Innocent Devil

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She heard the sound of glass door, saw his retreating figure, as he left the office. Immediately she rushed towards her cabin, opened her laptop, trying to find some really important information.

' Prozac' she read the name, and simultaneously typed it.

' Anti Anxiety Pills' were the words which flashed on her laptop screen.

" Anxiety disorder" she thought , with an expression showing her confusion. She realised she shouldn't come to any conclusion, she can't take any chance with his health, and thus decided to consult her trusted psychiatrist acquaintance.

" Can you describe the symptoms you saw, I can't just specify his problem based on the medicine intaked" came the reply from Dr.Sara.

Annika described all his reactions, his shivering lips and trembling legs in response to some stimulus she couldn't guage.

She put down her mobile, her brows contracted, while she rubbed her forehead.

" He is haphephobic"

The doctor's words continuously ran in her mind. He had the rare disorder, fear of touching someone or getting touched.
How would have he developed such a serious disorder?
As per the doctor, such disorders usually develop after facing some assault.

Usually, the reactions can be controlled by the pills, but at severe times he may have to be sedated.

This revealation scared her. But somewhere she felt relieved that she knew about his problem. She can be there, protect him whenever he needed.

This thought brought a smile on her face. The brain immediately percieved the curve of her lips, and rationalized her actions.
The same would have been done for every employee, no irregularities should happen in her office, was the arguement put forward.
The heart got burdened by dominant attitude of the master organ.

He reached his place of solace, Anshi's arms, to reduce the anxiety produced.
Anshi pointed towards her lap, as she and shivaay sat on the couch.
Shivaay immediately put his head on her lap, while she placed a soft feather like kiss on his temple.
He felt his body loosen up, that's the highest level of relaxation he ever felt, whenever he used to face such anxiety attacks.

Only Anshi and Mishra could control him in such situations, only they could bring his body back to normal.
But his mind wandered in darkness Everytime this happened, and no one could pull him out of it.

Mishra entered to see shivaay sleeping on Anshi's laps, and he knew the thing he dreaded the most would have happened.
In their office, Mishra would always be there the protect shivaay from such situations.
He was about to rush towards shivaay, when he heard shivaay's voice

" Please turn off the lights, the illumination scares me"

He obliged, as a tear fell from his own eye, how long would shivaay get lost in the same darkness?
Till when will the dark clutches of past entangle him, haunt him?

Few days passed, as her attitude changed towards her blue eyed employee!
No, she wasn't treating him any special, but she just gave him little less burdern and little more trust.
She would look at him at regular intervals, to just check if he is fine.

She indirectly ordered all her employees to maintain some amount of physical distance with him, and gave him a special cabin near her cabin.


Only cause it would be easy to access him whenever needed, as he is her personal assistant. That's what her logical reasoning said.

Did the heart follow any sort of logic?
Did she follow what her heart said?
No, was what she felt!

He felt the change in her behaviour, and reached the office with a victorious smile.

" Mishra, today is the day. I am going to do the thing which we planned. The cause of my arrival would be fulfilled today"
He conversed on the phone, as he is about to enter the office.

May be this day, he would open loose one of the ropes of past which tied him, as he would take a step towards his own satisfaction.

He took out a file, as he was about to enter Annika's cabin, just when something came on his way and the file fell down, scattering the papers away.

His fellow employee came down to his level, and helped him to collect his papers, with a smile on his face.

Shivaay thanked him , as he got up and entered her cabin.

" Ma'am, these are some documents Mr.khurana sent, in which your sign is needed so that the deal can be locked "
Shivaay said as he placed the file on her desk.

Annika looked at him with a smile, an unusual one.

"Ofcourse, I would sign them Mr.shivaay. I have great regards towards you for getting us such a huge deal. It's appreciable."
Annika said , as she opened the file and started signing the papers.

" Ma'am" twisha entered the cabin, after she knocked the door. " I think you should..." Annika pressed her hand on twisha's hand, gesturing her to wait.

Twisha let go of her hand from Annika's hold
" Ma'am actually I need some sign urgently, shivaay is it ok for her to sign the files I brought first?"
She said while trying to to give some message to Annika through eye contact.

Shivaay agreed, as Annika signed the papers brought by twisha first.
Annika asked twisha to leave, despite of resistance from her side.

She again smiled towards shivaay, and signed the papers , giving the file back to him.
He took her permission, to leave the office early, owing to some personal issue.
Shivaay thanked her and then he left her cabin.

As he left the office, he saw the file and a victorious smile emerged on his face. Soon , the smile turned into a smirk.

" The innocent Devil is always victorious"
He said as he put his glares on.

So guys
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Please do give your feedback and criticism.
I would happily take your input to improve .

Here I am giving some information about haphephobia .
It I a fear of touching someone or being touched .
It is accomapanied with following symptoms

Chest pain

Choking sensation

Cold or hot flashes

Cholinergic urticaria



Fear of dying

Fear of loss of control

Feeling of being trapped

Heart palpitations



Sense of impending danger


Tingling sensations


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