Chapter 18

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"So Niall... Now can you please tell me about her?" I asked as I was laying down on my bed next to Niall watching funny videos on YouTube. "Okay. Well what do you want to know?" Niall said smiling as he sat up crossing his legs on the bed. "Everything! Tell me what she's like. Tell me how you met her. Are you guys dating?" I asked propping my head up with my elbows. "Well her name is Ella and she's gorgeous! She has the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen. She dyes her hair dark red, which causes her pale skin and beautiful eyes to pop out even more. She's really short, well... she might be your height. I think she's 5"2 or something like that. She's skinny. She loves running. That's how we actually met. She was running down the street and she crashed into me. Jules, I swear, when I extended my hand for her to grab and she looked into my eyes, it was love at fist sight. She made my heart skip a beat. We've been talking for a couple months now, and she just seems amazing. I'm so glad you guys get to meet her today. And yes I actually asked her to be my girlfriend last night." Niall said. He was blushing really hard. I was quite happy for him. I'm glad he has fallen in love again. "Niall, I'm so happy for you Nialler. Hmm... Talking about meeting her, we should probably get going if we're going to meet them on time."

We drove to Nialldo's and took our usual table at the corner of the restaurant. After a while Zayn and Perrie walked through the doors and sat beside Niall. "Hey guys! What's up?" Perrie asked as we continued to make small talk. "Hey!" Louis shouted as he walked through the doors and ran toward the table taking a seat on my lap. "Hi boobear. Hey Madi!" I said as I pushed Louis off of me. Then Liam arrived. "Hey mates. Where's the rest of the gang?" Liam said as he took a seat. "Umm... Ella is on her way." Niall exclaimed happily. "And I have no clue where Harry is. He said that he was going to meet us here." I said as I took a sip of my tea. "Oh okay. So... Did I tell you that Ed agreed to sell me his house?" Louis said holding on to Madi's hand. "No way! No you didn't tell us." Zayn said. "Well... Now you guys know." Louis said as he stole a sip from my tea. Louis had asked Madi to move in with him and she had agreed so they were looking for a flat together.  Zayn and Perrie were also living together in the flat next to Niall, Liam, Harry and I's.

Niall shot up all of a sudden and began blushing mega hard. He extended his hand and someone, who I assume was Ella grabbed it. "Mates, this is Ella." Niall introduced her. "Hey." She said shyly and took a seat. "Oh come on... I hear you're dating our little leprechaun now, so you can't act shy. You're part of the family now." Louis said as he offered her a big friendly smile. She just chuckled and her cheeks brightened up with embarrassment. "Sorry... I'm always like this when I meet people for the first time... I promise it wears off." She admitted shyly. After a while Harry showed up and had a nice little meal while talking about random stuff and getting to know Ella better.

 1 years later

"Come on! We're going to be late!" I shouted up the stairs. "Hahaa... No we're not. It doesn't start until 5pm. It's only 1 right now." Harry said as he made his way down the stairs. "You know I'm the maid of honor. I have to be there early. Besides, you have to be there early too, you're the best man, so come on hurry up." I said as I extended my hand for Harry to hold. "I know! I'm actually really excited!" Harry said lacing his fingers with mine. We locked the door to the flat and made our way outside. "Hmm... Should we take the car?" I asked Harry sarcastically. "You know what love? I feel like I should probably do some exercise so I'm going to go on a limb here and say we should walk." Harry said patting his stomach. We both laughed and crossed the street. We knocked on the door and a very calm but yet hyper Madi opened the door. "Hey babe. Are you ready?" I asked as I linked arms with her. "So ready! Harry, Louis is waiting for you in the living room." Madi said as she pulled me up the stairs.  We walked into their room and Ella was sitting on the bed with Wendy. "Oh my gawsh! We've been waiting for you! Come on, we can't decide what to do for her hair." Wendy said giving me a hug. Wendy was Liam's girlfriend. They had met at a while back when Liam was off searching for the next big star. She was really pretty. Her really light brown hair seemed almost blonde and it fell to the middle of her back. She had piercing blue eyes and was 5"7, the tallest of us girls. "Well... how about we leave it in loose curls, you know Louis loves her hair down." I said to the girls. They all smiled and made Madi sit on a chair while I began doing her make up. Since she usually didn't really wear any make up I decided only to put enough to make her hazel eyes and lips pop. I added a tiny bit of champagne colored eye shadow with glitter to her eye lids and lightly lined her eyes with eye liner and added a bit of mascara to finish it off. For her lips I put a soft rose colored lip balm. 

