Moment of love

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Shivaay felt a soft touch on his forehead, as if roses embraced his temple. Unknowingly a smile formed adorned his lips.
He slowly opened his eyes to see Annika staring at him lovingly.
There was a twinkle in her eyes, twinkle of love, love for him?
He immediately shrugged those thoughts away.

He felt blissful, he hadn't slept so peacefully from ages.
He felt fostered, some one protected him.
He looked around to realise that he was resting his head on Annika's lap.
How did that happen?
As far as he remembers, they just walked inside from the garden, and he slept on the couch while Annika settled on the bed.

He got up with a jerk and struggled to form a sentence while mumbling to himself.

" Good morning" he heard her voice,dulcate voice.

" Goo..good morning" he replied fumbling.

" You freshen up, I will prepare breakfast for us" Annika said as she softly put her hand over his hand and brushed it with her thumb.
Then she got up and went towards the kitchen while shivaay stared at her retreating figure.

He walked towards the mirror to see lipstick mark on his forehead, he touched his forehead with his hand and looked at his own reflection.
He saw his cheeks turning crimson red, he tried to rub the color away but failed miserably.

" What Is this ? Why isn't the ruddiness going away?"

" Shivaay" he heard Annika's call and sauntered outside, not before rubbing the mark on his forehead away .

He reached the dining area, to see Annika arranging the food there.
He saw a glimpse of his mother in her.

" Why are you standing there, come here soon" Annika exclaimed while shivaay followed her words.

He stood near the table, transfixed, staring at Annika.

" Sit" Annika said while shaking him by his shoulder.

Annika put a plate near him , and served him with food while he continued staring at her.
She was going to settle on her chair, but something hit her mind.
She went close to him, lifted her hand up slowly.
She was scared, scared of his reaction.
Yet she wanted to do this.

She tenderly placed her hand on his cheek, and looked at him questioningly.
He closed his eyes, while Annika tried to guage his expressions.

Was he uncomfortable? Was he frightened?

Annika was lost in her thoughts just when she felt his hand squeezing her hand which was placed on his cheek.
She saw shivaay smiling, he looked content.
A tear of happiness fell from her eye.

She brought her other hand towards his cheek and cupped his face.
Shivaay opened his eyes and looked directly into her honey brown ones.

Annika brought her face close to his face, there was minimal distance between them.
Shivaay could feel her breath fanning on his face.
Annika could feel his raising heartbeats.
Shivaay closed his eyes in anticipation.

Annika looked at him and smiled.
She softly pecked on his nose.
Her smile got reciprocated by his smile.
She joined their foreheads to enjoy their moment of bliss.

" Let's eat" he said innocently to which Annika burst into laughter.
She parted apart and both of them started to eat.

" The paratha is really tasty just like mom used to make it." shivaay complemented and looked at Annika.
He saw her cheeks turning Rosy .

" Her cheeks also changed color like mine. What's this happening? " Shivaay mumbled to himself.

" Shivaay"

"Huh..i mean yes annika"

" I...I don't know what will I do now. I am not greedy for property or money. But that was my father's and Uncle's hard earned money. I lost it all cause of my stupidity . I let them down"
Annika said while looking down disheartenly.

" Annika, look at me"

Annika nodded her head in a no.

Shivaay brought his hands near her face and lifted her chin.
He saw tears in her eyes.
He rubbed them of softly.

" We haven't lost anything"
Shivaay exclaimed to which Annika widened her eyes.

"What...what do you mean?" Annika questioned.

" You remember the papers I got signed from you. They were not real property papers. I knew twisha would play some game and not let me get those signed. So I put the actual papers in Twisha's file and she got them signed. She didn't even realise I did that cause her whole concentration was on my file."

Annika's eyes widened hearing the words and her lips formed a perfect O.
She was astonished.

Shivaay let out a laughter and closed her mouth with his finger.

" So now, I am the signing authority of your property. They can't have it by your signatures. " Shivaay smirked while Annika finally digested all the information she got.

" You and I can go and claim the property. It's still our legally"

" No shivaay, we won't do that. We not only want the property back but we also have to get them punished for making us orphans, for darkening our world."

Annika looked at shivaay and saw his lips quivering
" I..I don't want anything. I don't want to punish anyone. You are safe, that's...that's enough for me. "

" Shivaay, we can't let our parents murderers roam freely"
Annika said while squeezing his hand.

" I ..I can't afford to lose you"
Shivaay stuttered while Annika saw the fear which his eyes held.
She saw a tear tracing down his cheeks.
His eyes held an entire world, her world.
She couldn't let them moisten.

She put her lips softly on his eyes.
She kissed his tear away.

His heart beated faster and faster as Annika's face came up to his own face.
He couldn't catch a decent breath.

She was drowning in the ocean of passion as she saw his greenish blue eyes dilating.

He felt her breath on his cheeks. She watched his eyelids flutter, then close. Then their lips met.

It was a soft kiss, a kiss of assurance, a kiss to convey a promise, promise of always being there . A kiss showing companionship.

So is the new update.please do give you feedback

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