Chapter 17

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"Wake up love." Ed's soft voices filled my ears. I opened my eyes and found him staring down at me. I looked around and found that we were the only ones in the living room. "Good morning Teddy." I said smiling. "Good morning love." As he said that Harry walked into the room. I sat up straight and just stared at him. "Oh... Umm... sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." He said shyly and walked out of the room in a hurry. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I placed my head in between my knees and began to cry. It hurt to see Harry and knowing I still love him and that he would never love me. Ed placed his hand on the small of my back and began to rub small circles into it trying to comfort me. "What's the matter love? Don't cry." He said soothingly. "Nothing." I replied barely understandable as I was bawling. "Juliet. My flight leaves in an hour, so I have to go, but first I want to talk to you. Can you please look at me?" Ed said a bit more serious but still sweetly in the same soothing tone. I picked my head up and turned to face him. He cupped my face with his hands and moved closer to me. He placed a small lustful kiss upon my lips and pulled away keeping his eyes closed for a little while. Then said, "Juliet, I love you. I love you a lot. But you don't love me. You're still in love with Harry." I tried to cut in and say something but he just continued talking. "Shh... Let me finish, please?" I nodded my head telling him to continue. "I thought that you could fall in love with me, but I was wrong. We've been dating for a year and four months now and you've never once told me that you love me, I mean I'm happy that you haven't because I don't want you to say it unless you truly mean it. You need to talk to Harry an tell him how you feel. I don't want to see you hurting. I love you Juliet." Ed said and then placed a small kiss on my forehead. I didn't know what to do or what to say. I just sat there crying so hard that my body was shaking. "I have to go now. Listen, you're going to be okay. I'm going to go get Louis to come sit with you. I'm sorry." Ed said as he got up and walked away. I couldn't say anything. I was crushed. I really did like Ed. I can't believe he broke up with me. But I guess he was right, it wasn't fair for him to love me knowing that I was in love with someone else. 

I heard the front door open and then close after a little while. I knew Ed was now gone, but where was Louis? He should of been down here by now. I needed him. I still had my head in between my knees crying really hard. The tears were flowing out of my eyes as if they were cascades. I felt someone's hand on my back and they brought me close to them. I put my legs over their lap so that I was kind of sitting on them and began to bawl into their chest. They began running their hand up and down my back trying to calm me down. "Thanks boobear." I manage to say between sobs. There was no reply, that wasn't like Louis. I pulled away to look at who exactly was comforting me and found a pair of mesmerizing green eyes staring down at me. My heart skipped a beat and I began crying harder. I no longer cared. I cuddled in closer to his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry Juliet." He said softly as I felt a tear fall on my back. Harry was crying. I just wrapped my arms tighter around him not wanting to ever let go. And he wrapped his arms tighter around my waist. After a long while we pulled away. I had finally stopped crying and began wiping away the remaining tears from my eyes. We just stared into each other's eyes for a while. I couldn't believe I was actually in Harry's arms. "Hi." I said softly unaware of what exactly to say. A small smile appeared across his face. "Hey." He said with a small chuckle which caused me to smile. We sat there for a couple minutes smiling at each other like idiots. "I'm sorry." He spoke softly looking down. "For what?" I said bring his face up so that he was looking me in the eyes. "This is all my fault. You're hurt because I'm stupid. I'm a fuck up." Harry said sounding extremely angry at himself. "No it's not. No, you're not! Harry! You're not a fuck up! Now please don't say bad words. You know I hate that." I said cupping his face in my hands. "I'm sorry. And yes I am. I don't see how you're still talking to me. I hate myself." Ugh! Could he really not see it? Apparently everyone else could, or at least Ed could. I tightened my hold on Harry's face just a bit and brought him closer to me. I pressed my lips against his. His hands were soon cupping my cheeks pulling me closer to him. The kiss felt amazing; fireworks, shivers, electricity, and goosebumps radiated throughout my entire body. I ran my hands through his hair deepening the kiss. It was way over due. It felt magical. I needed to pull away to catch my breath but I was afraid to do so. What if I pulled away and we never kissed ever gain? What if when I pulled away he realized he was actually kissing me and pushed me off of him in disgust? I don't think I could take it if he did. I hesitantly pulled away as I was running out of breath. I kept my eyes closed trying to enjoy the kiss. Harry wiped a few hairs away from my eyes and I slowly opened them. I saw