Chapter 99: Wait For Me

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~~ Over the Phone ~~

Saeran: Y/n...? Y/n??

Y/n: .......!

Saeran: Oh my god, Y/n! Y/n please don't cry!

Y/n: S- sorry... I can't help it

Y/n: I was so scared...

Saeran: I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I should've never left you alone! This is all—

Y/n: Is this what it was like for you too? I can't- I can't stand to think about you going thr- through this

Saeran: Y/n...

Y/n: Saeran...

Y/n: .........

Y/n: don't come for me

Saeran: .........I have to.

Saeran: I have to. I'm sorry I failed you at the hospital! I know I'm terrible! I'm horrible! I'm a failure! I know— I know... but please. I want to save you. I can't let you stay there any longer!

Y/n: Saeran... please don't talk about the love of my life like that.

Y/n: He's a wonderful man that always cares for me and gives me far more love than I could ever deserve. He's perfect and yet he's too hard on himself... I don't like hearing you say those mean things about him

Saeran: Y- Y/n

Y/n: Don't come for me...

Y/n: please... don't

Saeran: Y/n, I have to...!

Y/n: Saeran...

Y/n: Did you get that thing that I was talking about?

Saeran: Oh. Yes, I did. They can monitor the chats, but don't worry, they can't listen in on the calls connecting you to me, Saeyoung, and Jumin

Y/n: So they're not listening now?

Saeran: Correct

Saeran: So you don't have to tell me not to come.

Saeran: I want— I need to save you.

Y/n: I'll be okay... I'm going to find a way out on my own. So don't worry, okay?

Saeran: Y/n.

Saeran: Don't lie to me.

Y/n: Sae- Saeran.. I really am okay. Just don't com—

Saeran: Don't lie to me!

Y/n: ...

Saeran: They showed me a fucking video of you Y/n! Of you screaming and crying and trying to run away! They threw you on the ground over and over, you were bleeding! I can't leave you there! I can't!

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