"Her hair is all done! And it only took us 2 hours!" Ella said high fiving Wendy. I just chuckled at them and stood Madi up. "Okay babe, time to get you into your dress! It's 2:37pm and we have to be at the beach before 4:30. So we better hurry up." I said looking at my watch. We helped Madi slip into her wedding dress. It was gorgeous. It was a white strapless dress with diamonds on the chest. "Wow Mads. You look amazing!" I stated. She truly did look amazing! She looked better than any fairy tale. "Thanks. Now you guys have to put your dresses on! So go! Hurry!" Madi said giggling. We all rushed out and slipped into our dresses. Mine was a pale mint green color that reached right above my knees. Wendy's and Ella's dresses were a darker shade of mint green than mine and were floor length. I had to argue with Madi so that mine could be short as I always tend to be clumsy and don't want to fall while walking and steal all the attention form her. Well, at least that was the excuse I had given her. We all walked back into the room and curled the ends of our hair. Ella applied her usual amount of make up and so did Wendy. Since I never wore make up I decided that today was a special day and I should just add a tiny bit just because. I applied some eyeliner and mascara and a tiny bit of blush to my cheeks. When we were all done getting ready we walked into the walk in closet an stood in front of the gigantic mirror. "Wow! We look really good." Ella said softly. We all looked at her and busted out laughing. "We do indeed." Wendy added after we stopped laughing. "Well it's 3:15pm, we have to go, like right now." I said as I pushed everyone out the room and down the stairs. "Here, can you take Madi to the car? I don't want Louis to see her. I'm going to get the lads and meet you guys out there in about five minutes or so." I said as I handed Ella the car keys. They left the flat and I walked to living room. As soon as I stepped foot into the room I was attacked by Niall and Zayn hugging me. "Hello to you guys too." I said chuckling. "Hey love. We've missed you." Zayn said as kissed my cheek. "Hahaa... I've missed you mates too. Hmm... Where is Perrie? I miss her." I asked as I walked towards Louis and Harry who were turned around staring at something. "She's on tour. She's really sorry she couldn't be here." Zayn replied. I hugged Louis from behind and he just began chuckling. "Hey Boo Bear. We have to go if you want to arrive to your wedding on time." I said placing a nice big wet kiss on his cheek. "Eww... You slobbered on me." He said as he wiped his cheek sardonically. "Hmm... Okay. Yeah. I definitely don't want to be late. Come on!" Louis said running out the front door. "Well okay then." I said turning around and heading to the door. "Wait for me beautiful!" Harry shouted behind me. "You look stunning." Harry whispered into my ear as he left a soft kiss upon in. "And so do you." I whispered back at him as I kissed him. He was wearing a tux with a mint green bow tie to match my dress, so where the other lads. "Well we better go." I said as I let go of Harry and ran out the flat and into my car that Harry had given me for my birthday, it was a yellow Jeep Wrangler, my dream car. 

We got to the beach within an hour. "Okay... So it's almost 4:30pm. We need to get Madi into a tent before the lads get here. I told Harry to drive around a couple times so that we could have sometime. So lets go." I said as I helped Madi out of the car. We rushed to the tent and added the final touches to everything. There were people already sitting down waiting for the ceremonies to begin. They had decided to go with a small wedding as it was already going to go international within a couple of hours. Madi's side if the family was sitting on the left and Louis's family was sitting on the right. The venue looked amazing. They had a gazebo set up right on the shoreline and the water was lightly splashing against it. The white chairs were decorated with flowers and crystals making it look extremely elegant. "It's time to start. Are you ready?" I asked cupping Madi's face and staring into her eyes. "Of course I am! I'm in love with that man out there." She said with a huge smile on her face. I pulled her into a hug and made my way out of the tent and to the gazebo. As I was walking down the 'isle' everyone was looking me but I was only looking at one person, Harry. He really did look amazing standing in the front besides his best mates. Just looking at him shot shivers of pleasure down my spine. I mouthed the three words that meant everything to me, the three most important words that I mean the most in the entire world... ' I love you'. Harry smiled and mouthed the three magical words back. I couldn't help but blush. For a moment there I had forgotten where I was completely, it seemed as if Harry and I were the only people on the planet. I stood on the gazebo and the other girls followed behind me. I looked at Louis and gave him a smile. He looked nervous but excited, it was adorable. We all looked back down the isle to see Madi being walked down the isle with her father at her side. The priest began the ceremony and everyone was shedding tears of joy, even the mates. 

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