Harry staring at me with concern. We looked into each other's eyes before he spoke. "I love you." He spoke softly. What? Did Harry actually just say he loved me? "Wh... what?" I asked unable to believe what I had just heard. "I love you Juliet. I always have, ever since our eyes met at the playground underneath the tree. It was like love at first sight." Harry said out of breath. I couldn't believe what I was actually hearing. "I love you!" I whispered shouted at him. His face lit up in disbelief. "You... You actually love me?" Harry asked. I just nodded my head before our lips crashed together again. I ran my hands through his hair pushing hard against his lips never wanting to move. We were interrupted by coughing sounds and we both pulled away rapidly. I looked to my right to find Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall standing before us. They were wiggling their eyebrows giving us cheeky stares. "Umm... Good morning..." I said with out moving. "Good morning indeed." Louis said as he hopped into the kitchen leaving the other lads standing there staring at us. "Well... It was about time. Congratulations mate." Liam said as he winked at us and followed Louis into the kitchen. Zayn and Niall sat beside us squishing us into a sandwich. "Ouch!" I said jokingly. Out of nowhere. Louis came running out of the kitchen and hit Niall, Zayn and Harry at the top of their heads and then ran away flapping his arms laughing. "Hahaaa... Well that wasn't weird." I said laughing really hard that I was clutching my stomach. "The food is ready!" Liam shouted and Niall and Zayn shot up and ran to the kitchen. I turned and faced Harry who was smiling at me. I smiled back at him and kissed his nose. "Umm... Harry... I think we need to talk after we eat. K?" I said softly. A worried expression immediately rushed through his face. I just kissed him reassuringly. Our lips moved in perfect sync and just when Harry was beginning to deepen the kiss I pulled away smiling and skipped into the kitchen. I sat at a stool at the counter smiling from ear to ear. "So... What happened to Ed?" Liam asked whispering. I couldn't help but tear up. "Ed... broke.... He broke up with me." I said with my voice shaking and almost cracking. Liam and Zayn wrapped their arms around me hugging me tightly. I could feel a tear fled my eye and silently roll down my cheek. Louis came running and pushed Liam and Zayn off if me and grabbed me caring me bridal style. He began rocking me back and forth singing to me. "Are you okay?" Louis asked sweetly. "Yes." I replied in the same sweet tone. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead before sitting me back down on the stool. Harry was sitting in front of me, Liam on my right, Louis at my left, Zayn was sitting at Harry's right side an Niall was sitting at his left. We were all eating pancakes with bacon and eggs. "So... We have to go to the police station today." Liam said softly. "Umm... Why?" I asked looking at him. "They need to take your statement." Zayn replied for him. "Oh... Umm... so what happened? I can't really remember much after I called Harry." I spoke softly. The room fell completely silent as they were trying to avoid my question. "Guys, just tell me... Please. I need to know." I said a bit louder. "Well, after you put your phone on mute I drove to the police station and gave them my phone. They followed the tracker that I had installed in your phone and it led us to a small farm outside of London. When we got there the police made me stay outside. An entire squad of them barged into the abandoned warehouse where you were being held. After a while they brought out three men and they sent in the paramedics. I ran in there with them and saw you against a wall. Your feet and hands were tied up and you had a blindfold over your eyes and duck tape over your mouth. You were laying there unconscious. They rushed to you with me quickly behind them. Then they put you an a stretcher and rushed you to the clinic because you had been bleeding from your head. Once we got to the clinic I called all of the mates and they met us there. This was around 5pm. Then you finally awoke around 9pm." Harry said with a tear rolling down his cheek. "Thank you." Was the only thing I could say as I was trying to hold back tears. "Umm... Well is it okay if I go take a shower?" I shyly asked the guys. "Yes! Of course you know where everything is at." Niall said happily. I couldn't help but chuckle at how happy he always was, or at how he attempted to always seem happy. I kissed everyone on the cheek and ran up the stairs only to run back down after I had reached the top. "Umm... I have to go to my flat and get some clothes." I said quietly. "No worries love. Harry and I will go and pack you some bags. We will have your clothes here by the time you get out of the bath." Louis said a bit too excited. "Umm... I'm not sure I trust you guys getting my clothes for me. Can you at least take Zayn on Liam with you? Please?" I said poking my tongue out at them. They all chuckled and Louis pretended to act hurt. "Oh, I can't believe you don't trust us to go get your clothes! It's not like we're going to play with your pants." He exclaimed being extremely dramatic. I blew him a kiss and ran back up the stairs and hopped into the shower.

