XXVII: Turning Point

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Zion held my hands as I rocked my hips, his dick buried to the hilt inside of me as our third or fourth organisms built. I'd lost count by our third round, but the sex between us only seemed to get better. Having enough of my teasing, Zion cursed as he pulled out and turned me around. I whined for him to fill me again, and he quickly secured my wrists behind my back and entered me fully. I moaned shamelessly at the feeling, and even more so as Zion began pounding into me just the way I liked. He leaned over me, our skin slapping together with each thrust and him feeding me filthy words beside my earlobe. I returned every sentiment until I found myself clenching around him. Another powerful orgasm ripped through me, making me curse loudly. Zion groaned from behind me, stalling slightly as he filled me with cum. He pulled out as I tried to maintain my sanity through the aftershocks of my own release. He rubbed my engorged clit, causing a less intense release to follow the large previous one.

"Fucking perfect," he growled before slapping my already sore ass, making me jump amongst my former aftershocks. This response from me made him smile as well, and he roughly angled my face so that he'd have no interference as we explored one another's mouths again. He pulled away and smirked before entering the bathroom. The shower turned on shortly after, and I had found my way onto my back before I saw him leaning against the doorway.

I furrowed my brow and breathlessly asked, "What?"

His eyes traveled down my body, "enjoying the view."

I knew I was covered with his cum from my tits to my ass, so I didn't need any further explanation. We usually would've cleaned it up by now, but we hadn't stopped fucking like bunnies until then.

Zion pulled me from the bed and carried me into the shower, knowing by now that my body was reduced to jelly after three rounds of sex together. I shamelessly allowed him to wash me completely and throw one of his shirts over my frame before we lay together again. He spooned me from behind, one of his hands falling flat on top of my stomach.

"I know how I got pregnant," I said as he thinned my belly, "remember the morning after we'd first had sex?"

Zion shook his head, "We used a condom."

"No we didn't," I smiled, giggling a bit. "I didn't realize it back then because I was so wrapped up in not being able to feel anything but you, but I know now that you definitely came without a condom."

He shoved my shoulder playfully, "Asshole."

I laughed at the mush mind he always suffered from after we had sex, which caused his fogged memory.

Crying sounded from our bedside monitor, and I attempted to sit up. Unfortunately, I had yet to regain my strength. My jelly arms failed me and I was left sighing in exasperation.

Zion kissed me before muttering a 'be right back' and leaving me alone in our bedroom. It only took a few minutes before he had returned with his arms full of a tearful Kadeem.

My eyes widened and I scooted up as far as I could with my weak arms, "Why's he still crying?"

"He's a momma's boy, just like his dad, that's why," Zion rolled his eyes. He then somehow managed to wrangle his abandoned shirt on my body before handing the child over to me. Kadeem nuzzled into me and settled. Zion huffed, "Bullshit."

I elbowed him, "Stop it."

I couldn't help but smile down at Kadeem though. He truly was my baby; we ate together, we took naps together, I spent a lot of time making sure he was growing and learning correctly, and I took him almost everywhere with me. His love for me warmed my heart every time and without fail.

"Come here," Zion pulled me against his chest after pulling on his previously discarded underwear. "If he's gonna suck up all the attention, then I'm at least gonna feel you up."

I laughed at his crude words, "We just had sex."

Zion scoffed but resigned when I refused him, flicking on the TV instead. It played lowly as he eventually assaulted my neck anyway, only half-listening to the news reporter.

I cuddled against him and angled my head so that he had more access. I laid Kadeem down on his back, watching him yawn and stare up at me until his eyelids fell shut again. I carefully wiggled the finger he held, but his grip was strong even during sleep.

I turned and put my forehead against Zion's. He removed his lips from the current mark he was creating and met my eyes, "Hm?"

I shook my head and smiled dreamily, "I'm just enjoying the moment, that's all."

King palmed my open cheek before shocking me with a rough kiss. My eyes widened, though eventually fell shut at the feel of his mouth.

I felt his hand begin to fondle my left breast over the shirt, so I pulled away laughing. I took the culprit hand and held it instead, "Bad boy."

He smiled down at me for a few seconds before speaking, "I love you."

My eyes widened, "What?"

"I love you, Gianna," he said confidently.

My breath caught in my throat, "What?"

He laughed, "how many more times?"

I searched his eyes for any deception, "One more."

"I love you, Gianna Kingsley," he said, meeting my stare head on. "Good?"

I nodded with a smile, "I love you too, Zion."

He pressed his forehead to mine, and we just enjoyed the calmness of our bedroom for the time being.

His hand flattened on my belly again, "I love all of you."

"Even Kadeem?" I joked.

Zion shrugged, "Even Kadeem."

I laughed softly, not wanting to wake the baby in question, before we both got comfortable again. I fell asleep to the warmth of Zion's chest and the low murmur of the television.

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