Story Mode 126: We Can Always Try Again

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Saeran flashes Y/n a big smile and lifts up the white hatch on the back of the truck. He bends down and hugs her knees, lifting her up quickly and setting her down in the truck. He's beside her in seconds with a jump and he shuts the hatch quietly just as the engine begins to roar. The box around them trembles.

Saeran's fingers intertwine with Y/n's and he eases her against him. She fits perfectly into his arms. Her eyes close and her free hand wraps around him. "We made it."


The truck roars and one of the front doors are slammed shut. Someone must've been talking to the driver again. Y/n's hands sag at Saeran's waist, brushing against a hard bump in his pants. Her fingers pinch the form and feel out it's shape in the dark. "What's this?"

"Ah," he takes her hand and moves it away. "Touching it like that is a little dangerous." His chuckle fills her ear and his strong hands gently pull her closer. "Promise you won't get mad at me?"

"Of course." A smile finds her lips. "I promise." His lips press against her neck softly. It's but an instant. His head whips back so hard that it clangs against the metal wall. "It's fine." Her fingers leave his pants and instead burry themselves in his soft white hair where he hit his head. "I'm relieved." After what happened with Rika, she can't help but be worried about how she'll react to doing anything with Saeran. The last thing she wants to do is freak out and hurt his feelings, or worse— have him find out what really happened. "What's in your pocket?"

His hand squeezes hers apologetically. "It's my phone and a gun. I swiped it off of one of the guys I caught doing drugs the other day." He leans into her touch as the truck begins to reverse beneath them. "But don't worry, I have the safety on."

"Oh shoot." Y/n smacks her hand against her head. "I think I left the phone that I've been using in Rika's room. It has all of our chats!"

"Don't worry," Saeran's grip tightens around her and he scoots them into the corner. He'll have to act as a makeshift seatbelt. "Everyone has been watching what they say on the chats and she can't listen to past calls or anything. It's probably better than you left it, since that phone would be easy for them to track."

A small sigh of relief escapes her, allowing her to melt against the toned man. "The last thing I would want us for our escape to be ruined because of me." They lean to the side as the truck makes a wide turn, likely getting ready to pull out of the parking lot.

"There you go trying to blame yourself again. I don't like that, Y/n." It's easy to see that she's become more insecure since being kidnapped. Saeran smooths back some of her hair. He doesn't want her to suffer anymore than she already has. "Even if we were unable to escape today, it would be Rika's fault. Not yours. And no matter what happens, Y/n, we can always try again."

"Saeran." Y/n freezes against him. The truck jolts beneath them and yanks to a halt. Saeran's arms are the only thing that keep her from tumbling over. "Wh- why did we stop?" Yelling boils outside of the truck followed by the unmistakable pounding of footsteps. Her hands dig into the fabric of his cloak, her form shuddering against him. "What's going on?!"

"Shit." Saeran jumps to his feet and quickly extends an arm to Y/n who takes it shakily. "Take this and get behind me." The pair stuff themselves in the corner to the left of the opening hatch, hidden in the darkness. Y/n's fingers trembles as she takes the device that he hands her. She takes a deep breath. It's his phone. "The password is your birthday plus the time you were born on the twenty-four hour clock." He brandishes the slick black pistol and holds it carefully pointed down in front of him. The yelling and footsteps get closer. The safety comes off with a click. "Did you get it open?"

Y/n's fingers shake. She forgot to carry a one, but manages to get the phone open on her second try. "Yes."

"They haven't gotten to the door yet," he looks over his shoulder. "Hand it to me." Y/n does as she is told. Saeran flicks through three different applications and by passes all of his locks before he punches in one last code. It's the day that his brother saved him from the Mint Eye. A check appears on the screen, followed by a timer. Ten seconds.

"What did you do?"

Nine... eight.

"You'll see." Saeran takes a small breath and focuses. His hands clench around the gun. "Quiet."

Seven... six.

"We know you're in there!" A loud voice barks on the outside of the truck, a large fist slamming against it, right on the other side of where Y/n is standing. "How dare you trick us and go against the Savior?!"

Five... four.

The back of the truck creaks as someone struggles to pry it open. "Who cares about the Savior? I heard that there's a girl in there!" Y/n stiffens against Saeran, her mind going blank. There isn't a moment to comfort her.


The hatch is thrown open and the men peer inside. "What? There's no one in here."


"You dumbass, they're right there!"


The buff man from earlier begins to climb up the cargo section of the truck and before he can pull his second foot over the edge, he is stopped in his tracks. The shot rings in Y/n's ears. His dark brown eyes are wide open and staring at Saeran's feet. His body falls limp against the metal, it's cold surface beginning to warm with his blood. He's gone without a scream. Saeran steps out from the shadows of the car, Y/n held tightly behind him, gun trained on the other men in their way.

Only. The men don't spare a glance towards the pair. Their attention is instead focused on the burning building. The ground still trembles. Screams litter the courtyard. Black clouds of dust rush toward them.

Saeran's device did its job. The cult's brand new headquarters exploded.

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