Chapter 12

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November 12, 2012

Wow. The place was beautiful. It was an indoor garden filled with beautiful plants and flowers that I've never seen before. "Wow. I seriously need to go out with you more. This place is gorgeous." I said in awe from how absolutely stunning the conjugation of flowers and nature in general were. Harry gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me forward to a small artificial pond. It contained a variety of small fish swimming around happily. It looked like something out of a movie. We were the only ones here too. "Be right back." Harry said placing a small kiss on my cheek and disappearing into the flowers. I took a seat on a small concrete bench that circled pond. I picked up a purple orchard that was lying on the floor and brought it up to my nose as it filled it with it's wonderful scent. I closed my eyes truly enjoying the wonderful scent of the flower, of all the flowers. I felt a pair of lips on my forehead and I slowly opened my eyes to be met my Harry's. "I think I want to film our next music video here. It's beautiful." Harry spoke softly taking a seat beside me and wrapping his arm around my waist bringing me as close to him as it was physically possible. "Juliet..." Harry softly whispered into my neck as he was resting his head on my shoulder. "Yeah Harry?" I asked in the same soft sweet tone. "I love you. I don't know what I would ever do if I lost you. Promise me we will always remain best friends no matter what?" Harry asked swiftly lifting his head and looking deeply into my eyes. This proved me right, I was crazy for thinking he could ever actually like me as anything else than a friend. "I promise." I spoke barely audible, not even sure that I actually said the two simple words. "Ok. Good... So I'm guessing you still want to know what Ed whispered to me earlier today?" Harry said giving me an extremely cheeky smile. I really didn't care anymore. I was crushed actually finding out the truth that Harry and I will only be friends. It was so hard to admit it to myself, I really didn't want to. My heart began to ache. "Umm... Yeah." I said trying to sound a bit cheerful. "He said that he fancies you, quite a lot. And he wanted me to find out if you fancy him." Harry said staring at me. What? Was Harry actually asking me if I liked one of his best mates? Was he actually blind? Did he not see that I liked him? "Umm... Harry..." I said looking down to the floor. My heart was actually aching. I thought I was going to burst out in tears at any second now. "Yes love?" Harry asked placing his hand on my upper thigh. Oh my god. Harry actually didn't know I liked him. Either that or he seriously doesn't like me and doesn't want to hurt me. I feel like dying. How could I ever be so stupid? "Can we please go back to the flat?" I said still not lifting my view from the floor. "Yes. Of course." Harry said jumping up and extending his hand out for me to grab. We walked back to the flat in silence. A couple people asking for autographs and pictures stopped us but that was it.

November 27, 2012

Harry and I were cleaning the house and setting up the balloons and other decorations. It was 11 o'clock in the morning and the lads' airplane didn't land until 8:00pm. We were going to throw a small welcome back surprise party for them. Harry and I haven't really spoken lately since that day at the botanical garden. I began to push Harry away a little hoping that my feelings for him will fade and that this indeed was just a passing thing. Harry kept on asking me to hang out with him or go somewhere with him but I would always make an excuse as to why I couldn't. Ed and I began talking a lot more. He's a pretty cool guy, funny, relaxed, carrying, sweet and he actually pays attention to me. This was probably the longest Harry and I had been in the same room together since November 12th. His ribs were completely healed and he was back to being his normal self, well physically anyways. "Hey, where do you think we should set the cake?" Harry asked as two people caring a Take Me Home cake were standing behind him. "Umm... Wow! That looks beautiful. How about the kitchen? Does that sound good?" I asked and Harry just nodded his head in reply.

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