XXX; *EXTRA* Family Reunion

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Zion had done everything in his power to keep me calm throughout our ride to New York, but I still couldn't stop worrying.

What if she doesn't want to see me?

What if she thinks I forgot about her?

What if she wants nothing to do with our family?

Zion snaked an arm around my waist, quickly catching me as my legs turned to jelly outside of the then parked vehicle, "I got you, ma."

I sighed heavily and eventually gained back my land legs, glancing down to see Kadeem holding each of the twins' hands as they glanced around.

We were currently standing on the wide porch of Lucius Sinn's favored multimillion dollar mansion, which was intimidating enough without not knowing how Seven would react.

The door opened and a maid welcomed us inside, sitting us in the living room before excusing herself to fetch Seven and Lucius.

"This is driving me crazy," I muttered before pulling Kayla into my lap, focusing on her innocent questions instead of my dark thoughts. Zion wrapped an arm around me and the boys, holding us all close as he delivered kisses to my neck. I smiled and moved away, "now isn't the time."

He only rolled his eyes before delivering a kiss to my lips. Kadeem made a face and I laughed at his reaction.

"You better stay that way forever," I reminded him, earning a laugh in return.

I'd just taken my eyes off of him when a very pregnant Seven entered the room, Lucius trailing behind her. My sister hadn't changed a bit, minus the baby bump. I watched her freeze at the sight of me before grasping Lucius's wrist, her face full of shock.

I slid Kayla over to Kadeem before standing, Zion right behind me after muttering a stern 'behave' to our children. I approached her, moving around the coffee table as Zion followed.

I stopped short of making any physical contact, not knowing if she even wanted me this close—

"I missed you so much," she sobbed as she pulled me into a sideways hug, given her enlarged stomach. I returned the sentiment before backing away to look her over as she spoke, "I thought you hated me."

I furrowed my brow, "I could never hate you, Seven. I thought you hated me."

She laughed through her tears, "I don't hate you, Gi. I didn't run away because of you."

"I read the letter you left," I nodded, "but I always felt so guilty. I missed your entire childhood because—"

"Because of Georgia, not because you chose not to be there," she reminded me. "I missed you so much—both of you."

She pulled Zion into a side hug as well. They held a short conversation before my husband moved to meet her fiancée. We gushed over our rings and the children before something was slipped into my hand.

I removed the envelope and gasped, "Seven."

"There's one for you, and another for Bianca," she smiled. "I want you both to come to our wedding and be bridesmaids— if you'd be my maid of honor—"

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