As I was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair I heard someone open the door and step into the bathroom. "Umm... Who is it?" I demanded. I was still a little shaken by the events that had happened in the past 52 hours. "Calm down. It's just me." Harry said soothingly. "Oh... Umm... what are you doing here? I'm kind of in the middle of a shower." I said rolling my eyes only to realize that he couldn't see me. "Well you said you wanted to talk. So what better time to talk than now?" His sweet voice filled my ears. "Okay. I guess... so... what did the man mean? By you owing someone money? And by them trying to warn you? Please tell me everything. I think I deserve to know." I said as I continued taking my shower. Harry sighted and then continued to say, "Okay, we'll after my mom and my dad divorced we weren't off that good, money wise I mean. That's why I started doing more completions and talent shows with the band and working at the bakery. But that still wasn't enough money, so I asked Nigel, you remember that really big guy that was two grades above us? Well I asked him for money and he was more than happy to let me borrow a couple pounds. But as time progressed I kind off forgot about it and then with me auditioning for the XFactor and touring it completely slipped my mind. Do you remember that night I got beaten up? Well it was some of his people. They told me that those couple pounds I owned him had tripled in amount. They also told me to stay away from you if not they were going to harm you too. I really tried to stay away from you but I couldn't. And then that day that I took you to the botanical garden I saw one of the guys that beat me up standing between the plants. That's when I knew they were being serious and would indeed hurt you if I didn't listen to them. I want you to know that I tried really hard to stay away. I even dated Taylor to try and move on, but it didn't work. I'm in love with you Juliet. So since it was your birthday I made plans to fly into London and come visit you. I wanted to surprise you an tell you that I wanted to rekindle our friendship. I guess that they somehow found out about my plans and well you know, they tried to hurt you. I'm so sorry Juliet." Harry said. Wow. I couldn't believe it. I was just standing there letting the hot water fall on my body. Nigel, he sounded so familiar but I couldn't place the name with a face. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself. I stepped out of the shower and found Harry sitting on the floor. "Nigel, he sounds familiar. Who was he again?" I asked Harry as I wrapped my hair in another towel. "You went out with him in year 8. He was the footfall player." Harry said playing with his fingers avoiding to look at me. That's when it suddenly dawned on me. Nigel was one of the best foot players in the school. I had known him since I was a little kid. One year we began talking and soon after he was calling me his girlfriend. We had dated for about half a year but I broke it off with him when he started hanging out with the wrong crowds. He had started doing drugs and partying hard, to the point he got drunk about every single night. I knew I had to break up with him and I did. We didn't have the prettiest of break ups. Just about the entire football team got involved and most of the school got mad at me because they blamed me for Nigel missing the winning goal that night which caused us the winning tittle. After that he transferred and I never saw him again. "Oh, yeah. I remember him. Well, they're in jail now, so that's all that matters. And Harry, it's not your fault. And were you really going to come and visit me?" I asked excitedly as I walked towards him and extended my hands for him to grab. He grabbed my hands and I pulled him up. "Yup. It was killing me not talking to you. Not talking to anyone really. I love you and if you couldn't be mine then I didn't see why we couldn't at least be friends." Harry said leaning his forehead against mine. I smiled and stood on my tippy toes planting a kiss on his lips. "Hmm... as much as I would love to continue this, I should probably go get dressed." I said into the kiss giggling. "Oh, yeah. That might be a good idea. We left your stuff in your old room." Harry said blushing extremely hard. I walked out of the bathroom and into the room I had previously live in. It remained the exact same. The guys had even put a duvet on the bed. There were two suitcases laying down perfectly neat on top of the bed. I walked over to them and picked out a pair of red pants with a white v-neck shirt with white toms. I then took everything out of the bag and put it neatly in the dresser. I took my hair out of the towel and it feel in loose waves. I ran a brush through it and hopped down the stairs. I was greeted by the lads watching a film. "Hey. Whatcha watching?" I asked sitting in between Niall and Zayn on the love seat. "We're just channel surfing." Niall replied in his deep heavy Irish accent. 

