Empty Home, profound House

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A house Is made up of mere walls while a home consists of feelings attached with the people living in that house.
what if house provides empathetic support, while home makes a person feel empty?

Shivaay entered his house, to see a big portrait of his parents. He went near the portrait and carresed their pic. A small smile emerged on his face while his eyes glistened with tears.

His house was small, how big of a house is required for one person to stay in? It was small but it was decorated beautifully. The house was painted with vibrant colors, it was decorated with flowers.

He looked around the house, it was empty as usual.

"Why don't you live with us?"
Was the question asked by Mishra infinite times.

How could Shivaay explain that he feels protected by the loneliness, people scare him.
Embrace is home for everyone, what if a person fears building a home.
His house has the known scent of his mother, it has the illumination which is provided by a father.
He enjoys the music of silence, his heart dances to those beats.
Though his house is not a home, it's profound.

Yes, the loneliness reminds him of those dark days, but isn't darkness still his companion?

He again looks towards the portrait and says
" Even though you are snatched away from me, you will always be with me in my heart. "

He closed his eyes in anger and muttered
" Kapoors"

The name which he still despises.
The name which sends shivers down his spine.
It may be just a name for others, but for him it was the fire which burnt his world, which made him an orphan.

Annika reached the Kapoor mansion and was taken into a hug as soon as she entered her home

" How was your day beta?" Asked Mrs.kapoor with a smile on her face.

" It was good " Annika replied with a smile, a smile which people give to strangers.

" Annika you should have come back with me. See it's so late now, I was so worried"   Annika heard twisha's voice.

" Di, I had some work so I had to stay back. "

Annika felt someone touch her shoulder and turned around to see Mr.kapoor looking at her .
She looked at him and hugged him, as a greeting ritual and then went towards her room to freshen up.

She entered her room and sat on the bed, tired.
She brought her fingers towards her forehead in an attempt to massage her hurting head.
Before she could do it, she felt someone massage her head softly. She looked up to see Twisha smiling at her.

She closed her eyes, to let go of stress, but that never happened.
She had people around her, who would fulfill her wishes even before she vocalizes them.
She felt grateful of having such loving people around her.
What bothered her was, even after having so many people, she felt empty.
She felt guilty of never being able to reciprocate the love she was given.

She was not capable of loving anyone, she knew it. Even if her heart won't let anyone in, she would do everything to keep her family happy. She would hug them back, have dinner with them, share some words, even though as a duty.

Why would she not keep them happy?
Mr. And Mrs. Kapoor have given her unconditional love and brought her up.
Her elder sister, twisha, gave her the post of chairperson without thinking twice.
Thus, Annika would also give everything to them. The only thing which she can't share with them is something she has buried deep down, emotions.
How can she share emotions when she doesn't feel them herself?

Annika came out of her thoughts as she was called for dinner.
" Time to fulfill my duty as their daughter" she said as she walked towards the dining area.

Sunrays fell on his eyes, disturbing his sleep and he put a blanket over his face , to go back to his dreamland.
He woke up with a jerk, when he heard his mobile ringing loudly.
He rubbed his eyes, and looked at the caller's name, Mishra.

" Mishra I will come to the office little late, handle everything till then"
Shivaay said in a sleepy voice.

" Are you mad shivaay? You don't have to come to office. Don't you remember you have to report to Annika? If you will be even a minute late, she will fire you" Mishra shouted.

Shivaay got up immediately and hurriedly got ready, fearing that he would lose his job on the very first day .
He took a bath, and wore his formal trouser and shirt and rushed towards his car.
He was about to start his car, when a thought en d his mind and he hit his forehead  with his hand.

He stood on the streets, In scorching heat, waiting for an auto or a cab.
Frowns appeared on his forehead as none stopped for him.
He was about to turn back when he heard someone call his name.

He was astonished to see an auto stop for him, and even more shocked to see the driver.

" Give these reactions some other time and sit or else you will be late"
Shivaay followed and sat inside.
" Mishra, do you know how to ride an auto?"
" Shut up shivaay and let me concentrate."
Shivaay put a finger on his lips to which Mishra chuckled.

They reached Kapoor office  in 15 minutes after which shivaay rushed inside.
He ran through the office while he heard people wish him good luck.
He immediately looked at his watch to see he was 2 minutes late.

" She won't be that heartless to fire me for being 2 minutes late" shivaay thought .

He stopped his marathon, taking support of the handle, as he reached her cabin.

" May I come in ma'am" he said while he knocked.
" You are two minutes late mister and for me time matters the most" he heard a stern voice.
" Please give me one chance and I won't disappoint you" he said, still trying to catch breath, entering her cabin.
" OK , as you are new i will give you one more chance, but you will have to do whatever I say." Annika said without sparing a look at him.
" I am ready"

Shivaay came out of the cabin with a smile on his face, while all other employees stood shocked, how could he come alive from the lion's den?

He was standing there, rejoicing his victory, when he felt some weight on his hands.

" I want you to complete these files by evening"  Annika said while eyeing at other employees.

Before shivaay could digest the information , she dissappeared inside her cabin.

" Is she heartless? " Shivaay muttered while looking at the pile of files.

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