Chapter 1: V's Announcement

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Day 0 11:43 PM

V has entered the chat

V: It seems that no one is here

V: I understand

V: I find my heart clenching every time I see this application on my phone

V: I thought that after Rika, death would be easy for me to get over

V: I was wrong

V: But we must go on

V: It may come as a surprise, but MC knew of her time limit for a long time, long before we met her

V: In her will, it said that as she saw what became of the RFA following Rika's passing, she didn't want the same to happen after she passed as well

V: >> She wanted our days of happiness to continue <<

V: MC had picked her successor and Luciel just finished her background check

V: She will be invited to join the RFA tomorrow. From what was written in the will, it seems that MC hasn't spoken to the person she chose as her successor about this, so if we want to continue holding the parties, it is likely up to us to convince her to stay

V: I'm sorry

V: For everything

V: ...

V: No one is here... but

V: Goodbye.

V has left the chat.

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