"Hmm... It's already 1 o'clock. We should probably head to the police station." Liam said standing up from the recliner chair he was sitting on. "Ok! Lets go!" Louis shouted running up to me and lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Ahhh! Louis! What are you doing?" I exclaimed laughing. Harry quickly snapped a picture of us and ran to the car followed by the rest of the lads including me. 

Once we got to the police office we were greeted by dozens of paparazzi. They were all taking pictures of us like crazy. I guess they've heard what happened. "Okay. So when we get off we have to protect Jules. So lets form a square like barrier around her." Zayn said protectively and extremely serious. "Zayn, you guys seriously don't need to protect me. I'm fine. I think I can deal with a couple of paparazzi, I've been dealing with them for four years now. I can handle it. Thank you though. It means a lot that you care about me so much. I love you. I love all of you guys." I said placing a kiss on Zayn's cheek and giving a reassuring smile to all of them. Zayn sighted before saying, "Okay. But you're holding my hand." Did Zayn actually just say that? "Wow Zayn. Did you actually just say that? You do know that I'm twenty years old, right?" I said chuckling. Wow. This was way too funny. Zayn just groaned and opened his door, once he was off the car he offered me his hand and helped me off the car. I giggled and intertwined my fingers with his. The rest of the lads also hopped off of the car and Harry grabbed my other hand lacing his fingers with mine. "Ready for this?" Harry whispered into my ear as he placed a small kiss upon My ear. It send shivers down my spine. Gawsh. I was never going to get used to that. I really loved him. I nodded my head and we walked into the station. An officer greeted us as we made our way in to the station, "Hello, I'm officer Nelson. What may I do for you?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. "Umm... She was asked to come down here and make a statement on the three men who were arrested yesterday." Liam said sternly. "Oh, yes, of course. Ms. Cooper, right?" I just nodded my head. "Okay. Great can you please come with me?" He asked as he began walking towards us. "Umm... Can they come with me?" I asked as I motioned to the lads. "Yes. If you want them there." I just squeezed Harry's and Zayn's hand tighter and began to follow the officer into a room. He led us into a conference room with a huge wooden table and big leather rolling chairs. "There will be a couple officers in here with you in a little bit." Officer Nelson informed us as he closed the door. 

Louis sat down on the chair to my right and Zayn sat down on his lap. Harry took the chair to my left and Liam and Niall scooted their chairs behind me. "So... What have I missed?" I asked turning in my chair so that I was facing everyone. "Umm... Well, lets see... we've been worried sick about you... Niall has been chatting up a girl and we've been worried sick about you. Is that all? Hmm... Yup! That seems about right!" Louis said cuddling up to Zayn. "I'm sorry you guys. And Uuuu... I'm intrigued. Please tell me more about this mystery girl." I said wiggling my eyebrows at Niall. He started blushing mega hard. "Umm... How about I tell you more about her when I know more about her. I just met her." Niall said smiling from ear to ear. Right then there was a slight knock at the door and then two officers walked in. "Hello Juliet, I'm officer McCartney." A tall tan colored man said. "And I'm officer May." The dark skinny man said with a smile. "So can you please tell us everything that you remember." Officer McCartney said taking a seat in front of me. I told them every single thing I could remember, I told them about the text messages and how one of them had pretended to be a chauffeur, I even told them about my previous encounters with Nigel. Harry also told them why he might want to harm us. After we told them everything we could possibly think that night be important they told us that we could leave but that they would be in touch with us. Harry told me to hop on his back and I did. He carried me out of the station and towards the van. We all just stood there a while trying to figure out what we were going to do next. "We could go get some carrots!" Louis exclaimed jumping up and down with excitement. "Or we could go to Nialldo's!" Niall yelled flashing us a huge smile. "Or we could do both?" I offered wrapping my legs tighter around Harry's waist. "Sound like a great idea." Liam said with posh. "I'll drive!" Louis shouted running to the drivers seat and jumping in. We all followed him into the car. Zayn took the passenger seat while Niall, Harry , and Liam sat down in the middle row leaving me to sit on top of Harry's lap. "So where to first?" Louis asked joyfully. "Food!" We all shouted in unison. Hahaa... I can't believe how long it's been since we've done this, all of us, together. I really missed us all hanging out having a good time. On our way to Nialldo's we told jokes and laughed our butts off.  "Hey! So why did the mushroom go to the party?" Louis asked. His eyes wee twinkling with excitement. We all pretended to act stupid as if we hadn't heard this joke a million times before. "Umm... Because he was invited to attend?" I asked acting as if I didn't have a clue. "Nope! Wrong!" Louis said making an incorrect/ buzzer sound. "It's because he's a fungi." Louis said cracking up. I couldn't help but laugh too as the joke always got me every single time. The lads laughed sarcastically only causing me to laugh harder. Louis pulled into Nialldo's and we all hopped off running excitedly to the door as if we were 5 year olds. We all took a seat and ordered just about the entire menu. After we finished eating we ran to a near by ice cream parlor. We ate our desserts and then drove to pick up Madi and Perrie. We, the girls, sat on the last town of seats leaving the lads in the front. We talked about random things and shared just about every single thing that had happened in our life's as if we hadn't seen each other in decades. We drove to a near by farm and went carrot picking. We had so much fun and by the time we had finished it was extremely late. "Ummm... It's almost midnight." Niall said jumping on Liam's back. "We should probably look for a hotel and spend the night here." Zayn offered. "That's probably a good idea. Besides I think we are all way to exhausted to even think about driving." Liam added. We all just nodded our heads and pilled into the van. We found a small hotel near by and walked in. "Umm so how many rooms do we need?" Liam asked. "Perrie and I can share a room." Zayn said. "Yeah. Madi and I can also share a room." Louis said tiredly. "Liam, guess you and I are sharing a room mate." Niall exclaimed loudly. "Umm... Do you guys want a room to share or should I get you two different rooms?" Liam asked Harry and I. We just looked at each other not knowing what to say. "Ummm... I think we can share? Are you okay with that?" I asked shyly. A smile immediately appeared across his face. "Of course it would be." Harry said cheerfully. Liam went and got us our rooms, we were all spread out throughout the hotel as they didn't have any rooms together. Harry and I were in the 4th floor. We said goodnight to everyone and rode the elevator up. "So... did you have fun tonight?" Harry asked staring at me. I couldn't help but blush and replied with a small yes. "So what have you been up to in the last year?" I asked him. "Honestly?" He asked as we walked out of the elevator. "Yes." I replied. "We'll I mostly spent my time trying to ignore the fact that you and Ed were going out. I tried to forget about my feelings towards you but I couldn't. No matter what I did never helped. Even me dating Taylor. I just ended up hurting her and hurting me even more." Harry admitted shyly. I turned around and stopped in front of him in the middle of the hallway. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood us on my tippietoes planting a kiss on his lip. "So did I." I said softly into the kiss. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist and he began kissing my neck. He led me into our room and locked it putting the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door knob. He laid me down softly on the bed and crawled on top of me kissing me deeper. He pulled away so that we could catch our breath and in between gasps of air he asked, "Are you sure about this? We can wait if you want." I just smiled and pulled him into me by the neck. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this? Of course I'm sure." I said smiling into the kiss. He smiled back and nibbled on my bottom lip lightly. He then worked his way down my neck and began leaving love bites on my neck. He found my soft spot and began nibbling and kissing at it causing me to moan. 

I woke up cuddling to Harry's bare chest. I looked up and found him already awake looking at me lustfully with his gorgeous deep green eyes. "Good morning beautiful." He said as he tucked some some loose hairs behind my ear. Gawsh! His voice sent fireworks through out my entire body. His morning voice was so sexy, it was even deeper and raspier than usual. "Good morning." I said smiling. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips. "I love you." He said pulling away. "I love you more." I replied placing a kiss on his chest. "Impo-" Harry was interrupted by both our mobiles ringing. "Ugh! I don't want to move." I said as I held on to Harry tighter. "Hahaa... Neither do I. But we should probably get that." He said pointing to our phones that were in the floor. "Grrr... Okay." I said as I got up and grabbed Harry's shirt off the floor putting it on. I then grabbed our phones and tossed Harry his. I answered mine. "Hello?" I said smiling at Harry as he also answered the phone. "Come on! Get dressed! We're leaving, now!" Louis shouted into my ear. I saw Harry cringe and knew he was conference calling us. I hung up and jumped on the bed cuddling up to Harry. "Louis, just leave without us. Jules and I will call for a cab or something. We kind of want to spend sometime alone. Is that cool mate?" Harry said looking down at me searching for approval. I just smiled at him and kissed his chin laying my head on the crook of his neck. After a while Harry and I told Louis that we loved him and hung up. "So... What do you want to do today?" Harry said gazing into my eyes. "I don't know. I'm up for anything, as long as we're together." I said rolling over on my back. "Does this mean that you'll be my girlfriend?" Harry asked softly. I turned so that I was lying on my side and said, "Isn't it obvious?" smiling like a fool. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me on top of him. "Let's go buy some clothes and go out somewhere." Harry said smiling cheekily. "Hmm... Okay. But first I need to take a shower." I said jumping up to my feet. "I'll join you!" Harry said following me into the shower. 

