XVII: And I Don't Mean the Juice

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King ushered me through the home, ignoring the calls of both men and women alike.

Speaking of women, there were multiple weaving through as many rooms as the men were. Some were armed and dressed like the men around them, while others were topless or flirting with the male and female members alike. I remembered the bare breasts I'd seen through the window last time, finally realizing that this was King's home. One topless girl caught my eye, as she was bouncing on a man who was seated on one of the couches— Nope. I don't want to see anything else.

He said he doesn't have a girlfriend, so these hoes don't count.. not that I care.

The house itself was full of couches, weed, people, and noise. Loud rap was bursting into my ears and combining with the sounds of sex and conversations. All of these melded together to overwhelm me, especially since everyone I passed was staring down at me in scrutiny. There were a pair of guys at the bottom of the staircase, standing and staring me down with scowls. I pressed my back to King, but he only ushered me forward. The men moved aside and I climbed the carpeted steps hesitantly.

I watched the scrutinizing eyes follow me until I couldn't anymore. There was a door at the top of the staircase, which King unlocked with one of the two keys around his neck. He swung it open and revealed a much cleaner space.

The hall was full of doors, probably leading to mostly bedrooms, with a left turn. It blocked out the noise from downstairs almost completely, though I recognized the muffled music from our first phone call, and King led me now. I followed him around the bend of the hall after he locked the hall door behind us. He unlocked the door at the end of the hall with the second key, revealing a lavish room. As I entered, I noticed black capitalized letters spelling "KING" near the top of the door.

The room was grey and large as if he'd made two rooms into one. Everything else was black; the carpet, the dressers, the tables, the closet, the couch, and the large bed.

I carefully set my belongings down on the couch and surveyed my surroundings once again just to be sure the entire room was real.

King's arms wrapped around me, scooping me up, and he sat me in the bed which was ironically king sized upon closer inspection. He gave me a scowl which silently instructed me to stay put before opening his closet, revealing it as a walk-in type, and disappearing inside.

I furrowed my brow when I couldn't see him anymore, and wrapped my arms around myself as my anxiety only multiplied. It was bad enough that he'd brought me to the unfamiliar house, but leaving me alone, even behind two locked doors, made me beyond nervous. I still had so many questions to ask him, and King didn't seem open to answering them anytime soon.

It didn't take long for him to return to my view. There were a few sounds of ruffling and clatter before he came around the bend of the closet. King had changed into.. pajamas? He wore a black under shirt that hugged his chest and accentuated his large arms, along with a pair of black sweats. My eyes traced his chocolate form hungrily, before they caught onto the clothing he held.

In his hands were a familiar pair of pajama pants and a white t shirt, all of which I knew were meant for me. My mind drifted to my bag of clothing, but I decided not to bring up the fact that I'd packed my own pajamas for the night.

What he said next kept me from doing anything for a few seconds, much less speaking. I was left frozen.

His eyes met mine, "Get naked."

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