Chapter 3

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Friday, October 26, 2012 5:43pm 

"What is she doing here? Get her out! Now!" Screamed someone waking me up. I soon felt a pair of hands on me picking me up and taking me out of room 424. As I was barely opening my eyes I saw there were a many people rushing into Harry's room. I could hear loud shouts as someone was telling the nurses what to do. Was I dreaming? I rubbed my eyes making sure I was awake and made my way back into the room. The doctor who had spoken to us when we first arrived to the clinic on Sunday was standing besides Harry's cot. She had two defibrillator palettes, on in each hand. "Bring it up one joule." She screamed at a nurse. She quickly moved and pushed some buttons on a machine and the doctor placed the palettes on Hardy's chest causing his back to arch from the shock. The terrifying steady strand of a beep once again became a chime of multiple beeps. The doctor and the nurses relaxed and began doing something else to Harry. With out realizing I crumbled to the floor and began to quietly bawl. The doctor caught a glimpse of me piled down on the floor sobbing and shouted at one of the nurses, "What is she doing in here? You were supposed to take her outside from the room!" The nurse quickly jogged to my side and offered me help to stand up. I grabbed her hand and she walked me outside of the room and sat me down a small little bench. "Are you okay love? Can I get you some water?" She asked softly. I attempted to respond but couldn't. I was now crying harder, causing me to choke on my own sobs. 

The nurse came back with water and I shaken lay grabbed the little white cup and brought it up to my mouth. After I took a small sit I finally asked, "what... What's... Wrong... With... Him? I mean... What happened to Ha... Harry?" I asked whipping away my tears from my eyes with my sleeve. She gave me a very sad look and started to speak softly, "He went into cardiac arrest. The vitamins that we gave him, well he didn't respond finely to them. His body rejected them. So his way of fitting it was just for his body to shut completely off... He flat lined..." She said as she rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "But he's okay now. His heart is back to beating normally." I can't imagine what my face must of looked like, but I'm assuming it wasn't good. She pulled me into her into a hug and ran her hand down my head trying to soothe me. She then yelled for a nurse to bring me more water. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, me hugging her crying my eyes out and her trying to comfort me. We broke apart when the doctor came outside and kneeled down in front of me. She placed her hand on my knee and began to say, "Hey love. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to tell but I just didn't want you to have to witness that. He's stable again. You can go back into the room if you want..." She then looked into my eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." As she pulled me into a hug. 

I was sitting down on the chair staring at Harry. He still seemed very pale, even his lips had now lost more of their color. I decided to sit on the bed with Harry. I stood up and barely placed my bum on the cot. I ran my right hand down his face while I still had his right hand in my left. I traced his jaw softly with my thumb. He had the most amazing features. He was gorgeous. I than ran my index finger outlining his lips. They were so soft. No wonder just about every girl in the world went crazy for him. I mean he's extremely fit, I've always known that, but it was as if I was seeing something else. He didn't only seem hot or fit... He seemed... stunning, absolutely beautiful. I was then brought out of my thoughts by my mobile vibrating in my pocket. I slowly stood up from the bed and placed a small kiss on Harry's cheek before stepping outside, fishing my telephone out of my pocket. 

I looked at the screen and read that Niall was calling me. Gawsh! I hadn't been answering any of his text all day. It slipped my mind. I hit the accept button and brought up the phone to my ear.

"Hey Niall..." I said very quietly.

"Oh my god! She finally answered! Call Simon and tell her that I've got a hold of her." He said shouting at someone; I assumed it was the other lads. “Hey love! I’ve been worried sick about you! Are you ok? Is everything ok?”

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