Chapter 6

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Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:45am

"Harry what is this place? I can't see anything." I said as Harry closed the door behind us. "Here just grab my hand and follow me." I did as he dsaid; I intertwined my fingers with his grabbing on to his arm with my free hand. We walked down a small hallway until we ran into what I'm a summing was a glass door or a mirror. As Harry felt around for something the light finally turned on. Wow! We were standing before a huge glass door. Looking through it I could see a beautiful glass chandelier hanging at the center of the floor. Harry squeezed my hand bringing me back to reality. "Huh? What? Sorry I spaced out." I said quite sheepishly causing my cheeks to turn bright red. Harry chuckled and then said, "Well if you want to go in there, you kind of have to back away from the door so that I can open it." Harry said with a smirk. "Umm... oh yeah... hahaaa sorry." I replied as my face turn even brighter and a deeper shade of red from embarrassment. I quickly backed away still holding Harry's hand. He opened the door flashing me a smile and ushered me into the room. "What is this place Harry?" I asked in awe as I surveyed the room. The room wasn't really that big, but it wasn't small either. There was a white vintage style love seat against the right wall from the door. In front of it there was a small glass coffee table with a white arrangement of flowers. There was a gorgeous old style scenery painting in front if the love seat. The walls were a soft of white with gold crown molding at the edges. The room vintage style yet extremely elegant and intimate. "Well... You said you were hungry, so we are going to eat." Harry replied with a wide smile spread across his face. "What do you have planned? And what are we going to eat?" I asked in a giggle pointing around the room. "There's a kitchen through that door." Harry replied smugly but playful. Whoa! I hadn't even noticed the door in front of us. It was very elegant, with white designs carved into it. Harry just chuckled as I rolled my eyes and pulled me forward into the kitchen. The kitchen was huge! Everything was modern but it still carried that vintage theme. Harry let go of my hand and wrapped his hands around my wait. "Harold! What are you doing?" I asked puzzled. "Oh hush..." Harry said as he lifted me off the floor and sat me down on the counter. "Why?" Was the only thing I said as I scrunched up my face. Harry chuckled and then said, "just stay ere, I'm going to cook for you, silly." I automatically gasped as I heard him say 'I'm going to cook', Harry cooking?!? What?!? "Umm... Curly I love you and all, but do you really think that's a wise idea? You cooking?" He put on a hurt expression and gasped... "What? What are you saying? Do you not think I can cook?" He expressed being over dramatic and outing his hands up to his mouth as he stood in awe. "Umm... Actually I know you can't cook... You can barely cook Mac and cheese... and that comes in a box, with extremely detailed and easy instructions." I replied poking my tongue out at him. He began to fiercely walk toward me and placed his hands on my thighs. "Oh Juliet, it's on now. You'll see... Ill cook you the best meal ever." He said and then kissed my nose walking over to the kitchen and getting a bunch of ingredients out.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 3:00pm

I dialed Louis number as I was sure he would pick up. He picked up with in the second ring. "Hey Jules. What's up?" A cheerful Louis asked. "Hey boobear. Umm... Can you get all the guys and put me on speaker? Pleeeeease?" I said batting my eyelashes only to remember that he couldn't see me. This caused me to giggle a bit. "Ok. Sure. Give me a sec.... Wait! Is everything ok?" Louis suddenly asked sounding frantic. "Hahaa... Yeah boo. Just get the lads." Instead of him replying I heard him shout all of the lads names. After a few seconds I heard what sounded like a stampede running towards the mobile. "You called mate?" "What's wrong" "Is the food here?" Hahaa! Leave it Niall to ask about food. "Yup." Louis replied popping the 'p' before continuing to say that I wanted to speak to all of them. They all yelled in excitement and shouted my name. "Hey guys. Can you hear me okay?" I asked with a smile areas across my face. "Yup. We can hear you clearly." Liam replied. "Okay. Great. So I have so extremely great news...." I paused building up suspense. "Oh come on! Hurry up! Tell us already!" Louis demanded. "Hahaa... Okay. So... Harry... FINALLY AWOKE FROM HIS COMA!" I shouted into the cellular. I could hear them all jump and yell out in happiness. I could even hear Louis crying. "Are you being real?" Louis asked between sobs. "Yes! I would never kid about anything like this. Now, what are you crying? You should be jumping from excitement." "I'm crying because I'm so happy." Louis replied again. "Juliet!" I heard Niall shout. "Yeah Nialler?" "I love you! Thanks for telling us." "You don't have to tank me. And I love you more." I replied. "No! We love you more!" I could hear the lads shout in the background. "No! I love Niall more!" I said protectively but with a playful tone. "Hahaa! We said that we love you more! Silly Jules." Louis replied. "Oh... Hahaa." I managed to say before Niall screamed, "Hey! What? No! Impossible! I love Juliet way more!" I couldn't help but chuckle as I heard them arguing. Right then Harry's room door opened and doctor Owen stepped out. "Hey. Can we talk?" She asked softly. I just nodded and said, "Hey guys, I have to go. Ill call you back later, ok? I love you and miss you guys!" I said and quickly hanged up turning to face doctor Owen who was now sitting beside me. "Ok. So I Harry is doing fine. He's not showing any signs of memory loss or anything. He can move his limbs adequately. We however want to keep him another night here in the hotel an then bring him back once a week for physical therapy for a month." "Okay. That sound really good. Thank you doctor!" I accidentally shouted instead of using my inside voice. I quickly hugged her and then ran into Harry's room shutting the door behind me. I jumped on Harry's cot landing in a sitting position. I had a wide smile spread across me face and just leaned in and hugged him. After about a minute I pulled away and started to hit him on the shoulder and cry. I repeatedly hit my fists onto his shoulder. The tears flooded out of my eyes uncontrollably. "You stupid fool! I thought I lost you! Never ever do that to me again! I fucking love you! I don't know what I would do with you! Never do that again!" I shouted repeatedly as I hit him. Harry wrapped his arms me and started to rub circles on my back as I was thrashing about in his arms. After a while I calmed down and was bawling Harry's arms. "I thought I lost you." I whispered into his ear between sobs. He just hushed me and rocked me back and forth rubbing circles on my back trying to soothe me. "I love you Harry. I really do love you Harry Edward Styles. I have no clue what I would ever do without you." I barely whispered into his ear. "Shhh... I love you too. And you will never have to find out because I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here with you. I'll never leave you alone. I love you Juliet Lynn Cooper." Harry whispered into my ear placing a kiss on the top of my head. I pulled away a little so that I could see Harry's face. I cupped his face with my left hand and began to softly caress his cheek with my thumb. "I love you Harry." I barely whispered looking into his eyes. Harry was looking straight into my eyes also. "I love you, Juliet." He replied in the same mute tone. I felt something weird in my stomach, almost as if it was doing flips or as if I had butterflies. My mind went completely blank and I began to softly lean in towards Harry. It was amazing how close we were, how his breath still tasted like mint and gummy bears even though he hasn't had any in weeks. I slowly began to close my eyes as my gaze had dropped to Harry's lips. Right as our lips were about to touch a nurse rushed into the room. "Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I can come back later in needed." She quickly said sounding a bit embarrassed. I pulled away from Harry in a flash and stood up. "Umm... No, it's fine. You didn't interrupt anything. I was just about to go get some coffee." I replied running my hands over my eyes. I quickly made my way out of the room with out looking at Harry and shut the door to room 424. I slid down the door unto the floor. I wrapped my arms around my legs. What had just happened? What had I almost done? What's wrong with me? I love Niall. I don't love Harry that way. Harry's like a bother to me. He's my best friend. I could never jeopardize our friendship. Besides Harry will never like me like that. Gawsh! I really need to see Niall. I decided to take a walk around the clinic. I hopped on the elevator and headed down to the lobby. Once there I headed into the clinic’s gift shop. Well that's odd... Why would you set a gift shop in a hospital? I mean it's not like I would ever what to return to this place, let alone get a magnet for my fridge from here to remind every day about this awful past 11 days. I decided not to go into the gift shop but go to the caff instead. I bought a small box of lucky charms, some gummy bears and mints. I decided that the nurse should be out of Harry's room By now and headed back up to the 4th floor and down the once dreaded hallway.

