Chapter 9

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 8:15am

“What? Harry! Omg! Why didn’t you call or something as soon as you felt like something was up?” Louis said with tears rolling down his eyes. Harry motioned for him to hug him. Louis sat down on the bed and snuggled up to Harry crying. “I’m sorry. I know I should of but I thought it was just paparazzi or some fans. Please don’t cry. I’ve seen you guys cry enough to last 5 lifetimes.” Harry said gently and playfully shoving Louis. “Come on mate. Really, please stop crying. You’re going to make me cry.” Harry said sweetly as he placed a kiss on Louis forehead. I felt someone wipe away a tear from my very own cheek; I didn’t even realize I had been crying. I looked up to see who was beside my and found Niall giving me a small sympathetic smile. I looked down to see he had intertwined his fingers with mine. I returned the smile and rested my head on his chest. Niall wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. “Oh not you too! Come on Jules. I’m perfectly fine, ok? So can we please just worry about today? I get released toady! Come on. That’s something to be happy about.” Harry shouted with excitement. We couldn’t help but chuckle at how ridiculous he was being, no how ridiculous we were being. Niall gave me a small kiss on my forehead and let me go. I climbed into the cot with Harry and Louis and also snuggled up to Harry. Gawsh. I was really glad Niall and I weren’t acting awkward. Liam and Zayn were sitting on the feet of Harry’s cot messing with our feet as Niall was eating some chips. We remained like this for most of the day until doctor Owens came in and gave the ‘Ok’ for Harry to go home.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:05pm

Harry was forced to use a wheelchair as he couldn’t properly walk because of his ribs. When we arrived at the flat Liam and Zayn had to carry Harry and his wheel chair up the stairs into the flat. When they placed him down Harry began to roll around joking how he could only go in circles since he could only push with one arm. We were all laughing when all of a sudden a bunch of people jumped out of nowhere and yelled ‘SURPRISE!’ We all screamed as they did in deed surprise and frighten us. Harry’s mom, Ann, came running out and endeavored Harry in a hug. While Harry was being suffocated I looked around the room and saw everyone: Gemma, Lou T, Lux, Tommy, Paul, Pablo and even Uncle Simon. Soon the rest of the lads also took notice and we all tackled them into a huge hug.

There was music playing and refreshments, but mostly everyone was just crowded around Harry asking him how he was. Around 8 o’clock everyone but Ann and Gemma left. Zayn and Liam were on clean up duty, Niall and I were putting all the food away and then going to set up the guest bedroom on the bottom floor for Harry since he couldn’t go up the stairs by himself yet. Anne and Gemma were babying Harry in the living room; it was way too funny to watch. When we were all done we sat down in the living room and started to watch Finding Nemo, Niall’s choice. Niall and Liam were sharing the loveseat, Zayn was asleep on the recliner, Gemma had gone home, Anne was making dinner, and Harry was lying down on the big sofa with his head on my lap.

I was awakened by a huge white flash and chuckling. I slowly opened my eyes and found Liam and Zayn in front of me laughing at the camera. I glared at them telling them to show me the picture they had just taken. They turned the camera so that I could see and saw a picture of me smiling in my sleep with Harry cuddling my leg. I immediately looked down remembering that Harry had fallen asleep on me and indeed I found cuddling with my leg. I couldn’t help but laugh at how cute and childish he looked. “What time is it?” I asked the guys rubbing my eyes. “It’s almost 9 o’clock.” Liam responded. “Yup. So wakey wakey. Today is our last day before we have to return to tour.” Zayn chimed on. “Wait. What? It’s the morning already?!?” I asked franticly. They just nodded their head in response and told me to wake Harry up while they went to set up the table.

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