My Poison Girl

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Raines POV

Raine felt euphoria, as she sang and strummed Nyx, a sense of madness and bliss mixed together... it was in this that she was in her element when the world turned black and she was alone in her mind, and her demons allowed her to take the leading dance. She would picture herself at the pit of hell's gates and like Orpheus, she would look back, she would always look back and play until her maddened mind would drain her of all feelings. 

Raine had always hoped that through her songs and music, others would be transported and allowed to vent their sorrow, like this... this...this lovely thing called music helped relieve her stress, and cope with the issues of self-loathing and anxiety that haunted her waking nightmares, it tamed her demons and kept her locked away from this putrid world. She concluded the song and paused to look down and correct her posture which was quite bent over, not to mention she was sure she was developing a carpal tunnel from the way she played.

It was at that moment that she looked up and froze. Her resolve was shattered, replaced by a rapidly beating heart and a feeling of deep admiration, It was a dream, he could not be there, standing, eyes welled up with tears as he stared at her with a melancholic and sorrowful gaze. He was as tall as she imagined, pale, haunting, beautiful, his long brown chocolate curls peeked out of his purple beanie, and his eyes which were red and puffed up, were a mix of the perfect shade of green, of a day between spring and summer, of the deepest ocean and the greenest forests, his face perfection immaculate, with high cheekbones and lips to die for.

He was devilishly beautiful she had always thought of him as someone unreal...molded by Eros to fool mortals into his abyss or created by Cupid as a wicked trap to slay and capture all hearts...*by the gods* she gaped *that bone structure*. In no way did all those magazines and pictures do him justice, he was as the Agents had stated when they mentioned him as "The Dark Prince".

It was then that she realized she was gaping, and she quickly closed her eyes and mouth turning away. *Well* she thought blushing madly * I creeped him out now probably, I'm sure he's sick of being gaped at like a rare bird in a gilded cage* she stated to herself self-aware that he was still standing there rubbing the tears from his eyes. *Tears* She thought, realizing that he had been crying fervently *but why? And Oh my God did I wake him up maybe that's why he's teary-eyed, or maybe he was in the middle of a bad dream or argument* her mind went into overdrive as she fidgeted to go back inside after apologizing profusely...


She stood there apologizing over and over, with a beet-red face, she was going to go. I had not thought this through, my mind had been on overdrive and all I had wanted was to see her. To get close to her and tell her how grateful I felt for her performance, but she was already packing up her guitar. *great I know how I must look, like a degenerate drunk stalker...she's probably heading in there to call the police right now* he stated mentally bashing myself *I have to explain, I don't want her to go thinking the worst of me*.

This was strange to him, in all honesty, he had never felt this way about any random woman, but she this girl no this woman was something else...

He mustered his courage and before she could step away he said cautiously bowed and stated "Sweetheart, wait I was just, well I was touched, that was a magnificent piece you just played" his voice broke a little, he then noticed his logo on her shirt and knew full well that she knew who he was. So then clearing his throat up he stated "that has got to be one of the most moving tributes I have ever heard to my songs" in what he hoped sounded sincere and not creepy. She looked shocked even worried as I wiped my tears, *great she probably thinks I'm just drunk and trying to hit her up* he thought bashing himself mentally again.

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