After we took a really nice long warm shower we got dressed in our clothes from yesterday and took a cab to a nearby mall. I bought a pair of blue skinny jeans with a black shirt and classic converse. Harry also bought a pair of blue skinny jeans with a white shirt and boots. We changed into our new outfits and headed to a nearby park. "So... I have to ask, why didn't you keep on singing after your tour with Ed?" Harry asked as we were holding hands. "I didn't feel like it was for me. Like it was amazing having so many people appreciate my music, but they weren't the ones that I was looking for support from, at least not the main ones." I said looking down at the ground. Harry stopped making me stop also. "What do you mean? Explain." He said placing his free hand under my chin and bringing my face up so that I was looking straight into his eyes. "The main reason I got into singing was because you liked it when I sang. You were my inspiration. When you weren't there to support me I felt as if my music was empty." I admitted shyly. "Juliet. You might not have seen me but I showed up to as many of your concerts as I could. I was always there and when I couldn't be that was all I was thinking about. I love your voice; you're an amazing singer! I have and will always be there to support you... forever and for always." Harry said resting his forehead against mine. "Now, lets go slide down the slide!" Harry exclaimed pulling me after him. We went down the slide a couple times and then decided to swing on the swing. "When did you know that you liked me?" Harry asked with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. Hmmm... I didn't know. "I really don't know. I think I've always liked you. But I think I only came to realize it when you were in the hospital. You're mom kept on asking me if there was anything else going on in between us... I guess she kind of made me realize that I might have feelings for you. Then while spending every single day with you I noticed little things that I'd never realized before. Then I noticed that I truly did love you... I attempted telling you a couple of times but I always ended up telling myself that you didn't feel the same way and that you only saw me as a sister. Besides, what else could I think when we almost kissed, what two or three time? Well however many times, and you just pretended as if they never even happened. So I just presumed that you acted that way because you didn't want to hurt my feelings." I said swinging a bit harder. Harry hopped off of his swing and stood in font of my swing and stopped it. "Wait... So I owe my mom a thanks?" Harry asked smirking and wrapping his arms around my waist while I was still sitting on the swing. "I thought that you didn't like me. I was scared of rejection. I never spoke about the kisses because I thought that you didn't want me to. I thought they were all in head to be honest." Harry said grabbing my hands in his. "Hahaa I guess in some way you do owe Anne a thanks. She's pretty great. And really? You thought I didn't like you? Apparently it was pretty obvious that I liked you, even Liam picked up on it. And so did Ed." I replied playing with his fingers. "Well... We're together now. Forever and for always. Here..." Harry said fideling in his pocket looking for something and kneeling down. "Lift up your feet and put them on here." Harry said patting his knee indicating me were to place my feet. "What are you doing Curly?" I asked but he just smiled and pulled out two sharpies out of his pocket, a red one and a black one. He then proceeded to draw something on my shoes. "Harold, are you vandalizing my shoes?" I asked smiling waiting to see what he was doing. "Here, take a look." Harry said standing up. He had drawn two stick figures on my left foot, a girl and a guy. The guy had a thought bubble with a heart in it. The right show had 'je t'aime' and 'love' written in cursive around the edge of the shoe. It was beautiful. "I love you Juliet." Harry said lacing his fingers with mine. "I love you too Harry." I said standing up and pressing my lips against his. "Come on. I want to buy something to add to your shoes." Harry said throwing me over his shoulder. I just giggled and held on to him tightly. We went to a little craft shop and bought small pink rose stickers. He took three out of the bag and placed then on my right shoe above the writing. "I love it. Thank you Harry." 

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