I slowly opened the door to find a sleeping Harry. Aww he looked so cute. I place what I had bough on the little side table beside his cot and sat down. He looked absolutely peaceful sleeping. It was good to see him like that. His color had finally returned, his cheeks even had a slight blush to them. I grabbed his hand and slowly brought it up to my lips and placed a kiss on it. As I did this Harry's lips curled up into a smile. I quietly giggled to myself before laying his hand back down on the cot. I got my mobile out my pocket and began to text Niall. I've alway like Niall, even since I saw him audition at the XFactor. He was just so adorable. I remember I had to go back home while Harry was boot camp. It killed me, being away from him for so long. Of course we spoke regularly and everything, but it wasn't the same as having him next to me. Grrr... Umm... Niall. Right. So when I saw the episode were Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn were put together I screamed my bloody head of from excitement. They were some of my favorite and now they were all together. Which also meant that I would most likely get to meet them. I was so happy to meet Niall that I would make Harry Skype me every single time he could just so that I could see and speak to Niall. After they found out they were eliminated they all returned to their homes, but it wasn't for long as Simon called them and singed them with his company Syco. Niall and I finally got to meet then. We Simon had called all the lads and told them to meet him at the Syco main offices in London. Harry had asked me to come with as he didn't want to spend another day away from me, or at least that what he said. As we walked through the doors leading into the building I ran into someone, typical me, being extremely clumsy. I apologized and then looked up to see whom exactly I had ran into. I looked up only for my eyes to be met by warm big blue eyes. Ever since them I knew that I truly did have a crush on Niall. Then Harry begged the producers to let me come on the XFactor tour with them I really became close friends with all the mates. They were great. Niall and I had begun going out in little 'dates' and stuff but he never asked me to be his girlfriend until the Up All Night Tour. The guys had decided to explore New York City and hit some clubs. I rally wasn't in the mood to party so I just stayed in my hotel. After a little while after the lads had left someone knocked on my hotel door. I opened it only to be met by a fully dressed up Niall. I was in awe. He looked gorgeous, almost as if he had just stepped out of a fancy magazine or something. He was wearing black slacks with a white dress shirt and a matching black vest and blazer. He had a bright red bow tie around his neck and he looked so nervous. He asked my to go out to diner with him and I agreed. Now we were both dressed quite fancy and sitting at an extremely high-end restaurant. We were just about to eat dessert when Niall asked me. He was al red and sweaty and shaking but he took my hands in his and asked me to be his. I couldn't believe he had finally asked me, I thought he never would. I quickly said and then shortly after that we had our first kiss walking down Times Square. Just thinking about it always sent shivers down my spine from how great and amazing it was... Except that I'm not getting any shiver right now, or that fireworks feeling I always get as I usually think about Niall. What's going on? Why isn't my stomach doing flips and twirls? Where are the butterflies? I began to panic, I always get butterflies just thinking abut Niall let alone thinking about how I fell I love with him and him with me. I quietly began to sob. I'm so confused! What's going on with me?

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