Chapter 5

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:56pm

I was sitting in the chair with my head rested on Harry's cot and his hand cupped in between my hands. This had become my usual position. I was softly singing Little Things. Niall had sent me the song and I've been listening to it on replay ever since. I stretched out my right hand to caress Harry's face when I left his hand tighten against mine. My head shot up from the shock. Did Harry just squeeze my hand? "Ha... Harry?!? Can you hear me? Are you awake? Can you squeeze my hand again?" I sat there in complete silence for a couple minutes when Harry suddenly groaned. I sat on the cot and began to move his curls out of forehead. "Harry... Harry love? Can you open your eyes?" I asked frantically. I could hear a small chuckle and Harry began to slowly open up his eyes. "Oh my god! Harry! You're awake!" I said throwing my arms around him and bringing him into a tight hug. "Hey... Juliet... Where... am... I?" Harry asked hoarsely. It took him a while to spit out the complete sentence. I slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes, Gawsh how much I missed them. They were even more stunning than I remembered. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away before Harry could realize. "Why are you crying love?" He said lifting his arm and wiping a tear from my eye with his thumb. "Harry. You're at the London Clinic. You were in an accident. And I'm crying because you're finally awake! I've missed you. I've missed your voice, your eyes, your touch... I've missed you Harry. I love you so much." I said with a gigantic smile on my face while tears still streamed down my face. "Come here. I love you too, you know? You mean the world to me. I have no clue what I would do with out you. I love you." He whispered into my ear as I leaned down to hug him. "I should probably call a nurse and tell them you're awake." I managed to say between sobs. Harry unclasped his hands hands from around my waist and I walked to the door and yelled for a nurse. Seconds later there where an entire team of nurses running in the room with different equipment. I stood at the foot of Harry's bed watching what the nurses did. After they left one of them gave me a cup of water with a straw to feed Harry with. After the nurse left I turned around to face Harry and flashed him a mischievous smile. "Hahaaa.... I get to feed wittle Harry!" "Uh...oh. This cannot me good." Harry said sounding very concerned. "You know... I just got out of a coma..." I gave him another mischievous smile accompanied by a small evil laugh as I walked towards him and sat down on the cot. "Hello Curly. Do you want some water?"  

I asked sounding quite posh. "Umm... Yes please?" He replied scrunching up his face waiting for whatever I had planned to do. Deciding it would be more fun to mess with his head I gently placed the straw in front of his face with posh. "Here you go Sir Styles. Gawsh... I was having way too much fun with this. After Harry had just about finished his water Doctor Owen walked in. "Hello Harry. It's nice to finally see you awake. Umm... Juliet, could I please ask you to step out for a couple of minutes. I have to ask Harry some questions and run a couple of tests." "Umm... Yeah. Of course." I replied at the doctor. Then I turned to face Harry again. "I'm going to go call your mom and the lads to tell them you're awake, okay?" He just nodded his head and I place a small kiss on his cheek and another one on his temple before walking out of the room.

Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:00am

"So... Harry... Where are we going?" I asked looking up at him. He gave me a small smirk before replying, "We're going to go eat something, silly. You're still hungry, aren't you?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I couldn't help but giggle at his horrible attempt of doing a wave with his eyebrows. "Harold, I'm surprised you still have to ask that question. You know I can always go for some grub." Harry chuckled and pulled me closer to him. I have to admit, I really did miss this. When we were kids, we would sneak out at night and meet up at the park and then go out for food or go to the cinema and watch flicks. "What are you smiling about?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Umm... Just how much we used to have when we were little. Sneaking out of the house just about every other night." I said looking up at him, meeting his green beautiful orbs called eyes. "Haha... Yeah. We used to get in so much trouble. I swear, we almost gave my mum a heart attack like a million times. Remember when we snuck out to go see Marley and Me because we'd heard it was really sad and we didn't want to risk crying in front if everyone?" "Hahaa... Yup. Wises choice we ever made. That's probably the most I've ever cried in my entire life. I remember that we had to ask Bob if we could stay there a little while after the movie ended because we were crying so hard." "Yeah... Hahaa. Remember how he just gave us a strange look. My shirt was soaking wet from your tears." He said poking his tongue out at me. "Hey! Those were only my tears... They were also yours." "Hahaa... Hmm... Well we're here." He said pulling me up some stairs. "M'lady." Harry gestured for me to go in as he held the door open.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:30pm

"Hey... Gemma, it’s Juliet. Is Ann there?"

"Yeah. She's right here beside me. Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Everything's great actually. Can you put me on speaker?"

"You're now on speaker. What's up?"

"Okay! So I have amazing news! Harry finally woke up!" I shouted as tears made their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks from the excitement. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Thanks amazing!" Ann and Gemma screamed into my ear. "Hahaa... Yeah. The doctor is in there with him right now. I'll call you when I'm with him again. I'm going to call the lads right now." "Okay. Thank you honey. I love you." "I love you too Anne."

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