Chapter 4

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Friday, October 19, 2012 11:55pm

"Awww... They're closed..." Harry said frowning as he tried to open the shop's door. "What time is it? It can't be too late, can it?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed at his face gesture and pulled my mobile out of my pocket. "Woah! Harry! It's almost midnight!" I said shocked. "Really? Wow. I though it was only 10 maybe 10:30.... definitely not midnight. Wow." Harry replied as he ran his hand through his curls. "Maybe we should start heading back to the flat? Or is there anything else you want to do?" "Ummm... There's one more thing I want to do... Are you up for it?" He said winking at me. I couldn't help but giggle at his cheekiness "Sure... I've already been following you for about the entire night, so why not?" He responded by chuckling and pulling me against his chest so that there was absolutely no space between us. He placed his hands right on top of the other on my lower back pulling me into a hug. I swung my arms around his neck and just enjoyed the warmth that was radiating off of Harry's body. "How are you so warm? I'm freezing." I whispered into his chest, probably making my words slightly audible. "I'm just maturely hot. And why didn't you say? Here take my jacket." Harry said as he removed his hands from my lower back and began to remove his jacket. I tightened my clasp around Harry's neck and looked into his eyes, making him stop half way from removing his jacket. "Don't be silly Harry. Then you'll catch a cold. Besides, I'm fine. No worries." I undid my hands from around his neck and pulled Harry's jacket back on him. "Now... Where are we going?" I asked smiling. Harry removed his right arm from his jacket and lifted it up offering me to snuggle up to him under the jacket. "M'lady" Harry said quite posh. "Hahaa... Curly, you really are one weird lad." I said as I accepted Harry's offer and walked to stand beside Harry as he wrapped the jacket around me. "Isn't that better?" Harry asked with a cheeky smile. I just nodded my head and wrapped my arms around Harry's waist as we began to walk.

Saturday, October 27, 2012 8:00am

"Okay... So Doctor Owen said that you may remain in the room but you have to be standing or sitting over there." One of the nurses informed me as she pointed to a chair at the corner of the room. I nodded my head in reply and began to make my way to the solemn corner. As I did this a bunch of nurses and Doctor Owens rushed into the room.

They crowded around Harry's cot as they began to do something. "Pre the IV." Doctor Owen demand one of the nurses. The nurse just nodded her head and began to do something to the IV bag. There were more commands given by the doctor and then completed by the various nurses. After about what seems like a lifetime the nurses left the room and Doctor Owen walked towards me. "Hey Juliet. So we just gave Harry a shot of adrenaline... we're not a 100% sure that this will work... but we can only be hopeful. We'll give it up to a week for it to kick and see if it works. If it doesn't then we can move on to something else to try. They most important thing right now is not to give up hope." I just nodded my head and walked towards Harry. I grabbed his hand in mine and softly placed a kiss upon his knuckles. "You really love him? Don't you? You guys make a really cute couple." The doctor said before walking out of the room not giving me a chance to respond.

Why was everyone all of a sudden thinking Harry and I were a couple? We weren't... Besides he would never like me like that. Not that it matters because we're best friends. And I'm dating Niall. I love Niall. I love Harry too, but it's a different type of love.

I leaned forward and a placed a small kiss on my best friends cheek. I returned to sit down on my chair and caressed his hand with my thumb. Soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

Monday, October 28, 2012 11:00pm

'Hey babe... What's wrong?' Harry whispered into my ear as he proceeded to kiss my temples. 'Umm... It's nothing, I'm just thinking. I'm so happy we finally have this right.' I said smiling looking into his eyes. Harry began to lean forward to press a his lips against mine. He cupped my face with his hands caressing my cheeks softly with thumbs. I could feel his warm breath on me. I could almost taste his sweet breath. It reminded me of mint mixed with gummy bears. I closed my eyes as he got closer. Our lips were centimeters away. 'Juliet! Juliet!' What? I opened up my eyes to find Harry was no longer in front me. I began to panic. Where did he go? Eh called my name?!? 'Juliet, honey, wake up!' The voice spoke softly again. I sat down on the grass and watched the entire scenery around me turn white. I felt some place their hand on my shoulder and softly shake me.

I woke up shooting up in a straight sitting position. "Hey Juliet. Come on, I'll take you home." I looked up to find Ann, Harry's mom, standing behind me looking at me with pleading eyes. I just nodded and stood up. As we made our way into the elevator it suddenly dawned on me to what I had just agreed to. "Wait... no, I'm sorry, but no. I can't go home. I'll just go and grab a cup of coffee instead. Harry can wake up at any moment now and I really want to be here when he does. I'm sorry." I said with my voice sounding as a croak. Ann wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I lightly placed my arms around her and rested my head on the crook of her neck. She began bawling. I had to stay strong and not cry myself. I wrapped my arms tighter around her to try and comfort her, running my hand down her head. "It's going to be alright... He's going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine." I tried saying to sooth her. Ann began to sniffle and slowly pulled away as the elevator doors opened. "I'm sorry Juliet. I'm so thankful for everything that you've been doing. I don't know how you can keep this strong." Ann said as she walked to the caff and took a seat. "Ann, it's no problem, really. You know I will always be by his side, his and yours. If there's ever anything you need, just tell me. Okay?" I said pushing some hair behind her ear. "Thank you Juliet.... Can you promise me something?" "Yeah! Anything. What is it?" "I have to go back to Holmes Chapel. Can you promise to continue to stay here? Please. I feel so bad about leaving, but I just can't stay here any longer... And Gemma needs me." "Ann. Of course ill stay here. I'll always be with Harry... for always and forever. That I can promise. And it's completely understandable. Go... You should be with Gemma and Lix. They need you. If anything happens you'll be the first to know." I said giving her hug.

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