XXII: Quick Check

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Needless to say, our night didn't end with just me keeping my promise. I found myself beneath him again, enjoying every thrust. We both relished the feeling of him inside me as we both came once again. He slept with an arm around me as usual, and I smiled when I noticed him actually resting through most of the night. I woke to a different sight, though.

Zion was buckling a belt over black pants and sliding on the matching shirt when I sat up, comforter covering my bare chest. His eyes met mine and he rounded the bed, kissing me, "It's just a quick check."

I watched him take a gun from the first nightstand drawer on my side of the bed, "It doesn't look like a quick check to me."

He only dressed me in his clothes and drove me home, no matter what argument I posed against it.

We stopped in front of the house and I saw Malachi and David out on the porch.

King opened my door and scowled when he saw my arms crossed, "Come on, ma."

I huffed but got out of the car, snatching up my purse and taking my keys from his hand.

We rounded the car together and three cars rolled into Kingsley Cove. King's car came to a stop but the other two parked behind my own. Two men got out of each, and I recognized three of them immediately.

I scowled up at him, "I don't need any Tags."

He frowned right back, "They protect you, Gianna."

"They won't have to protect me if you're with me," I wrapped my arms around him with a sigh. "Stay."

I heard David and Malachi yelling for me to get away from him, but I ignored their calls.

King kissed me and I knew it was just to piss the two idiots off, "This is all me, ma."

My gut clenched, and I knew something bad was going to happen. His cryptic words were enough.

"Can I at least know what's going on?" I pleaded.

King narrowed his eyes and cupped my face, "You know you can't, you're smarter than that."

I frowned and kissed him again, opening my mouth for him to explore and possibly persuade him to stay.

King was only lost for a few seconds before he pulled away, "I'll call you."

The feeling in my gut worsened, "You promise?"

He smirked as his car came beside my own, "Promise."

I smiled as he got in the car. When he didn't pull away I frowned, but his window then rolled down.

"You know I don't leave until you're inside," he scolded. "Take your fine ass home, ma."

I smiled as his words and pecked his lips one last time before obeying, making a show of being on the porch before going inside. I watched the car pull off from the front window, and my smile fell.

When King was gone, I rushed back outside and down the porch steps.

"Hey, what are you doing Gianna?" David scolded as I approached one of the Tags.

He turned to me, "You can't leave, you know that."

"Tell me where he's going," I demanded.

He looked between the other three Tags in silent conversation.

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