Story Mode 127: Dust and Debris

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The hallways are as busy as they normally are in the early afternoon. The black cloaks of believers pass by on either side of the hallway as they go about their daily tasks, only pausing to bow to the Savior. MC's vision blurs and her body strangely grows light and heavy at the same time. Her breath is ragged and her feet stumble beneath her. Not a single glance is spared in her direction.

"My Savior!" A young man rips himself to a halt in the center of the hallway. He bows low and his eyes pinch together tightly. "I am believer 284 here to report about the devices that were delivered yesterday!"

"You're causing a scene and I am in a rush." A grin licks at her lips, her soft green eyes watch the boy like rotting fruit does the ants crowding around it. "You may report to me once I finish retrieving two very important believers."

The boy's eyes widen and he throws himself into an even lower bow, scooting forward just enough to block the woman's way. "Please allow me to report now! This is matter is urg—"

MC flinches away out of habit, but the boy doesn't realize until it's too late. Rika's hands lock together in a tight fist above her chest and slam down on the back of the boy's head with a quick Thump. His forehead slams first into the hard flooring and a scream rips from his lips. He's still conscious. MC looks away.

"I'm so tired of you cracked up pieces of shit thinking I have to listen to what you say." She laughs, the heel of her black shoe stabbing the boy's outstretched arm as she continues her trip to the now nearby exit. "I'm the Savior. Just shut up and listen to me."

The boy curls up on his side, his hands gripping the sides of his head tightly. Mucus clogs his nose and blood runs down his throat. His screams die in to sobs. "Please, wait!" His head curls up at the blonde woman in the black dress, but her pace remains the same and she continues down the corridor. "The explosives," he pants heavily, a cough filling his chest. "They're missin—"

Everything goes white.

Metal and cement bends, snaps and shatters screech around them. The destruction plunges into their ears and fills their entire head. MC and Rika are ripped back and forth like rag dolls in a hurricane, their bodies only capable of feeling pain. The boy, however, feels nothing. His eyes are open, but he can't see. His limbs are there but he cannot feel. His jaw falls agape and tears spill down his cheeks. "HELP!" His voice is silent. "HELP ME! PLEASE!" Dust fills the air. The world begins to tilt back to normal. "Mom... MOMMY!" His dark brown eyes stare blankly at MC. Two of his fingers protrude from beneath the thick slab of cements that's crushing him from his neck down. They stretch up, reaching for help, for hope, for comfort. But he's already dead.

Laughter fills the dust clouded halls. It's louder than the groaning of the surviving believers. And louder than the screams of the dying ones. MC is the second one to rise to her feet. Her legs quiver beneath her and her chest convulses. She pushes herself off a cracking wall as it begins to collapse. The dry hazy air stings her eyes and clogs her throat. The Savior is the only one unaffected. Just like a lone flower in a dead garden she basks in the light, a smile despite the destruction around her.

Holding her hands to her head, MC obeys the tug on her leash, following her Savior out the front door.


The dark grey cloud hits. Dust and debris slam across the side of the truck clanging against the metal and rebounding off. It's the after math of the explosion. The men that had gathered outside of the truck to capture them lay in a bloody pile on the hard cement of the parking lot. One they realized the danger they were in, they tried to get inside the truck with Y/n and Saeran. They didn't last long. Saeran took them all out without even reloading. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

"You shot them," the words tumble out of Y/n's lips as she looks down at the men. They were alive not minutes before. Their eyes stare right back at her.

Saeran pops open the cartridge. He was only able to find a couple bullets on the believers, so he'll have to make due with what he has left. "I did." He can't be ashamed for what he has done. This is the only way to protect themselves.

Her arms unwrap from around her chest and her fingers clench. She tears her gaze away from the dead faces, focusing only on him. His body is calm, but his mint eyes give everything away. Dilated eyes stare back at her twitching slightly as his hands ready the gun again. It only takes Y/n two steps. He's wrapped in her arms and she tucks his head tightly into her shoulder. "You should've let me do something." Her fingers slip into his white locks and her other hand gently rubs circles into his back . "You don't have to carry the burden alone."

His lips graze against her, just a breath away from a kiss. He gives her a gentle squeeze and pulls away. "I want to." A light smile decorates his lips and for just an instant, walls of flowers shroud around them, and they're in the garden where they had their first date. "Forgive me for being selfish..."

"I'm the same way, I understand." Her hand cups his face lightly, his soft cheek filling her palm. "That's why I'm so worried about you."

Saeran's hand finds hers. He gives it a squeeze. "We don't have time... I'm going to go check the condition outside and make sure the driver isn't in the front."

"Let me go with you!"

Saeran steps away from Y/n towards the open hatch, shaking his head. "You can't. I only have one gun and I don't know how bad the debris is. I'll come right back and get you, so wait for me."

Wait for me.

The phrase slaps her across the face, filling her ears and deafening the howl of the wind around the truck. The hospital. He was just gone for a few minutes. Just a few minutes. But that was all Rika needed to tear them apart.

Y/n's body clams up and she immediately latches onto his arm. Don't go. Her chest tightens, the big gulps of air she's screaming at her lungs to take lost in the wind and her demand only met with shallow puffs of oxygen. She doesn't want to risk it again. She can't. "I'll protect you." Saeran. "Trust me."

First he's just a step away. Then he's just outside of the truck. But then, he's gone. Just gone.





Not again.

Her legs rip from beneath her before her head has a moment to process it. Her foot pounds down on the cargo bed flicking her weight through the open hatch. Wind and debris slap her, filling her lungs with dry air. The sides of her palms just above her wrists slam against the black pavement, her fingers rolling in tight as she pushes herself up.

The truck is smooth against her fingers, she sticks close to it and reaches the driver's door. It's thrown open before she can touch it. Strong arms greet her and she's whisked into the safety of the truck once again. "What are you doing out here? I told you to wait!" Saeran's shoulders lean against the passenger side window while his legs extend out beneath Y/n, whose hands wrap around him tightly. Her lips brush against his. His mint eyes meet hers a sharp breath of air fills her lungs. She can't. Her fingers curl into her palms and she pulls back as if repelled by magnets. Nose clogging, her eyes shut firmly and her forehead buries itself in his chest. "I'm sorry."

"No," Saeran's fingers are gentle against her locks, "You did nothing wrong. I shouldn't have yelled or left you like that." The debris finally begins to settle. "I'm sorry, Princess. Let's get out of here."

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