Cyanide Sun

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Next chapter ^^

Raine stood before the tall stone fortress that behind its old and decrepit look was the perfect place to hide weapons and sex slaves "Welcome home" Alexiel stated as he guided her into the walls of her prison and walked her down its stone walls to where the real place lay underground it was.

Complete with the latest technology and money-making factories inside she could hear the screams of the girls as they were taken by men and she could smell the fires burning from the furnaces where the bodies of those who failed drug jobs were disposed. She almost gagged were it not for her numbness.

"He can't wait to see you" Alexiel stated as she stood before the office of what she could only describe as a hotel of 5 stars. It was Elliot's room she walked in escorted before Alexiel bowed out two men with assault guns stood at the side of his desk as Elliot turned to face her. The disgust on his face replaced with a repulsive smile "Raine! Darling! so nice to see you again, please sit down" he stated as she did hope, to god he was not going to greet her as she feared. The opulence in the office was disgusting all decorated in white furnaces with white velvet a contrast to his dark soul, in his hand was a glass of red wine his favorite.

She froze as he stood up and approached her rubbing his hand down her thighs "It has been so long...he stated with a perverse grin "And you have been behaving badly, first you almost threw down our operation with that ridiculous coup d etat that you staged, and then you decide to go snooping. You could have stayed down, you could have stayed quiet, and lived on, even after I saw you at the concert, I thought you were no threat" so he had recognized her she thought. "But no! you had to be stubborn, so now, let me show you a bit of punishment before we take you to see daddy," he said as he unbuckled his belt, " I told him, that I need it" she was revolted as she stood up and undid her pants.

She knew if she resisted it would be worse and she only hoped that her memories of Ville would be enough to drown out her disgust as he bent her over his desk and took her in the most sickening way possible she muffled her screams, her demon's and traumas reawaken as she was careful not to ruin his desk and cause his ire as he finished inside her with a disgusting grunt.

"Ah that felt so good, forgot how good your pussy feels" he stated making her almost gag. "Now.. go to Marcus, he will take you to clean up and get ready to meet your father he has work for you to do...unknowing him Raine had taken a small knife with her that he had left haphazardly on the desk file he hid and she now had a chance to free herself and maybe take daddy or Elliot with her.

She felt like an emotionless doll as they dressed her and took her to an even bigger room hidden in the depths of what she could call hell. The office was tinted with ivory drapes and purple satin he was arrogant and thought of himself as royalty.

She had to find a way but there was so much security. She just wanted this nightmare to end and she wanted to end along with it. She slowly entered the room her face emotionless as she greeted him.

'Father' she bowed "I'm home"

"My daughter" his voice was as cold as ice as Raine stood before him she was wearing what he liked best a red strapless dress and red lipstick. He stood up and smiled it's been a while he touched her chin pulled her up and smacked her across the face hard making her fall 'you have been a bad girl he added "You almost killed all of us, and now you tried to ruin us again tsk tsk. Oh but come now, I'm a forgiving man, I am willing to let you have another chance dear" he stated signaled her to approach with a perverted look on his face

"How long has it been now, come and sit on daddy's lap, it's been a while", he said unbuckling his belt as she was forced to take him in the mouth and rectum. He again finished inside her making her feel more hollow and dead "Now", he said in a matter-of-fact tone, while she cleaned herself with tears in her eyes. "Tell me, Raine, why? Why did you betray us? Did I not give you everything you wanted he stated as she pondered the best way to slip the knife she had hidden in her bra into his throat 'I was scared" she stated "I...I didn't want to hurt others, anymore"

He smiled sadistically, "Ah but Raine surely you didn't think you could have everything for free" he stated grinning as if he was talking about the weather and taking an apple from his desk and chewing on it as if nothing. "I...I don't know" she added "You don't...know" he slammed his hand on the table "You damn well knew!!! and yet you broke the rules Raine!!!' he stated sighing "but I am a forgiving father and so I am willing to allow you back in" he added. "But only after you promise to be loyal and undergo the punishment trial" he stated munching annoyingly on the apple as if he was discussing a board meeting for a new flyer.

"I have got big plans Raine and you will help me see them through but before that, after the punishment trial go to the doc I want to make sure I or Elliot or the others don't leave seed inside of you, we don't want you pregnant" she cried harder trying to hold back her sobs, she dried her tears as she was dismissed. How the hell was she going to get to the others she had to somehow...she was running out of time she thought as she was escorted to be cleaned

She was once again left to be torn open by the men...and it took all her willpower to not scream unless told to some of them got off on it. She had to find a way with a start, she realized there was a way she would win his trust and once he was lulled into a false sense of comfort, she could get him during one of his morning baths. It would be perfect, but he was no fool, how could she convince him? With a jolt of guilt, she realized the only way would be to do jobs...

"It's a very important job do It correctly and your father will grant you a room" Marcus indicated as she looked at the next shipment of bags she would have to swallow and take from Moscow to Sweden. "In the shoes, you'll be carrying a bit more but the ones they are really expecting are the ones you'll swallow do this job right and you'll be forgiven" he added as she prepared to take them "don't do it and a certain boy from Finland will end up dea"' he added in a stern voice making her go pale 'but' he slapped her across the face' do it..'

"We are almost there Ville calm down please you're going to drive me nuts!" William stated as the jet flew them close but not so close as to alert the men that they were there. "I know that but," Ville growled "I can't if they have touched her I...he hissed angrily, he wanted those sick fucks to pay what a load of sick-minded beasts do to innocent girls should be castrated.

"It's here" April stated as they showed her the place over the phone she had stayed behind to be safe and they had agreed only the boys and Nova who would not be dissuaded had come to Raines' rescue...

"We are located close to the zone sir", the officer stated "if we manage to take them down then this case can finally be put to rest," he said to Fawn. "by the gods I hope so" the chief commanded, "what animals do this!!".

"What do you mean wait !!" Ville yelled, "We can't just rush in yo! they go weapons and that was the plan!" Nova stated "I want to  go in too but we might as well kill Raine for all the good it will do" Ville bit his fingers, every hour was killing him

"The flight will go out an hour early" ready for your first big day Ilia the girl in charge of the drug delivery stated. She was a beautiful blonde and kind lady forced to watch girls do these things under threat.

"I guess" Raine stated as the girl looked at her meekly. "Sweetie it's best if you don't fight it anymore, you know it will get worse" she added. "And these men well they know you" Rained nodded, which resulted in compassion in Ilia's heart as she held her and for the first time Raine cried and wept at her fate she was so lost

Hours later outside the fort a bit farther away

"Ready?" William asked, "I was born ready let's go get my wife, just kidding," Fawn said, noticing Ville's dagger stare as Jussi and the others set the booby traps with fireworks and sent one flying over as the signal for the cops.

An explosion shook the earth and Raine panicked as Ilia held her close and all hell broke loose she screamed.

They would blame her as two men came in tased ilia for interfering and dragged Raine to Elliot who was furious. 

"Again... THEY FOUND US AGAIN!!! LITTLE C***!!! l" he slapped her and raped her again and again. "IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT YOU LITTE, (SLAP), MISERABLE, (PUNCH), S*** FOR BRAINS!!!" (KICKS TO HER STOMACH) he yelled kicking her head in over and over. "Elliot! Enough! Alexiel stated we have to move out in the mobile's get her and the other girls out in the trucks we are surrounded but there is the forest path. Raine's heart froze it could be? Ville was here...

The next Chapter will be up soon :D

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