i. introduction + forewarning

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assigned song;
desire by dej loaf

please ask for my permission before reposting, recreating, or translating my writing. not only do i wish to protect my work, but i would also like to support recreations / spinoffs. please also refrain from spoiler / rude comments; you can stop reading if you do not approve of the story, but don't ruin the plot and experience for others. i will warn people who ignore this and numerous others before blocking them. this story contains mature themes such as sex, drugs, alcohol, and cursing; please leave now if you are sensitive to any of the items listed. if not, then please enjoy the story!

face claims;
i prefer not to put face claims so that readers can envision whomever they see fit while reading. if you need one to invest into the story, the woman on the cover page is our heroin; gianna kingsley. if you all would like face claims for the other characters, comment here and i will add them! Update: you can now swipe above & see the face claims if wanted!

i will try my best to upload new chapters regularly every two days, though i am usually very caught up with school and working so, please be patient!

votes and comments;
please remember to vote and comment on sections / chapters you all enjoy so that i can receive constructive criticism on my writing and thus become a better writer for you all!

enjoy the story everyone!

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