XIII: Just Like That

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King's gaze followed each step I made closely once we'd left the back room.

I continued to assist my elders, giving and taking their plates of dinners and desserts. I refilled their drinks and painfully reminisced memories of Saul.

I made my way over to King's table with my hands full of cake for him and his little brothers.

I gave the Tags theirs before zeroing one on those dark eyes that hadn't left mine since I got his plate.

I set the cake in front of him, and he pulled me into his lap. I smiled but huffed playfully, "You don't have to watch me like a hawk, you know? I'm fine now."

He sent me a look before sliding a plastic cup of water over to me. He watched me drink every drop before letting me stand again, "you eating?"

I'd been so occupied with helping my relatives that I didn't even realize that I hadn't even eaten yet.

I sighed, "I'm not hungry."

And I was back on his lap again.

He plucked his white plastic fork up and slid it into my hands, his plate of cake following suit, "Eat."

"I can't finish this," I said before smiling at him over my shoulder, "Do you want to share it with me?"

King wrapped an arm around my front and hummed lowly, giving me his answer. I took the first bite, before sliding the chocolate cake between his lips. His eyes never left mine, and he made sure this was repeated every time he ate a piece.

I managed to weasel away from him long enough to reach my car, in which I was checking on my bouquet for the gravesite.

Two hands slapped against the doorframe, caging me in. I smiled and turned around, "I thought that the aunties would never let you go—"

Lips crashed against mine. I was brought into a tight embrace before the car door slammed behind me, and I was placed against it.

King's lips were fierce this time, his every action poised with passion instead of nurturing as they had been before.

He barely broke away when a car honked, making me laugh as I attempted to weasel away once again.

King pressed his lips below my ear before muttering a low, "I'm driving."

I rolled my eyes when I realized that he'd snatched my keys from me while we'd kissed.

We didn't speak throughout the entire ride, though the silence was comfortable this time. King's hand wrapped around my thigh, tightening when he turned or pressed on the break. I rested my hand over his, ghosting my thumb over the back of it as my anxiety increased the closer we came to the grave.

King surprised me by rounding the car and opening my door for me, "Come on, ma."

I smiled, trying to hide my nerves, "Aren't you a gentleman?"

He took the bouquet from my lap before taking my hand as to assist me getting out of the car.

He walked with me up to the gravesite, where much of my family had already gathered. My anxiety had grasped onto me then more than ever, as I watched Saul be lowered into the ground. My bouquet was laid at his gravestone among many others. I was too consumed with wondering what would happen next to realize that everyone was beginning to say their farewells.

My face was pulled to the left and lips were placed against mine before the pounding in my head subsided enough for me to realize that King was leaving.

He dropped my hand as he held a phone to his ear, mumbling as he walked off without so much as a goodbye.

I watched his sleek black car pull up on the pavement rounding the hill I now stood on. King simply slid in, never looking back, and the car disappeared.

Just like that.

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