Chapter 13

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"I'm going to miss you! I love you. Ed, you better take care of her! If not, it won't be pretty, mate." Louis said as he pulled away from hugging me. As soon as he did Niall threw himself at me. I couldn't remain strong any longer, I busted out in tears and wrapped my legs around the little blond leprechaun. He was crying just as hard as I was. Zayn, Liam, and Louis came over and wrapped their arms around me also letting loose. Oh my god, we were all crying in a group at the airport with Ed and probably a bunch of people staring at as like the weirdos we are. "You guys. I love you so much. I can't believe I'm not going to see you for another month. Promise this will be last time we are far away from each other? Please? I can't even imagine us being apart anymore." I asked and stated between sobs. "Promise!" They all shouted a little louder than intended. People had begun to recognize the lads and began taking pictures of us. Thankfully Ed distracted them by beginning to sign. I hopped off of Niall and gave each an individual hug as we heard someone on the intercom announce last call for boarding. "I'm really sorry Harry didn't come. He's been a real ass lately. What ever happened between you guys?" Louis asked shyly as we pulled away. "I don't know." Was the only thing I said as I gave them all a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't tell them that I had a huge crush on Harry and that I might possibly even love him. And that he only saw me as a friend and thats probably why he's being a bloke. Ed came over and intertwined his fingers with mine as we boarded the plane. "It's going to be alright. You'll talk to them everyday. Besides I gave them tickets to all the shows. So they'll come visit you, that's for sure." Ed said wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me close to him. I placed a kiss on his cheek and proceeded to rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you." We got on the plane and I sat next to window. Ed sat next to me and draped a blanket over both of us. "Ed. Why are you so nice to me?" I asked looking out the window. He grabbed my hand and softly began to caress it with his thumb, "Because you are the nicest, sweetest girl I know. Because you deserve being treated like a princess, heck you deserve being treated better than the queen..." He placed his left hand on my cheek softly moving my face so that I was looking into his blue eyes. They were filled with lust and passion, they caused me to feel warm inside. "I like you Juliet. I like you quite a lot." I knew Ed liked me and he knew I liked Harry, why was he making this so hard on both of us? I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet, looking into his eyes. "I know you like Harry, but he's being a total ass. Besides, he's dating Taylor. I think you should try to move on. Please? Let me love you. Let me show you what love truly is." Ed pleaded. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek. "Ed, I know he is. It just hurts so freaking much! You have no idea. The only thing I want is to be loved. I've been trying to move on. I know Harry will never love me as anything else than a friend. And I think that's why he's treating me like this, because he knows that I like him. Ed... You deserve someone that loves you, not me. I think you're an amazing guy and anyone dating you would be the luckiest person in the world, but I don't love you in that way. I'm so sorry." I admitted crying even more. "Then move on. I know you don't love me like that, or least you don't right now, but that doesn't mean you never will. Please just give me a chance. Let me make you the luckiest girl in the world. We can take thing slow, as slow as you need. Just please let me make you mine and take some of the pain away." I didn't want to cause Ed any pain, but I did kind of fancy him too. He had an amazing smile and killer eyes not to mention he was the nicest person I've ever met, he was an angel. I could see myself falling I love with him. "Okay." I said smiling at him. "Wait... Really? You'll be my girlfriend?" I just smiled wider and nodded my head. Who would of ever thought that today would of gone like this? From me bawling my eyes out to Ed and I dating. He leaned in towards me and I leaned in towards him closing my eyes. Our lips met and moved in sync. It was a nice kiss. His lips were warm and soft. We pulled away and looked into each others eyes smiling like stupid people. "Thank you, for giving me a chance." He softly whispered placing a kiss on the top of my head as I rested it on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and feel his heat radiating off his body and warming mine up. He wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his waist and fell asleep. I've been extremely tired lately I wasn't getting any sleep because I spent the entire night up tossing and turning trying to forget about any romantic feeling I had towards Harry.

It was December 11 and we were in Virginia about to play a show. Ed and I were working about surprisingly well. He is extremely sweet and funny. A couple of people have caught us kissing but other than that nobody really knew that we were dating. "Hey..." Ed said appearing out of no where and wrapping his arms around my waist. He leaned down a placed a small kiss on my nose and looked into my eyes smiling. I couldn't help but chuckle at how he was acting. "Hi." I whispered into his lips as I gave him a small kiss. "I think we should go public. I hate not being any to kiss you or show affection towards you while we're out in public. And I can't keep on avoiding people when they ask me if I have a girl friend. I want to tell the world. I want to run outside and shout it at the tip of my lungs. I know we've only been dating for 12 days but I love you." Ed said resting his forehead against mine. I couldn't help but smile at how wonderful he was. How was I so lucky to have gotten a boyfriend like him?

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