Chapter 16

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I opened the door and was greeted by a man wearing a tail tux and a chaffer's hat. Who was this man? "Ms. Cooper?" The man asked. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?" I asked puzzled. "I was arranged to come pick you up and take you to meet your date." He said quite posh. I looked behind him and there was a gorgeous limo parked on the street. "Umm... Okay. Where are we going?" I asked still puzzled. "Oh Ms. Cooper.... if I told you it would no longer be a surprise, now would it?" I just smiled in agreement and locked the apartment door. The man held the limo door open for me as I got in and then closed it. I was excited! What could Ed possibly have planned? I sent the lads a quick text to tell them that my "mystery" date had sent a limo to pick me up and I was on my way to somewhere. I placed my phone back between my bra strap and my back. I was looking out the window just imagining where we could possibly be going. I was so excited. After what seemed like forever the car finally came to a stop. The man got out of the car and opened the door for me. "Here... put this on." He said as he handed me a blindfold. I took it and looked at it, this was weird. Why does he want me to put a blindfold on? “Why?” I asked puzzled. “It’s part of the surprise.” I just shrugged it off and placed the deep blue fabric over my eyes. The fabric completely blinded me from the world. "What's your name?" I asked the man curiously as he helped me out if the car. "Alfred." He replied with posh as he guided me forward. "Was it easy?" I heard another voice ask, he sounded as if he was a large man and angry. "Extremely easy. Where do you want her at boss?" Alfred said. What? What was going on? I began to panic. "Tie her up and put her against the wall. Then call Moby and tell him to take some pictures of her." Right as I was about to begin screaming someone placed fabric and duck tape over my mouth. Shortly after my hands were tied behind my back and I was being carried. I began thrashing around and kicking but that only caused who ever was caring me to throw me on the floor hard. My head hit against the floor and I passed out.

I heard a bunch of snickering as I regained consciousness. I attempted to open my eyes but I couldn't see anything. I tried moving my hands but I couldn't, then it dawned on me that I was tied up and had a blindfold on. Crap! Where was I? I tried to focus and hear what the people were saying, "Did you send him the pictures already?" a deep voice scorned. "Yes! I did. I also said if he wanted to see his precious little girl friend that he better get $250,000 American dollars by Tuesday and that we would tell him where to meet us later." A smaller voice replied. I tried to stay as still as I could so that they wouldn't notice that I was awake, so far it was working. 

"Good morning sunshine!" A crude voice said sarcastically. I just cringed at the sound of it. I had fallen asleep and now I assumed it was indeed the next day, Monday. "I'm going to take off the duck tape now and feed you. Just know no one will hear you if you scream and if you do, I won't give you any more food until tomorrow. It's your choice if you want to starve." He said harshly and then ripped the duck tape off of my mouth and pulled the fabric that was inserted in my mouth out. I thought about screaming but I was so hungry. All I had eaten yesterday was a yoghurt and granola. Besides my mouth was completely dried out. I swallowed whatever little saliva I had left in my mouth and opened it so that I could be feed. After I was done eating they taped my mouth back together and the room fell quite indicating that everyone had left, or so I thought. I leaned back against the wall wondering if anyone was looking for me. Did they even know I was missing? I banged my back against the wall trying to shake the thoughts away when I felt something hard against my back. Oh my god! My mobile! I swiftly maneuvered my hands so that I could reach my phone. Once I had my phone in my hands I began licking my lips trying to peel the duck tape off. They had forgotten to put the fabric in my mouth. Once the tape was peeled off enough for me to talk I pressed a number on my phone hoping it would ring me to Louis or anyone's mobile number as all the lads were on my speed dial. At the second ring someone picked up out of breath. "Hello! Juliet! Where are you! Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm trying to get the money!" The oh so familiar voice filled my ears. I froze as soon as I heard it. Out of all the possible numbers I could of called I had to call his. I had to call Harry. Wait! How did he know about them asking for money? Why was he the one trying to get it? I quickly shook my head snapping out of my thoughts and began to say, "I'm fine. I think me head is bleeding. I have no clue where I'm at. I think there are three men holding me hostage." I was able to barely say as my throat was dry and it hurt to speak. "Juliet. Are they there now?" Harry asked anxiously. "No." I could hear him shut a car door hard and speed off. "Listen, don't get mad at me, but I had a tracking device installed into your phone. You have to keep your phone on for it to work though. So don't hang up on me. Ok? I'm getting the police right now and I'm going to go get you." I could feel the blindfold becoming soaked with tears. I hadn't heard Harry's voice in so long. The only time I did was when they were in concerts or in interviews. I hadn't realized how much I missed it. "Okay." I managed to say, I could hear the pain and the tears in it, I just hoped Harry couldn't. "I'm sorry Juliet. This is entirely my fault! This wouldn't be happening to you if it wasn't for me." Harry pleaded into the mobile sounding anxious, mad, scared, and sad all at once. Right as I was about to speak I heard the door rattling. I turned the volume off of my phone and stuffed it back in my back between my bra strap and my back. I quickly taped the tape back on my mouth with my knee and laid against the wall. "Do you actually think he'll bring us the money?" The voice I recognized as Alfred asked. "Yeah, I mean come on. She's a beauty. I have no clue how he's managed to stay away from her for all these years. I know I sure couldn't, even worse if someone told me not to be with her, that would only make me want to be with her even more. He'll be a fool if he didn't come." The same voice that spoke before about the money replied. What did he mean? I began to move and try to talk to get their attention. It worked. I could hear them make their way towards me. Then I felt the tape being ripped off of my lips. "What do you want?" Alfred asked harshly. "Water. Please." I was able to croak out barely audible. "Moby, go get her something to drink!" Alfred ordered the other someone. They quickly returned and Alfred placed what I assumed was a straw in my mouth. "Drink!" He ordered harshly. I quickly sipped up all of the water. "Why are you guys doing this to me? What have I ever done?" I questioned with a little bit of more energy. "Hahaa... Did you hear that? She want to know why her." Alfred said chuckling. "I'll tell you why. You see your little boyfriend did something to really piss of our boss, now he wants payback. And what better way to get it than to kidnap you?" He said smugly. "What do you mean? He doesn't care about me. And what did he do?" Right as I finished saying this I heard the door open and someone walk in. "Do you really want to know what he did? And well then, if he doesn't care about you, then maybe we should just kill you." I heard someone say. "Boss..." Alfred said but was quickly cut off by what sounded like a slap. I cringed at the sound and I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek faster. "So what do you say?" The voice that they recognized as ‘boss’ said directed to me. "Tell me what he did." I said between sobs. "Well my dear. He borrowed some money from the wrong people and has failed to pay them back. Well there's also the fact that he loves you. You see my boss really isn't okay with that. We tried warning him, but he just would not listen." What? Who did Harry borrow money from? And why do they care if Harry loves me? Even though he clearly doesn't. "He doesn't love me. And who cares if he did?" I said sounding angry. "Oh you're such a fool. Of course he does. And is that an attitude I hear?" The man gasped angrily. I tried to shake my head to protest but I was met with a sharp needle like pain radiating throughout my entire cheek and an extremely loud sound. The man slapped me! I began to cry even harder but was caused to fall silent by him slapping me again and causing me to hit my head against the wall resulting in me passing out. 

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