Story Mode 73: Enjoying This?

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"Is Madame Chiffon going to be alright?" Y/n asks as Jumin slides into the car seat beside her. After Madame Chiffon jumped up and hugged her, she didn't want to let go. It was a little embarrassing to say the least. Once Madame Chiffon finally did release her, Mr. Chairman apologized and took her home. "I wonder if she's been under a lot of stress lately."

Jumin shakes his head. "Even if she is, she shouldn't have pounced on you like that." He goes quiet for a moment before speaking up again. "Are you spending the night at the hospital again?"

A small smile dusts Y/n's lips. I wonder what Saeran is up to. "Yup. He said that he's already back to normal, but I forced him to stay another night. Better safe than sorry, you know?"

The man beside her hums in reply, "Shall I change the route for the hospital, then?"

"Ah, no." Y/n smooths down the fabric of the expensive dress Jumin is loaning her. She wants to get out of it as soon as possible to keep from destroying it. "I left some of my medication at home and I want to grab a new pair of clothes to wear while I sleepover there."

Jumin turns slightly towards her, just enough for the two of them to make eye contact. "I believe there were quite a few already at the hospital. How many different medications are you on?"

"It's a lot," Y/n trails off as she scratched her head. "I'm not supposed to be on all of them long term though," she smiles. "Once I get a little better Dr. Yun said that I'll be able to go back to just my normal stuff."

As the quick analytic he is, Jumin wastes no time in excavating information from between the lines. "Why did your doctor prescribe you new medication? You didn't appear to be in worsening health to me." He pauses slightly and his coal eyes soften to a dark clay. "Are you alright, Y/n?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Y/n laughs with a bright smile. "I've actually felt like I've been doing better recently, but the doctor said that I needed them or else the consequences would be terrible." She shifts slightly in her seat. "I don't have a medical degree, so I just listen to what they tell me. Health is too important to risk, right?"

Jumin doesn't seem satisfied. He takes out his phone and begins to type away in his note section. It's just a hunch, but something is off with Y/n's doctor. During the past five months Y/n has seemed healthy every time he's seen her. This new medication situation is suspicious. He'll have to look into it. "Where does this Dr. Yun work?"

"Oh, he works at C&R. I started going to him since I knew I could get the employee discount!"

"Dr. Yun...?" He finishes up his recording of information and sends a concise email to Assistant Kang. Finding out information on this doctor will be easier than he thought. "Noted."


Now dressed in comfortable clothes after leaving her house, Y/n slouches slightly as she finally reaches her boyfriend's hospital door. She made sure to take her medication for the night while she was at home so that she wouldn't have to in front of Saeran. Only, the drowsiness that's starting to set in is making her regret the decision. With a final rough shake of her head in attempt to force herself awake, she finds the knob on the door and twists it open, "I'm bac—"

Y/n is swept away from the door and locked tightly against a firm chest. Her heart jolts in surprise, her hands clutching onto the sides of his shirt. His chin rests near her ear, the small sounds of air passing through his lips sending shivers down her back. Her eyes widen as they struggle to adjust to the dark room. "Y/n." Saeran's voice rumbles in her ears. She immediately tenses as her heart flutters even faster. Her grip on him remains tight. "What took you so long?"

"I- huh? Oh..." Y/n's mind scrambles, a small laugh bubbling from her lips. "Yknow, oh— are you already feeling well enough to stan—"

"Your clothes are different." Saeran doesn't blink as he lowers his head to look Y/n directly in her eyes. Surprise still liters her features, but he notices the moment when her eyes dip from his to his lips. "Y/n," he closes in on her, pushing her back and trapping her between the door and himself. "You changed your hairstyle as well." His head dips to the crook of her neck, his lips teasing her soft skin gently as his fingers slip beneath the fabric of her shirt. She draws into herself and yet holds onto him tightly, pulling him flesh against her. The tip of his nose drags lightly at the sensitive spots on her neck causing her gasp at the small tantalizing sensation. "And what is this that I smell on you?" His hands threaten to climb up her rib cage to her bra, but instead fall down to her hips. "Is it cologne? Perfume?"

"S- Saeran," Y/n's heart pounds loudly in her chest. His mint eyes tell little, but are full of passion. "It's the air freshener from Jumin's car," the moment her boss' name slips from her lips, Saeran nips her neck, causing her to lean into the door for support. Heat blooms in her body as her boyfriend continues his slow advances. "We had a business dinner type of thing—" his tongue grazes against the spot between nibbles. She trembles in his hold. "I only changed into more proper attire for the event. Then- then I changed into this."

"When? Where?" Saeran growls. He doesn't fight the spark of his jealousy. Instead, his hand grips her hair tightly, holding her in place. Her eyes watch his with quiet longing and she holds his waist tightly. A leg slips between hers and she whimpers slightly at the nearly forgotten rush. "You shouldn't have stayed so long with another man. Don't you know whose you are?"

"I'm yours," she pants immediately. Fighting the dying desire of stimulation, Y/n forces herself to remain still. She steadies her shaky breathing with a deep breath, "Saeran... Do you always get like this when I leave for too long?" Dangerously close to her own private region, a part of Saeran grows stiff against her. "I- I can feel you."

"Are you enjoying this?" He rolls his hips against Y/n, his still growing erection pinched between them. When Y/n focuses on her unsteady breathing and fails to respond, Saeran's hand slips between her legs. She jumps in response, but doesn't try to pull away as his fingers simply rest over where her pleasure button lays. "Are you?" Y/n sucks down her pride and nods her head, the flame between her legs dying to be kindled. Her knees bend slightly as she tries to relieve herself by rubbing up against him. His fingers slip away immediately. "Say it Y/n. Say you crave me as much as I crave you. Say that I'm your only one. Say it, Y/n." He lifts her chin lightly. "Show me that you love me."


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