blows had it not been for Aurora, Burton, Mige, and a few others who were trying to remain level-headed. Nova would have gone on a murderous rampage she nearly made Ville pass out when she had kicked him hard before being pulled away by her friends and Jyrki who had stopped by and had given some sedatives by the local police that had been called in..." I TOLD YOU TO CARE FOR HER WHAT THE F" she screamed "IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT NOVA! SHE JUST GOT UP AND LEFT! I DON'T KNOW HOW AND FOR FUCK'S SAKE I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT I JUST WANT TO FIND HER!" he yelled back before the cops intervened and told them to calm down or they would be arrested

Ville was tired of the damn questioning of what had happened he just wanted Raine to make sure she was safe, and to ask her why the hell she had left, or kill whoever had abducted her. He knew it was Elliot it had to be but all the info he had on him was null and the cops were talking of opening a case, and looking at the club where the man was said to have been spotted. He could care less Raine could be miles away from now and she had left her phone so no way of contacting her, and to think he had held her for the last time, he would have never fallen asleep.

Nova now sedated kept crying "I need to find sis, she can't have gone to them why? Damn it Raine!" she kept stating next to a Willow who was sobbing uncontrollably into Linde's arms. While Starr was being held by Josh confused. To everyone's surprise, Josh had thrown everything away to be at their side. Apparently, Willow had informed him, knowing he was as hard as things were between him and Starr their friend, he had left the pets and nightmare in Yuko's care she was a sweet girl, and he knew he could trust her. "I can't believe It" he stated, "should we contact our families?" Aurora shook her head "no and already we made a mistake by contacting the authorities they could oh I can't...she stated as Burton held her worried. "I tell you what we do!" Nova stated. 

"We don't just sit here on our ass we go look for her" she added punching the door to the duplex cabin William owned nearby, they had been asked to clear the area where the other cabin was so as to try and find clues "I'll find her," Vile said standing up to get his coat "and where the hell exactly do you think you'll find her dude just calm down we got to leave this to the authorities, these guys are child sex traffickers from what you just said, " Angel said almost making Ville clock him one before Gas intervened to stop them. 

Ville had felt horrible revealing Raine's past to everyone, but they needed all the info they could get, nothing else mattered, just Raine. "Whatever we do we must do it quickly and calmly "Seppo stated he had grown fond of the girls and this girl Raines' disappearance had devastated him too. "If only we had someone to connect us to these assholes" Nova stated defeated. At that word Ville stood fast startling everyone, "I think I might have an idea" Ville stated a sense of hope in his heart mixed with despair he just hoped, she would cooperate

It was a surprise that Nova didn't get arrested as she pummeled the girl to the ground before they pulled her off "Where the hell is she you damn bitch! you know! Where did they take! her answer me, now asshole!!!" it took hours to calm her down and to get the girl to talk. "I..I will take you but only under protection" the cops agreed and so the girl began to tell them exactly where they would take Raine, for she should be punished at everyone's horror first, Ville screamed into the walls but he at least knew now they had a chance to find her.

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